this is not a joke

Chapter 151 What a slippery foot!

Chapter 151 What a slippery foot!
I don't know what's here, Chen Fang can't see anything at the moment, but after hearing Pei Na's reminder, she still turned around and ran away immediately.

And Pei Na wanted to flee immediately after she fled, but her clothes tightened at the back of her neck, and she was suddenly lifted by an invisible force, and her feet were off the ground.

Pei Na reacted quickly, her body shrank suddenly, her legs were bent together, and she kicked backwards, feeling as if she had stepped on something, but she couldn't see anything.

With the force of this push, Pei Na escaped from control, but the collar was firmly grasped by the invisible force, with a crash, the coat was torn, and she was suspended in mid-air alone.

While wearing only black underwear on her upper body, she rolled in the air, landed steadily, and immediately followed Chen Fang's running direction.

The clothes suspended in the air fell down after a while.

The tables and chairs in this place have been knocked to pieces, and some are damaged, but at this moment, there is no further movement.


The sounds of the reading table exploding and being bumped and moved reached Wei'an's ears.

At this moment, Jiang Jialiang searched for pens, but came back to Wei An after finding nothing. There was a loud noise in the reading area outside. The two looked at each other, and hurried over cautiously.

When they came here, they found that the reading desk was in a mess, and the desk next to the poster was cracked, and the desktop was nearly half damaged, and it was crooked and ready to fall over at any time.

Wei An quickly walked to the poster and took a look.

Jiang Jialiang also followed at this time. After seeing the blood on the poster, he was surprised and said: "Brother An, is this... did you just write it?"

"Well, I didn't find a pen, so I wrote it with my finger." Wei An stretched out his index finger, and saw a gash on the belly of his finger. The wound was not too big, and there was no more bleeding.

"Do you suspect that both Chen Fang and Pei Na are here?" Jiang Jialiang asked.

"I'll talk about it later." Wei An turned his head and looked around, "This place is not safe right now."

The two quickly returned to the corner just now.

After confirming that the opened books had not been touched, Wei An lowered his voice and said: "Now we know that the weirdness in the strange talk is not all united. For example, the few who are participating in Solitaire and live in Shangyi Road 66 They don’t dare to offend the scavenger, and the scavenger will not completely control them. The only requirement is that as long as the strange story is operating normally according to the order and rules.”

"Did you let them meet to prove this?" Jiang Jialiang asked.

Wei An nodded: "This is just one of the reasons, and there is another reason. I want to see what these weirdos will do after being irritated to the extreme, such as whether they can break the rules and go directly to the library to kill me. But now look Come on, the rules are also very restrictive to them, and this is why I am not afraid of their revenge."

"In fact, you have tried it before, such as bringing me back and destroying the scene of the paper man. It was just very angry and angry, and said it would kill you, but it still didn't do anything." Jiang Jialiang analyzed road.

"That's right, it's because of this incident that I dared to let them meet the scavengers, otherwise, who would think that their lives would be long?" Wei An chuckled.

After a pause, he said again: "But now this solitaire mission from the old ghost is the weirdest. I'm sure Chen Fang and Pei Na have entered into strange stories, but I haven't seen them all the time. Before the mission started, my It is speculated that we are isolated in a separate space, so we cannot see each other, but it seems that this is not the case now, the biggest possibility should be that someone is leading us to kill each other."

"Then there just now..." Jiang Jialiang said in surprise.

Wei An waved his hand: "That's why this is the weirdest thing. I ignored that there is a third party present in the middle, and this third party should have access to both of us, so..."

Before he finished speaking, Wei An cast his eyes on the floor covered with open books in front of him, and Jiang Jialiang immediately turned his head to look.

Suddenly, a shallow footprint appeared on one of the opened pages.

The two were startled, and immediately stood up. When they looked over again, they saw similar footprints appeared again on the opened pages of the fifth book, and this time they could be seen more clearly. The footprints were not wearing shoes at all, but bare fruit. with.

Wei An took out the five emperors' money and threw it directly forward.

Seeing that two copper coins just hit the invisible person, there was a pause in mid-air, and two faint white smoke emitted from the surface of the copper coins.

Immediately, the two copper coins fell quickly.

Wei An and Jiang Jialiang took advantage of this opportunity to rush forward. The moment the copper coin fell, Jiang Jialiang jabbed the black dagger at the place where the white smoke was coming out.

On the other hand, Wei An seemed to be in a hurry, he stepped on one of the books on the ground, his foot slipped, and he almost fell down. The bloody hammer in his hand was going to hit the place where the white smoke was coming out, but The body swayed, lost its aim, and slammed in another direction.

In the next second, Jiang Jialiang's black dagger didn't touch anything, and the target he killed had turned into air.

But Wei'an's here was a coincidence, the bloody hammer hit an invisible entity in the air, and a dull impact sounded, and the target was hit.

A black shadow flashed under the bloody hammer, but it disappeared quickly, and then the bookshelf next to it was knocked down by something, and a large number of books fell to the other side.

The invisible weirdness also disappeared without a trace, and Jiang Jialiang danced around with the dagger again, but didn't touch anything again.

Wei An and Jiang Jialiang immediately rearranged the seemingly scattered books, and then retreated to the original corner.

Neither of them spoke any more, they just stared ahead warily.

After a long time, Jiang Jialiang couldn't help asking: "Brother An, your hammer just now..."

"It's really slippery." Wei An interrupted him.

"But it's so accurate?" Jiang Jialiang still couldn't believe it.

"Who knows? That guy is unlucky." Wei An said.

Jiang Jialiang stared at him blankly, and asked again: "And brother An, I feel that your eyes are very red, is it because you haven't slept?"

"Where are there so many questions?" Wei An said, "Look carefully, pay attention to the books on the floor and the bookshelf next to it. I suspect that guy might be thinking of crawling over from the bookshelf."


In the bathroom on the second floor.

Chen Fang and Pei Na met soon, and then Chen Fang was startled, seeing that Pei Na was only wearing a black underwear, and the coat was missing.

However, Pei Na was not injured, she just looked a little embarrassed.

"How is it? What was that thing just now?" Chen Fang asked.

Pei Na shook her head: "It may be an invisible monster, which has never been described in the previous documents of the Administration."

"That's tricky." Chen Fang said: "We can't see it, but it can keep track of our whereabouts at all times."

"So... to make something, let that guy leave a mark."

Speaking of this, Pei Na's face suddenly changed, "Oops, I just ignored a key piece of information!"

"What key information?" Chen Fang was surprised.

Pei Na said: "Those books scattered on the ground! If it's Wei An, with that guy's care and meticulousness, he will definitely do the same when he guards against invisible monsters approaching him."

"So where are Wei An and the others?!" Chen Fang immediately became excited.

 PS: The level of the bloody hammer was wrongly written in the first two chapters. It has been changed. It is a red weapon, the super fierce one.

(End of this chapter)

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