this is not a joke

Chapter 142 Jiang Jialiang

Chapter 142 Jiang Jialiang (Part [-])
A chill came from behind.

Because the direction was not from Wei An's side, he couldn't turn his head to look, and didn't know what was approaching behind him.

Paper money was still being burned in front of him, and bowls were still being knocked on.

Suddenly, a cold breath came from the back of his neck, which meant that the person standing behind him was not a living person.

Following the icy cold breath, an arm that was completely purple and indigo, which could not be identified as male or female, stretched out from the back of his right shoulder, and grabbed the burning paper money.

Wei An was startled, he still remembered that the task was not to let himself be disturbed by the process of burning the paper money, so before he had time to think about it, he immediately threw the paper money that he was planning to burn slowly into the burning fire.

The fire was disrupted with a puff, and the flame flickered. The hand that stretched out paused, and immediately retracted.

Wei An felt a biting cold air on the back of his neck again, and he opened his mouth immediately, as if talking to himself: "You can't steal it, what is yours is yours after all, after the burning, it will naturally It’s in your hands, if it’s not yours, don’t force it.”

The slender black figure just now was probably the monster that I saw on the side wall of the hospital last time. This monster should not have appeared here, but in this strange talk.

So when it suddenly appeared and wanted to be unfavorable to Wei An, after encountering the weirdness that belonged to this strange story, it chose to run away immediately.

It's not that the slender black shadow can't handle the guy behind Wei An, Wei An suspects, it should feel that there is no need to conflict with the strangeness of the aborigines in this strange story.

It's possible that guy doesn't want his whereabouts to be exposed. After all, this strange story is not controlled by the old ghost and others in the social software, but the "her" behind it.

If "she" finds out, the slender black shadow probably won't have any good fruit to eat.

Not long after Wei An finished speaking, the guy behind him stretched out another purple-blue arm from behind his left shoulder.

This time, the object it wanted to grab was the bowl of yin-yang rice with incense sticks in it.

Wei An barely hesitated, and the chopsticks in his hand that were knocking on the bowl slammed down on the purple-blue arm.

The outstretched arm was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect to be beaten!
"I said, what's yours is yours after all. When I finish burning the money and offering the food, it will belong to you the moment I turn around and leave. But it's not over yet. If you reach out again, I'll stick my chopsticks directly into the On the back of your hand." Wei An's tone became strong and full of threats at this moment.

He didn't intend to do anything, and he didn't seem to be able to use violence against these monsters in this mission, but that didn't mean he couldn't threaten them.

After saying that, Wei An took the bloody hammer out of the inventory while the paper money was still burning, and placed it carelessly at his feet.

The purple blue arm quickly retracted, and the coldness behind him quickly disappeared, and it was obvious that this guy had already left.

At this time, the paper money was about to be burned, but half of the joss stick was left.

Wei An immediately leaned forward and dragged the box of paper money and joss sticks that he had just prepared. He didn't take out the joss sticks, but just took out the paper money from the cardboard box, and threw some into the burning fire again.

The flame that was about to go out started to burn again after the new paper money was added, and Wei An continued to knock on the bowl.

Not long after the coldness behind him disappeared, there were other movements again.

But this time Wei An heard it very clearly. It was not just one person's footsteps, but densely packed footsteps, coming from different streets at the intersection, gathering in his direction.

He made a rough estimate, and felt that there were at least a dozen people.

These footsteps all stopped less than two meters behind him, and there was no other sound coming from them quietly.

At this time, there is still a small half of the lit joss stick unburned, and the paper money in the fire is about to burn out again.

Wei An took another bundle of the paper money he brought, unwrapped it with only one hand and rubbed it apart, and then threw them into the fire one by one, so that the flame above the paper money would not be extinguished.

There are still footsteps approaching one after another behind him, and he no longer knows how many people are standing behind him.

But the strange thing is that there are no other voices. If you don't pay attention, it will give people the illusion that there is no one behind them.

"There are so many people, I'm afraid there are only a dozen pieces of paper money for each person, but this bowl of rice is not enough, not enough for each person." Wei An muttered to himself.

Since it's not enough, I'll burn more paper money for you, and just don't follow yourself after you're done.

Thinking of this, Wei An opened a bundle again, and threw the paper money into the fire in an orderly manner, making sure that the paper money would be burnt just when the incense burnt out.

Of course, even if the paper money in the carton is not burned out, he is not going to take it away. If he stays here, what are those weird people doing?

This time, the people standing behind did not make trouble, nor did they directly reach out to grab him like before.

However, Wei An could clearly feel the extremely oppressive atmosphere, and a scene could not be suppressed in his mind. Dozens of men and women with pale faces and strange movements stood behind him with their hands down, without blinking their eyes. Staring at himself, the burning fire, and the bowl of yin-yang rice that was not enough.

After a while, the lit joss sticks were burned out one by one, and Wei An didn't throw in any more paper money. The open flame of the fire was no longer visible, but there were still some paper money buried inside that hadn't burned through.

But it doesn't matter anymore, his task has been completed.

Wei An stopped knocking on the bowl, took out the fine incense tail stuck in the bowl and threw it away, then placed the two chopsticks flat by the fire, and was about to pick up the Yin Yang rice.

At this moment, he was startled for a moment, and saw a pair of feet suddenly appeared in front of the bowl of rice, wearing cloth shoes with two delicate red flowers embroidered on the toe of the cloth shoes.

These feet don't belong to a man at first glance, but belong to a woman, and the age should not be very old, but Wei An dare not look up.

Now that he has finished his work, as long as he doesn't care about anything and leaves step by step, it will be over.

This woman should be wearing a shroud, and Wei An could see a little of the hem of the shroud out of the corner of his eye, but the style was completely different from Si Sanniang, and the texture was obviously much better.

After being stunned for a moment, he didn't delay anymore, lifted the bowl with both hands, put the whole Yin-Yang rice upside down on the burnt paper money fire, then put the bloody hammer back into the inventory, stood up, lowered his head, and didn't look around indiscriminately , walk away.

Just after taking a few steps, the sound of dense footsteps behind him suddenly sounded, and then the sound of snatching came out.

From Wei'an's point of view, these should be homeless and weird, which is why they are so desperate to snatch them.

But the woman in the shroud just now should not be homeless, so there is no need to snatch the paper money, incense candles and a bowl of Yin-Yang rice like other weirdos.

Wei'an begins to suspect the reason for her presence.

Just when he had just walked about ten steps, he suddenly found that on the right side of the intersection, there was another person squatting there burning paper money.

He immediately tilted his head slightly, not daring to look back, but only looked at the person burning paper money on the side, and quickly determined that that person was Jiang Jialiang without a doubt!

Without any doubts, Wei An immediately changed the direction of leaving, and walked quickly towards Jiang Jialiang who was squatting.

 Three shifts today.

(End of this chapter)

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