this is not a joke

Chapter 211 The first piece of armor

Chapter 211 The first piece of armor (please subscribe!)

After resting for a while, Wei An felt that he had regained some strength. He and Lin Rui came out of the corridor and looked down.

At this time, the sky outside the building was still pitch-black, and behind this blackness, there was a hazy color, as if the moonlight was about to break through this layer of darkness and completely illuminate the earth.

From here, apart from this building, no other buildings can be seen, as if the building is alone and isolated in the endless darkness.

"This world, I have to say, is amazing!" Wei An couldn't help but said.

"What's so magical? I just feel very dark." Lin Rui muttered softly.

Wei An looked sideways at him, knowing that there was a lot of pain in this guy's heart, but Lin Rui's heart was very simple, and his mentality was not that bad.

As long as he meets himself now, Wei An believes that after this transformation, he will only get better and better in the future.

Patting Lin Rui on the shoulder, Wei An smiled and said, "Don't be blinded by the darkness in front of your eyes, let alone your heart by the momentary encounter, just be yourself, and you will find that the world is not what you imagined." So terrible."

Lin Rui turned his head and looked at the wall opposite the corridor. There were still a large number of fragmented pictures on these walls, and under the wall was still buried the strangeness of Jie Jie's murderer's father.

At this moment, he closed his eyes.

Wei An found that the wall in front of him squirmed several times quickly, as if there was a strong force rolling under the wall.

Not long after, a loud scream came from the wall, and then all the wriggling walls stopped instantly, and the calmness of the past was restored.

Lin Rui opened his eyes.

Wei An looked at him and didn't speak.

Lin Rui said calmly, "I killed that guy."

"Will you still be afraid in the future?" Wei An asked.

After a while, Lin Rui shook his head heavily.

"Let's go, let's go to the first floor now." Wei An said, "Starting from the first floor, we will go up layer by layer."

"Your body..."

"You can still hold on."

Wei An didn't want to stay in this strange talk forever, now that he didn't know what was going on outside, he was also a little worried about his father Wei Zhengdong.

Lin Rui didn't say any more, the two came to the elevator entrance and entered the elevator, and Lin Rui was responsible for pressing the button for the first floor.

Not long after, the elevator stopped on the first floor.

Looking at the dark hall, Wei An blurted out, "I just forgot to ask if you have lighting equipment at home."

As soon as the words were finished, the whole hall lit up with a bang, and all corners were illuminated transparently, without any blind spots.

Wei An couldn't even open his eyes. After finally getting used to it, he turned to look at Lin Rui.

Lin Rui shrugged, "I just thought there should be light, and I didn't think about anything else, so this floor only has light, and nothing else has changed."

Wei An noticed that these sudden rays of light were very strange. There was no light source, but they were everywhere.

Walking around this floor, there are two duty rooms here, and there is nothing suspicious except for the dust everywhere.

However, they found a first-aid kit in the duty room, and the medicine in it was still usable. Lin Rui reapplied medicine to Wei An's wound and bandaged it.

The position of the side door on the first floor was indeed locked by a U-shaped lock. After searching here, Wei An thought about it, and finally did not let Lin Rui destroy the lock.

Because everything outside this building gave him a very dangerous feeling, and he didn't know what existed in the darkness.

Or the U-shaped lock also has a deep meaning to lock the entrance and exit. It may be to prevent anything from outside from entering.

The two quickly took the elevator to the second floor.

There is no need for Lin Rui's manifestation here on the second floor, the lights are already on, and the painted red circle spell is still on the ground outside the elevator door, but there is no cinnabar pen on the spell, and it is empty.

Wei An felt sorry, and searched carefully around, but still couldn't find the cinnabar pen.

The second floor is all restaurants, consisting of public restaurants and private rooms of various sizes.

Wei An looked at every room, and walked around the kitchen at the back of the restaurant. Some rooms here are dark, but fortunately, Lin Rui is following him. He is like a big moving light bulb. where to.

Then he found several weapons and props in the kitchen, but these weapons and props were of low grade.

As far as Wei An knows so far, weapons and props are divided into white, green, yellow, orange, and red according to color from low to high. The highest prop he currently gets is red.

As for whether there is a higher level, it is temporarily unknown.

And the props in this kitchen are all green at the highest level, and the others are all white.

These things are definitely treasures for a novice participant, but for Wei An, they are dispensable.

But when he accidentally picked up a pot lid, he found that it turned out to be a yellow armor!
At present, armor is extremely rare. Wei An has experienced so many strange stories and has never encountered any armor. He did not expect that this pot cover turned out to be an armor, and it was yellow.

He immediately spent 200 energy points to exchange the pot cover and put it in the inventory. Anyway, even if it is just a piece of yellow armor, it can at least be used to resist it.

The two quickly searched the third floor, which was full of meeting rooms, and found nothing.

Then came to the fourth floor, where Haruki Nakata died.

The guy was still lying on the ground.

Wei An originally thought that he would meet the long-necked man who was hiding just now, but he didn't know that he didn't see him after walking the fourth floor, and the hanged ghosts he had let go were lying obediently in their respective rooms. At home, there is no movement.

I don't know if it's because of Lin Rui following him, or if the weird talk is over, so these weirdos won't attack him anymore.

Search all the way to the 18th floor, which is the floor where the girl Akimoto Miko died after the sunset.

Akimoto Miko was still at the elevator entrance, and when she opened the door, she saw her tragic death, which shocked Lin Rui even.

Wei An hurriedly said: "She is also a passerby, it's just unfortunate."

Turning Akimoto Miko's body over, he quickly felt the beautifully carved cinnabar pen on his body.

Wei An was overjoyed, but what surprised him even more was that this cinnabar pen didn't need to be exchanged for energy points!

Wei An suspects that this has something to do with the way the woman from the Setting Sun Kingdom entered the ghost talk. Maybe she didn't enter through the normal channels at all, so she was not recognized by the ghost talk and protected her items.

So this cinnabar pen is naturally not among the items that can be exchanged. As long as it is picked up by someone, it is earned.

After trying to successfully put this cinnabar pen into the inventory, Wei An felt that the wound on his body didn't hurt much.

After searching the woman's body carefully, Wei An quickly found another piece of paper. The texture of this paper was very special, as if it had been soaked in some kind of potion. It was rough to the touch, but the material was very soft.

Opening the folded paper, I found that there were about ten spell patterns densely recorded inside.

It can be seen that some patterns are complete, but some are incomplete. The last pattern seems to have just been recorded, and the color is brighter than other patterns.

Wei An tried it, but this piece of paper couldn't be put into the inventory. He wasn't sure if he could bring out the strange story, so he had to hold it in his hand first.

Soon his gaze was fixed on Akimoto Miko's eyes that were dying.

When the woman fell down, she had been staring at Wei An's feet at the moment of her death, and the black cat was at Wei An's feet.

Although I did find some props and items that can be exchanged just now, I don’t know if those are considered secrets, if not secrets...

"Black cat?" Wei An pondered carefully, "Is it related to the secret of the intruder mission?"

It's possible, but it's only possible, Wei An doesn't know where the black cat went.

He decided to continue to search layer by layer, first to rule out the remaining floors, and in the process of searching, he turned on the detail capture skills as always.

This skill will not consume your own energy points. It would be best if you can find the black cat during the search. If you can't find it, Wei An will only consider using the golden finger of "locating the character" after the search.

(End of this chapter)

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