this is not a joke

Chapter 146 Simple Tasks

Chapter 146 Simple Tasks (Please Subscribe!)

Wei An: I don't want to!Are you blind?I can't see that I have completed the solitaire mission and have already left, and your tool man is still running to chase me.

Paper Man: That's because you kidnapped my people.

Wei An: I'm sorry, because I know him and happened to meet him, so it's impossible not to call him!Also, he is not one of you, he is still alive, not dead.

Paper figurines: Come out!This guy not only kidnapped my people, but also ruined my scene, what else is he playing?What a fart!I'm going to kill him!

It obviously didn't say this to Wei An, but to the other companions.

Sure enough, everyone quickly started to speak.

Lying Corpse: I also agree to kill him!This guy is a miser, a penny-pinching cock!
Ashes: Don't get excited, paper figurine, have you seen it clearly?Your scene is indeed destroyed?Still being robbed?

Paper figurine: I'm so blind, look at a chicken feather!I don't need to look at it to know, it was this kid who ruined it!
Ashes: Then I agree to kill him.

Paper Man: I suspect that he is not an ordinary participant at all, he came in with a purpose, we were all deceived!
Wei'an: I'm definitely not an ordinary participant, but I've entered the ghost talk several times. Is there any problem?Haven't you met participants who have participated in several strange talks before?
Ashes: Although what you said is correct, I always feel that something is wrong.

Lying Corpse: I feel the same way.

Paper Man: As long as something feels wrong, you can kill him. Do you guys do it or I do it myself?
Wei An: Are you going to appear directly in this library?
Paper figurine: There are a hundred ways to kill you and me.

Wei An: But you broke the rules of the game of Solitaire.

A few seconds later, Wei An copied and pasted the Solitaire game released by the paper doll just now.

["Wei An" please arrive at the Moonlight Crossroad at [-]:[-] midnight tonight, burn the paper money at the crossroads and knock on the mouth of the bowl. During this process, the paper money cannot be extinguished, and don't let anyone interrupt you, otherwise the consequences will be serious .After you have burned all the paper money, incense candles, etc., put a bowl of yin-yang rice on the roadside upside down on the paper money, and then leave the intersection. No matter who is calling you behind you, don't look back.Once you're done with that, come back. 】

Wei An: Please open your eyes and see which one I have violated.The paper money has been burning without interruption, and neither is the knocking on the bowl.Finally, after burning the paper money, I put the bowl upside down on the paper money fire and left, and I didn't look back during the period.Did my mission fail?

Lying Corpse: ...

Paper Man: But you kidnapped my people and ruined my scene!

Wei An: Was the scene where you were the only one destroyed?I'm just completing the task, whether the scene will be destroyed or not is out of my control.Look at people lying dead, is the scene of Moonlight Hospital still there?But has anyone ever said a word of complaint?Do you think everyone is like you, narrow-minded and selfish to the extreme!What's more, I didn't cause this on purpose, it was because I wanted to call away my acquaintances, and it was your people who went crazy.

After waiting for a while, no one spoke.

Wei'an continued: "Paper man, now I haven't broken the rules of the game at all, but have successfully completed it."You want to kill me because of this, you broke the rules first, who would dare to play your solitaire game in the future?Who dares to participate?Didn't you say that at the beginning?I can't see you, because if I see you, I must die. Now that you want to appear, does it also mean that I must die?
After waiting for a while, no one spoke.

Wei An didn't say anything, just sat in front of the computer, staring at the chat interface.

Jiang Jialiang has been standing by the side watching, ever since the paper figurine said that he wanted to kill Wei An, he felt terrified.

Mainly in Jiang Jialiang's mind, he has always believed that after entering this strange talk as a participant, he is obviously on the weak side, and he must be careful when dealing with the weird bosses in these strange talks.

Who knew that Wei An's performance at this moment was so violent that the other party couldn't even speak!Where is this a participant? Jiang Jialiang feels that Wei An is the weirdness in this weird talk, even stronger than these weirdnesses.

Of course, it was still a little worse than the woman he saw just now, no, it was a lot.

After waiting for a while, the old ghost's text message appeared, and this guy spoke.

Old ghost: Wei An has already completed the task released by the paper figurine just now.Enter the last mission Solitaire.

Wei An: So this matter is over?
Old Ghost: Passed.

Wei An: Good.I remember when Ashes, Lying Corpse and Paper Man introduced me the rules of Solitaire at the beginning, they said that after completing three missions, I would transform from a rookie to an old man. Now that I have completed all three missions, am I already an old man?
Old Ghost: Yes.

Wei An: Then as an old man, we can no longer use the rules for newcomers, that is, I am no longer a B all the time, and I don’t want to engage in any ABCBDB model.

Ember: Now it's time for you to release the mission.

Wei An: Okay, my target audience is...

Old Ghost: Me.

Wei An shrugged, quickly edited the task content, and sent it to the chat interface.

[The "old ghost" please take the paper figurines, ashes and lying corpses to No. 66 Shangyi Road, and search all the abandoned houses. 】

Lying Corpse: Is there any point in searching this house?

Wei An: You don't have to search for anything, just complete this action.

Ashes: I don't understand that you are issuing tasks to the old ghost, why did you call us?

Wei An: You have to figure it out, it's the old ghost who called you, and it has nothing to do with me.

Paper figurine: You are changing the concept secretly!Tasks were issued to all of us in disguise.

Wei An: Is it not allowed by the rules?
paper man:? ? ?
Ashes: The rules did not say anything.

Wei An: If I am not alone, I believe you will assign the first three tasks to me and my teammates in the same way. There is actually no difference.

Old Ghost: Why did you go to No. 66 Shangyi Road?As far as I can remember, it was remote.

Wei An: On the way back just now, I saw a billboard for rent on the side of the road, so I released this task casually.You also know that I am not familiar with the place here, and I don't have any scenes to use, so I can only do such a simple task.

There was a pause, no one spoke.

Wei An: Can we start?
Old Ghost: Let's start.

After seeing this sentence, Wei An pushed the keyboard drawer inward, moved the stool behind him, rested his hands on the back of his head, and stared at the computer screen.

Jiang Jialiang beside him was shocked.

After a long time, Jiang Jialiang asked: "Brother An, are you asking them to meet the woman who scavenged just now?"

"Yeah." Wei An nodded, "In their conversation at the beginning, I found that these guys were very jealous of that woman. If I expected, that woman is the master of this strange story, the most powerful monster, they They were all afraid."

"You're doing this to make them all pissed off at the scavenger woman, and then make them go all the way like you did with the slender black figure just now?" Jiang Jialiang speculated.

"It's almost like this." Wei An replied, "But I also want to take this opportunity to see how the monsters of different camps in the same monster story survive with each other, and it's possible that the scavenger woman is their boss. Let these few people run this strange talk, we will not know all this until they have tried it."

After a pause, Wei An said again: "At least these people don't know the whereabouts of the scavenger woman right now. If they rush there rashly, there will definitely be no good fruit to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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