this is not a joke

Chapter 213 One more cheat

Chapter 213 There is an extra cheat

At first, Wei An thought that what he was looking for was only the secrets from the plot of the ghost story, such as about the black cat, which might have something to do with Lin Rui or the origin of this building.

Maybe he can find out why this place is surrounded by thick darkness and why the building is locked, and even find a way to take Lin Rui out.

But who knew that the biggest secret in this mansion was actually hiding a spiritual totem!
And the black cat just now was a spiritual totem.

Although Wei An had never heard of what a spiritual totem was, he could intuitively feel that it was rare and hard to come by, and that a participant should only get it once, and this was the only time.

After the spirit totem is given to the participants, it will automatically transform according to the characteristics of each participant. For example, when he arrives at Wei'an, it will automatically transform into a permanent fear totem according to his occupation, skills and the props he has obtained.

This is probably Wei An's biggest gain in history, and he didn't realize it for a while.

Until Lin Rui touched his back from behind, he said worriedly, "Uncle, are you alright?"

Wei An froze for a moment, shook his head and said, "'s okay."

Immediately, he saw new words appear in front of him.

[Get the Totem of Fear with a plug-in-delayed departure. 】

[Delayed exit: After completing all the tasks of a strange story, you can still use this cheat to stay in the strange story when you are forced to exit the strange story. I believe this will give you more gains. 】

【Currently, you can delay your departure by 5 minutes. During these 5 minutes, as long as you want to, you can leave the ghost story at any time. After 5 minutes, you will be forced to leave the ghost story. 】

Wei An understood the meaning of "delayed departure", which means that he still has 5 minutes more time than other participants, and he can move freely even after the strange talk is completely over.

At the same time, a familiar 5-minute countdown appeared above the corner of his eye.

Wei An hardly thought about it, and immediately tried to activate the spiritual totem he had just obtained, that is, the transformed fear totem, and tried to sense whether there was any spiritual power (black energy) he desperately needed in this building, and where was it? I ignored it when I searched just now.

With such an induction, it really quickly yielded results.

In Wei An's consciousness, the overall structure of this building appeared in his mind, although it seemed a little blurry in some places.

However, there was a hazy black air in the restaurant kitchen on the second floor. In fact, he searched that place fairly carefully at that time, and found the armor inside.

It was just that there were two freezers, one large and one small, at the back of the kitchen. Because there was no electricity, the door of the big freezer was ajar, and the ice cubes inside had already melted. Wei An went in to check, and there was nothing special.

The small freezer was tightly sealed, and because there was no electricity, the door couldn't be opened either. Wei An was anxious to search upstairs, so he didn't check it at the time.

"Come on, let's go to the second floor."

After talking to Lin Rui, the two got off the rooftop, returned to the elevator and took to the second floor.

Go back to the kitchen at the back of the restaurant, and quickly come to the front of the small refrigerator.

Wei An said to Lin Rui: "Xiao Rui, can you use your imagination to open this closed icehouse door?"

As soon as the words were finished, the figure of the tauren appeared almost instantly, stretched out his thick palm, and grasped the door handle of the ice room.

Wei An approached, and the tauren pushed hard, the icehouse door trembled slightly, and then it was torn open with a bang, and the metal plug that was originally stuck in the door lock broke directly inside.

Wei An leaned over immediately after the door opened, and a cloud of black air poured into his body and rushed straight to his forehead.

This is the black gas that represents spiritual power, a good thing that can build spiritual barriers.

As the door of this small freezer was opened, I cast my gaze in and found that there were no less than ten corpses inside that had already frozen to death, but they had melted again at this moment, and they emitted an unpleasant smell.

No wonder such a cloud of black air formed inside!
Wei An looked at the countdown, he didn't go in, but said to Lin Rui: "Xiao Rui, I don't have much time, I have to take a step first. You can investigate what happened here slowly. You can also investigate how to leave this place Building, but it must be under the premise of safety."

"Where are you going?" Lin Rui asked nervously.

Wei An put his arms around his shoulders, looked into his eyes, and said, "I'm going home temporarily, but I may come back later. Don't be afraid, don't worry, the black cat just now is not in danger, let alone it I have left completely, and now there is no one in this building who is your opponent. Your ability to manifest is very strong, and you can manifest a few more powerful helpers after I leave."

"Uncle, will we meet again in the future?" Lin Rui asked.

"Yes." Wei An nodded.

After a pause, he said while thinking: "Try to imagine that you can meet me in a dream every day when you sleep, try it, maybe we can really meet in a dream."

Wei An recalled the mental trauma he had suffered, and weirdness often appeared in his nightmares. Even after experiencing the "Library APP Solitaire Strange Talk" last time, even black and white women could appear in his dreams, so Lin Rui With the strength, if the two can really meet in the dream, it is not impossible.

Before there is any evidence that the world of ghost stories and the real world of human beings can be connected, this may be the only way they can get in touch.

Not long after the words were finished, Wei An disappeared directly under Lin Rui's nose.

Lin Rui was taken aback for a moment, and stood there for about a minute without moving.

Slowly adjusting his mind, he was a little nervous, took a deep breath, and then stepped into the ice room full of corpses.

The tauren and the slender black figure followed closely behind.


Wei An's vision blurred, and when the surrounding scene became clear again, he found himself standing in the stairwell.

This is the stairwell of Jiuyuan Building, but it is no longer the building in "Three Rumors".

At this time, Wei An felt a little regretful, because the special paper full of spells had never been brought out, and it could not be put into the inventory, so it could only be held in his hand.

Now come out and look, empty-handed.

It's just that in the process of searching on the floor, he took some time to memorize two slightly more complicated spell pictures and texts, which can be regarded as a consolation prize.

At this moment, Wei An remembered that when he obtained the spiritual totem, the black cat sighed, as if it was a little reluctant when bestowing the spiritual totem.

However, it is understandable that his spiritual coefficient is so low, only 2.2, and the way to complete the task is not ideal for the black cat, after all, it is not the blood-clothed woman killed by Wei An himself.

In addition to my own attire, I didn’t even have any clothes left. I wandered all the way down the building, all supported by my faith and a thick skin. In other words, Wei An, who cared about his image very much, even looked down on himself like that. .

No wonder the black cat ignored him and looked cold. Now Wei An knew the reason.

But who cares?In any case, even if the black cat was no longer satisfied with himself, he might think that he was not worthy of getting the spiritual totem, but he compromised and got the totem himself, and that was enough.

It is superfluous to say anything now, and the result is the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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