this is not a joke

Chapter 165 The Return

Chapter 165 The Return
Not long after Wei An appeared, Pei Na was the first to rush into the computer area. It could be seen that she was worried all the time. When she saw Wei An sitting on the computer chair safe and sound, she still frowned and her eyes were fixed on Wei An. Swipe quickly.

"It's okay." Wei'an stretched out his hands and coughed twice, "Since I can come out, there will be no problem with my physical injuries."

At this time, Chen Fang, Meng Yibo and others also came from behind.

Pei Na didn't listen to Wei An's words, she still squatted down, rolled up his trouser legs, and looked at the place she had beaten, and there was no scar left.

In fact, Wei An even broke his foot, which is much more serious than what Pei Na caused, and now he can't see anything.

Pei Na asked Wei An, "Has your spirit been hurt during our absence?"

"No." Wei An shook his head, and saw Pei Na heaving a sigh of relief, looking up at herself, as if she wanted to say something to herself.

Meng Yibo happened to rush over and said: "It's fine, just rest for a few days, and report your situation inside to me. I will try not to let Jiang Jialiang's family disturb you these few days. They are treating you right now. Thank you very much, Mr. Jiang even called himself."

"Well, let's talk about the Jiang family in a few days." Wei An nodded.

He originally wanted to get up from the chair and leave, but after being tired all night in the ghost talk, he felt a great degree of psychological satisfaction after sitting down now, and he really didn't want to move.

Pei Na noticed it, and pulled the chair next to her to sit beside Wei An.

Chen Fang also came over and said: "This strange talk is really strange. The scene after we went in is actually different! I just told Team Leader Meng, and when I go back, I will write down what happened to me and Pei Na. After you write your report, remember to show it to me too, because I'm really curious."

"No problem." Wei An nodded, "This time we need to combine the two reports to make a complete one."

Since Wei An is fine, the administration quickly closed the team, only Chen Fang and Pei Na were still by Wei An's side.

"By the way, how long have you been out?" Wei An asked.

"Almost an hour." Pei Na replied.

"I've been inside for a whole day, more than 24 hours." Wei An said.

However, the time in the ghost talk cannot be compared with the real world, and it seems that there is no law at all.

What Wei'an didn't expect was that because he was forced to complete the intruder mission, this time he also completed the hidden mission in this strange story again.

This hidden mission is "the identity of the old ghost". For Wei An who persisted to the end in the ghost talk, the answer is not too simple.

The energy points in the pocket temporarily exceeded a thousand, which made Wei An feel at ease.

However, many secrets in this ghost story were discovered by him, and he had some doubts about the world of ghost stories, including the real world at this moment, but this was just suspicion, and he had not found enough evidence or more special manifestations.

Wei An will explain in this report, but he will only express his own guesses, and will not reveal his personal secrets.

"Can we talk now? Or wait until you rest for a few days?" Pei Na asked.

Wei An stared at her delicate face, he knew that Pei Na was eager to know the reason why she would stay for a while after the strange talk ended.

Fortunately, Meng Yibo knew that this strange talk was different from others, and even the participants who entered were separated, so he didn't delve too deeply into Wei'an's later appearance.

Of course, even though he is highly suspicious now, Wei An has nothing to worry about.

And Pei Na is eager to know that there is another factor. She needs to assess the danger level of Wei An every time he enters the ghost talk. If Wei An comes out later than the participants every time, his danger level will be greatly increased. .

"Let's talk now." Wei'an didn't hide anything, because he already knew the reason for being an intruder, and said slowly: "When I entered a strange story that didn't belong to me, unlike you, I didn't start as a 'participant'." As an intruder, I will be forced to stay and complete the tasks of the intruder after the main plot of the strange story is completed. These tasks seem to be similar now, and they will basically be attacked. The weird pursuit in the strange talk."

"Ah!" Pei Na and Chen Fang had the same surprised expressions.

Pei Na said, "Why are you an intruder?"

Wei'an replied: "I didn't know the reason before, but now I know that when a ghost story predicts that a participant may pose a certain threat to the ghost story according to its own rules, it will be assessed as a 'break-in'." By'."

"So Guai Tan will assign one more task to the intruder and force him to complete it before he can leave?" Chen Fang suddenly realized.

"It's almost like this." Wei An nodded.

However, there is another guess that he didn't say, that is, the ghost story world will be more vigilant and concerned about this intruder from now on, and even the ghost story tasks may be more difficult than ordinary participants, but these potential changes are not the same. It's easy to be discovered.

"So what was your intruder mission just now?" Pei Na asked curiously.

Wei An said: "It's a bit complicated, but I will write it into the report and hand it over to the management. After reading it, they will probably pass it on to their superiors to see if they can come up with something after the people from the Central City Management Bureau study it." result."

"Did you make a new discovery?" Pei Na caught the meaning of Wei An's words.

Wei An nodded, "I found it, but it's just a guess. I don't know if the Central City Administration has found it. Maybe they are already researching it."

After a pause, Wei An said again: "That is to say, there may be investigators in other cities who have been judged as 'intruders', but they are not always judged as intruders like me. As the investigator's abilities continue to grow, he will slowly evolve into an intruder in the eyes of the ghosts."

Chen Fang and Pei Na nodded at the same time.

Wei An asked them: "Have you two gained anything this time?"

Chen Fang said: "I got a prop that is a little worse than Tang Dao. It is a glass paperweight, yellow-level, and it is also a weapon."

Pei Na said: "I got a wordless book in the library. It has no grades and is a special type of prop. Chen Fang said that there is still a pen missing, so I can't leave anything on the blank book for the time being." .But it is a very good shield, very hard, and I haven't found a weapon that can pierce it."

"Have you tried Chen Fang's Tang knife?" Wei An asked.

Chen Fang nodded, "After you returned the Tang Dao to me, I tried it. I couldn't cut the wordless book, and it was even difficult to leave a mark on the book cover."

Wei An stretched out his index finger and tapped his forehead, and suggested to Pei Na: "This wordless book may not use a pen at all. Next time you enter the ghost talk, you can try to use your mind, that is, your mind to write on the book, and see if it works." It works. If not, try using your own saliva or biting your fingers like I did last time."

Pei Na nodded thoughtfully, "Well, I'll try next time."

"Have you read "Death Note"?" Wei An asked.

Pei Na shook her head, then nodded again, "I've seen a little bit, but I don't even remember."

Wei An rubbed his hands excitedly, "You must study this special item thoroughly. If this wordless book has the same function as the Death Note, then you will be developed!"

As soon as the words were finished, the phone in his pocket vibrated, and now the phone has returned to normal use after he came out of the strange talk.

Wei An took out his mobile phone and saw that it was his mother, Wen Qiong. After connecting, Wen Qiong immediately said on the other end: "Son, my second strange talk has passed! I bought a roast goose and cooked it." After ordering several dishes, your father said that the family should have a drink and celebrate, remember to go home early for dinner tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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