this is not a joke

Chapter 139 The paper figurine's mission

Chapter 139 The paper figurine's mission

Team Leader He didn't think about it, he thought that Wei'an was going to burn some joss stick paper money for Si Sanniang, and he immediately agreed.

"No problem, but the staff of our unit will also specially burn some incense sticks and paper money for Si Sanniang, the director has specifically ordered it."

After a while, someone sent Wei An a box full of incense paper money.

Wei'an also received a special payment from the crematorium here, because he didn't have a bank account here, so people took out the money and gave him cash.

Combining the several sums of money received before, Wei An took out all the money, called Team Leader He and several staff to his side, and directly put all the money in the hands of the confused Team Leader He.

"This money is not for you, please give it to Si Sanniang's two children for me. No matter whether they will enter the orphanage or be raised by his father, this money can only be spent on them, not on anything else." People." Wei An said.

Team Leader He froze for a moment.

After a while, he couldn't restrain his excitement, nodded heavily, and while wrapping the money in a black plastic bag, he said: "Unexpectedly, the master's thoughts are so clear that he has reached such a state! I guarantee that the money will be worth a lot." It's all spent on the two children, and no one can take it away from me except them!"

Not long after, a staff member ran over happily and congratulated the team leader, "Team leader, Si Sanniang's body has been successfully cremated!"

Coming out of the crematorium, Wei An felt as if he had passed away.


Although there is only one solitaire game this time, it contains three tasks, and the difficulty of completing it is even more difficult than an F-level ghost story.

But this time he didn't use plot speculation or role positioning. Wei An found that in this Solitaire game, as long as he was serious and meticulous, he could basically solve it.

Currently, the characters in those groups are Lying Corpse, Ashes, Paper Man and Old Ghost. Among them, Lying Corpse and Ashes have released solitaire missions, while the remaining paper figures and old ghosts have not yet released.

Now Wei An seriously suspects that the next task will be a paper man, and most of the next Solitaire will involve that intersection, and then he will know what is going on with Jiang Jialiang.

After carrying a box of joss paper money to the car, Wei An quickly drove away from the crematorium.

He did not go to other places in the city, but returned to the library by the same route.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't have the desire to explore, it's really dangerous to do so, if you don't go to explore other strange talk areas within the scope of the mission, you will inevitably put yourself in a dangerous place.

At that time, the serious consequences will be borne by oneself.

After parking the car, he didn't touch the box of incense paper money in the back row of the car. After entering the lobby, he went straight to the second floor and sat down in the computer area.

Just put your hands in front of the computer, before you have time to type, new words appear on the chat interface in the group.

Ember: You're back so soon, it's only been one day!
Wei An: Otherwise, how long do you think it will take?
Ashes: At least three days.

Lying Corpse: Can I give out red envelopes now?

This guy used to be beaten to death for grabbing red envelopes!Wei'an didn't want to talk about the red envelope with it all the time, so he sent out the 3.46 yuan he received at the beginning.

Sure enough, the "lying corpse" had the fastest hand speed, as if his appearance was born for the red envelope, and he was the first to grab the red envelope with only one.

Lying Corpse: Haha, uh, this seems to be mine.

Wei An: Let's talk about Solitaire.

Ashes: Paper figurine, are you there?

Paper figurine: Come here, I have already visited the crematorium when you were chatting just now, and the last wish of the three corpse guards has been properly fulfilled, this guy seems to have won the unanimous approval of all the staff of the crematorium praise.

Lying Corpse: Oh, yes!

Ashes: Has that place been…

Paper figurine: Don't worry, everything in the crematorium is in good condition, and you can continue to play next time.

Ashes was obviously afraid that Wei'an would play off the solitaire scene in the hospital like in the first mission, but this time after the paper man's inspection by the blind man, the scene was in good condition, so it was relieved.

Wei An murmured to himself, "I've already restrained myself. I didn't even take out the bloody hammer. It's impossible to cause damage."

In fact, even if he got the incomplete playing card later, he only got it after fulfilling the last wish of guarding the corpse, and Si Sanniang didn't resist.

On the way back just now, Wei An had compared them. The two incomplete poker cards were the same card, and the suit was King of Hearts.

Wei An still remembers the first metal card he obtained as a trade in the black hole in the strange talk of the "hospital mortuary". The suit was King of Clubs.

But because the hairs were not taken away, but burned on the spot, the trading reward, that is, the King of Plum Blossoms, disappeared.

Now the two incomplete cards in this hand seem to be one-third short, and we will see if there will be similar things in the Solitaire game later.

Wei An is looking forward to whether these three cards can be combined into an item similar to the Metal Club King last time.

This prop must be of great use. I missed it last time. This time I must seize the opportunity and take one to see what's going on.

At this time, the old ghost who had been seldom speaking spoke up.

Old ghost: Continuing with the solitaire just now, now Wei An will publish it first, and Wei An, your target audience is the paper figurine.

Wei An knew that after he released it, it would be the paper figurine's turn to release it for him, because they followed the ABCBDB release model.

And I am that B, no matter whose turn it is next, the next one will be me.

Wei An thought for a while, and quickly released the solitaire task for the paper figurine.

However, he knew that he was unable to issue complex tasks. He could only symbolically prove that he had this right, but it could not change the fact that he was still oppressed by these guys.

[Please "Paper Man" name a game you are best at. 】

paper man:? ? ?The best?
Wei An: Yes, it was the game you were good at when you released Solitaire.

Paper figurine: Isn't this simple?How about this, I won't talk about it, I just release the game mission I am best at right now, wouldn't it be better for you to start experiencing it directly?

Wei An: With this answer, does Solitaire have been completed?
Old Ghost: It can be counted.

Wei An: Well then, you can post it.

Wei An's tone was full of helplessness, but in fact he was secretly delighted, because according to his speculation, among the missions released by the paper man, there is a high possibility that there are missions related to burning paper at the crossroads, which is Jiang Jialiang's existence. that task.

And in this task, it successfully controlled Jiang Jialiang in the strange talk, which is something the paper figurine can show off.If you want to say what it is best at, I am sure this guy will think of this task at the first thought.

So with Wei An reminding him like this, the chances of this task appearing in the next step will become much higher.

Not long after, the mission of the paper figurine was announced.

["Wei An" please arrive at the Moonlight Crossroad at [-]:[-] midnight tonight, burn the paper money at the crossroads and knock on the mouth of the bowl. During this process, the paper money cannot be extinguished, and don't let anyone interrupt you, otherwise the consequences will be serious .After you have burned all the paper money, incense candles, etc., put a bowl of yin-yang rice on the roadside upside down on the paper money, and then leave the intersection. No matter who is calling you behind you, don't look back.Once you're done with that, come back. 】

(End of this chapter)

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