Chapter 149
Chen Fang and Pei Na, one holding a glass paperweight and the other holding a wordless book, walked carefully all the way to the second floor.

They didn't make any noise along the way, but after entering the computer area on the second floor, Chen Fang accidentally bumped into a register that was placed on the table at the entrance.

The registration book fell on the ground, Chen Fang and Pei Na were taken aback, they did not bend down to pick it up, but immediately looked at other places in the computer area.

In their feelings, although they didn't know the reason, Chen Fang suddenly felt that this place seemed much stranger than before, although the decorations there hadn't changed.

And Pei Na relied on her intuition that she had trained for many years, she could clearly feel the big difference, as if this computer area had undergone some kind of complete change.

"I feel like someone is staring at me now." Pei Na whispered to Chen Fang, "It's not the kind of spying, it's just... It seems that there are more than just the two of us here, and there are other things."

Chen Fang immediately put the glass paperweight in her hands and placed it in front of her chest, carefully looked around, and went to the sixth computer to look, but found nothing.

Pei Na put the wordless book on her stomach, tied it with a belt, and then groped for the hidden buckle of the belt, then pulled out a long and thin metal stick, and slightly twisted the head of the metal stick.

The entire metal rod immediately changed from a limp state to extremely firm. It seemed that this thing would hurt if it was hit on a person.

For some reason, the weapon on Pei Na's body can still be used after entering this ghost story.

The two soon reunited, and Chen Fang said: "If something is wrong here, why not... we find another place?"

Pei Na didn't answer her, but turned her head sideways, as if she was listening to the movement in this place.

After a moment of stalemate, Pei Na suddenly squatted down, her expression became extremely cautious, her back was slightly arched, and her limbs were tense, like a leopard that would pounce on its target at any time.

Chen Fang had never seen Pei Na like this, but she heard Wei An mention that Pei Na had received special training.

The special training of dare to love originally refers to the present situation!

Frightened by Pei Na's appearance, Chen Fang immediately pressed her back against the wall, not daring to vent her anger.

Suddenly, Pei Na violently waved the metal stick in her hand towards the empty air.

The blow clearly hit something, sending a crash through the air.

And Pei Na immediately rolled on the spot after the blow, leaning against Chen Fang and pressing her back against the wall.

"What?" Chen Fang asked in surprise.

"Weird, it should be an invisible monster?!" Pei Na replied in a low voice.

"Were you in the computer area just now?" Chen Fang asked again.

Pei Na nodded, and then said softly: "This should be the inexplicable weirdness mentioned in the mission. We can't see its body, so it can sneak attack us at any time while hiding in the dark."

"Then it's not suitable to stay in this place for a long time!" Chen Fang immediately urged Pei Na to leave.

However, the two of them did not act immediately, but waited for a while to make sure that the surroundings were safe before leaving the computer area quietly.

"Our every move may be seen by the invisible monster." Pei Na said: "Find a place that is not easy to find and wait."

"it is good."

Chen Fang and she are going to find a hidden corner in the reading area, observe the situation clearly, and then make further plans.

At this moment, in the southwest corner of the reading area, many books suddenly fell from the bookshelves. Although the sound was not loud, it was too quiet here at the moment, which still attracted the attention of Chen Fang and Pei Na.

The two of them did not get close, but took a look from a distance. With the help of the bright moonlight outside the library, they saw that the fallen books had blocked the way to the southwest corner of the reading area.

Not only that, after these books fell, they were all opened strangely, and all the opened pages were facing up.

"That place is weird, don't get close." The two immediately made a judgment.

Then they found the reading area in the northeast corner, where they carefully hid.


When Jiang Jialiang blocked the way with books, Wei An was not idle.

He carefully inspected the knee that was hit just now, and found a small, thin white mark in the middle of the slightly swollen knee.

"There are no scratch marks, and there are no traces after being hit by a heavy object. This white mark is..." Wei An groped carefully on the wound for a moment, and suspicion arose in his heart.

It was like being hit by some kind of object, and although this kind of object was small, it was very powerful.

But it should be a tentative attack, otherwise his kneecap should be shattered instead of just swollen.

At this time, Jiang Jialiang had finished the arrangement and came back to sit beside Wei An.

Wei An said: "Help me look at the injury on the knee, I feel like it was a mark of being beaten by some object, if it was caused by something weird, why didn't it just tear my leg directly, but now there is no skin left break?"

Jiang Jialiang immediately leaned over, looked carefully, and pressed the swollen part with his hands.

"It seems to be like this. Did Brother An ever get whipped by a teacher's pointer when he was a child?" He said, "I feel like he was whipped by a pointer, but it's obviously a lot harder."

As a three-good student in the school and an "honest student" in the eyes of the teacher, Wei'an was inconspicuous since he was a child, and he had never been taught. After hearing Jiang Jialiang's question, he froze for a moment, then shook his head.

"I didn't get whipped by the teacher when I was young, but I witnessed other students being beaten, especially those who skipped class and went out to play with me. Several people were beaten hard. It will take several days to disappear." Jiang Jialiang said.

Wei An smiled and said: "You are a descendant of the Jiang family, the teacher doesn't look at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha, so naturally he dare not attack you, so those few friends of yours are the ones who have blamed you."

Jiang Jialiang blushed, nodded and said: "Well, it should be like this, it looks like being whipped by a pointer."

"The pointer?" Wei An tried hard to recall.

Not long after, he felt that there should be no problem with his actions, and he suddenly stood up. To Jiang Jialiang's surprise, he shouted loudly into the empty reading area, "Pei Na? Chen Fang?"

Jiang Jialiang was startled, and almost covered his mouth with his hand, and hurriedly said, "Are they there too? You're not afraid of calling me that..."

Wei An waved his hand, "Now the whole thing is weird and there is a problem. The three of us were together at the time, but now I am the only one who gets into the strange story, but you also know that this is a strange story with many people, why is there a strange story with many people? Will I be the only one coming in? If it's me alone, I shouldn't be able to come in!"

"So..." Jiang Jialiang guessed.

"So they may have also entered into this strange talk, but they didn't stay with me after they came in, but went to other places." Wei An said: "The few weirdos in the social group APP may look a little nervous, but in fact they are from the city. It is very deep, no matter how you go around, it will put the participants at a disadvantage and keep performing the solitaire task."

After a pause, Wei An continued to analyze: "It is very possible that from the moment the three of us entered the ghost talk, we have been targeted by these guys and made some changes with the rules of this ghost talk. For example, I am responsible for completing the solitaire task , and they exist as set-up scene tools, similar to role-playing."

(End of this chapter)

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