this is not a joke

Chapter 144 Report

Chapter 144 Reporting (The third update, add an update for Liao Yubin!)

Footsteps approached quickly, but Wei An still didn't get in the car.

After separating the two hands of the woman in the shroud, he found another incomplete poker card in the woman's hand.

He stuffed it into his pocket, and at this moment the fastest starving ghost was approaching, bared his teeth, and flew towards Wei An.

The moment Wei An stepped onto the car door, he thrust the Tang Dao into the guy's stomach with his backhand and yanked it violently. The starving ghost jumped aside with the closed car door.

After the SUV started and drove a few meters away, the doors locked automatically. At the same time, a large number of starving ghosts pounced on the front of the car, lying on the windshield, and several left and right rearview mirrors were hanging from the car.

The rearview mirrors on both sides broke one after another, Wei An didn't stop, but accelerated his pace to overturn the starving ghosts and drove forward.

Several starving ghosts lying on the front of the car tightly grasped the edge and did not fall. Not only that, but two or three of them directly opened their mouths, and vomited yellow liquid from their mouths, which sprayed all over the windshield, blocking it. out of sight.

Wei An immediately turned on the windshield wipers, and at the same time slammed on the brakes.

After throwing out all the starving ghosts in the front of the car, Wei An started the SUV again and rushed out quickly.

After running for tens of meters, he heard people crawling on the roof of the car. Wei An ignored them and instead of slowing down when turning the street, he increased the accelerator and slammed the steering wheel.

Immediately, two more starving ghosts were thrown down from the roof of the car.

In the process, the place where the paper was burnt just now has been stamped by several wheels beyond recognition.

After driving another few hundred meters, there was no sound outside the car. There should be no starving ghost lying on the car.

Wei An glanced sideways at Jiang Jialiang who was sitting in the back row, and saw that he was gasping for breath with a terrified expression on his face. Judging by the frequency of his eye movements, most of his consciousness should have recovered, and he was quite frightened by the scene just now. .

"Can you hear me?" Wei An said, "Just now you were fascinated and lost your mind. Now you should start to recover slowly. Let's go back to the library first."

After finishing the sentence, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Jialiang again, and saw that this guy's eyes were wider than before, and his face was full of fear, staring straight at the front of the car.

An ominous feeling rose in Wei An's heart, and he turned his head immediately, and saw a thin and long black shadow appearing on the hood outside the windshield under the moonlight, gradually spreading to the windshield, still Spread upwards inch by inch.

"This guy is here again!"

Wei An was startled, and immediately stepped on the accelerator to speed up, and then repeated his old tricks, shaking the steering wheel several times like before, and slamming on the brakes several times, but the long and thin black shadow remained motionless and continued to spread upwards. Completely takes up the entire windshield.

At this moment, Wei An's line of sight was blocked again, and he slowed down the speed of the car.

It was a complete accident to meet this guy, and it is precisely this kind of accident that will be the most fatal if one does not handle it well.

Wei An stopped thinking about it, and immediately started "Story Speculation", and two plots quickly appeared in his mind.

[Plot 1: You thought that as long as you knocked off the windshield, the slender black figure would fall down, so after slowing down the speed of the car, you raised your left foot and kicked the windshield hard several times.Sure enough, the windshield fell, but the black shadow didn't fall at all, but jumped into the car while the glass was broken.Your arm holding the steering wheel was instantly entangled by a black shadow, the car lost control, rushed up the curb, and crashed into a flower bed.Ni's chest was hard pressed against by the steering wheel and sunken in.With all your might, you took out the Bloody Hammer and Tang Dao to greet the shadow continuously, but it didn't work at all.The probability of this scenario happening is 90%]

[Plot 2: You understand that this shadow has no entity, so it is impossible to harm the opponent with traditional weapons.You cast the "Consciousness Strengthening" skill again, which is the only time you can cast it in this ghost story, so you apply your consciousness to the bloody hammer, the idea is that the hammer can not only crush physical entities, but also shatter some non-physical things.After hitting it with a hammer, the black shadow trembled slightly, but the ability to strengthen consciousness was too weak, so it could only shake the black shadow, not shatter it.Your neck has been grabbed by its arms at this moment, and it is quickly tightened, and it becomes difficult for you to breathe. At this time, Jiang Jialiang, who was sitting in the back row, had injured his head from the impact just now and passed out.You threw out the five emperors' money, which is invalid.You used Liu Gui's eyeballs to try to find the weakness of Sombra, but it was ineffective.Your consciousness begins to slacken, you GG.The probability of this scenario happening is 90%]

Although there are a lot of words in the plot speculation, Wei An directly obtained all the information through his mind. During the process, he kept the vehicle driving smoothly and quickly.

The windshield can't be kicked, and the door can't be opened. Wei An knows that although there is nothing that can stop the shadow from entering the car, because that guy is not an entity at all, but at least he can let it in slowly now.

Sure enough, the black shadow was like a puddle of water, slowly penetrating along the gap between the windshield and the A-pillar inside the car, but it still took some time.

Now Wei An knew that no matter what weapon or method he used, the result of dealing with this guy would be ineffective.

However, in the plot speculation, he still has a skill that has not been shown, and that is one of the golden fingers in the plot editor, positioning the character.

Wei An immediately activated the "positioning role", and in his field of vision, somewhere in the city that was blocked by the heavy buildings, a red bright spot flashed in front of Wei An's right.

But at this time, because the black shadow was already penetrating into the car, the sight through the windshield became clear again, and he immediately drove the car towards the direction where the red bright spot was flashing.

Jiang Jialiang regained his sanity a lot. Seeing that Wei An seemed to be only caring about driving, he had no time to stop the black shadow that was about to enter the car.

The guy immediately took off his shoes, rushed to the front row, and slammed the black shadow that had half penetrated.

Wei An was slightly taken aback when he saw his attacking style. He mainly used the soles of his shoes to hit people. This attacking method should be exclusive to those old women, and it is rare to see this attacking method now.

But Wei An didn't know that Jiang Jialiang had been under control during this time, either burning paper money or lighting incense sticks, or burning paper figurines, hitting villains with shoe soles...

His current attack method is completely subconscious, and it is his attack experience after being confused for the past few days.

But having said that, with this dozen, the speed at which the black shadow came in became even slower.

"Hey, it's still useful!" Wei An immediately took off his shoes and handed them over to Jiang Jialiang to help attack Sombra.

I heard Jiang Jialiang say while beating bang bang bang: "The smellier the shoes, the more effective the attack."

Wei An said regretfully: "Unfortunately, my dad didn't come!"

In the process of Jiang Jialiang stopping the black shadow, Wei An's speed became faster and faster, and he followed the flashing red dot in his field of vision and approached rapidly.

But soon Jiang Jialiang said: "Quickly think of other ways, it..."

Before he could finish speaking, his voice suddenly became hoarse. Wei An turned his head and saw that Hei Ying's arm had already grabbed his throat.

Not only that, almost all of Soi Ying's body has come in, and his body is holding Jiang Jialiang's other hand, and the other hand is grabbing towards himself.

The vibration of the SUV didn't seem to have anything to do with the black shadow. No matter how Wei An turned the steering wheel, the slender black shadow didn't shake, and quickly grabbed his throat.

An extremely terrifying sense of oppression descended, and Wei An couldn't breathe for a moment.

But even though he was holding his breath, he didn't let go of the steering wheel with his hands. At this time, the SUV had deviated from the road and entered a small road that could only be used by one car.

Wei An's face was flushed, he flicked the steering wheel again, kicked the car hard, and parked the car in front of a deserted three-story residential building.

At the same moment, the pressure on the throat instantly eased, and the black figure seemed to sense something was wrong. This guy's strength was obviously much stronger than the other monsters, so the sensory power also had to be stronger.

The black shadow squirmed and lay on the right side of the car window, as if looking outside.

Wei An cleared his throat, pressed the car window and said, "Ma'am, this weird trespasser! I want to report it!"

 Regarding Jiageng, there are two leaders and another book friend who has obtained the admission notice, as well as the monthly ticket Jiageng, the old dog is slow, let me pay it back slowly (*T_T*)
(End of this chapter)

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