this is not a joke

Chapter 235 The wicked have their own grind

Chapter 235 The wicked have their own grind

After talking with Pei Na, Wei An had already arrived at the entrance of the cargo hold.

The last mouse was found here just now, and was trampled to death by Wei An, and kicked into the gap between the cargo box and the corner of the wall, but he didn't tell Xue Wanxing.

At this time, Xue Wanxing was still looking for the last mouse in other places.

The reason why Wei An didn't tell Xue Wanxing was very simple, because he found that the investigation team leader obviously had other plans. Although the two people's common goal at the moment was to kill the black rat, when Wei An just arrived, he saw this guy He obviously wanted to open the long wooden box that sealed the coffin.

If he knew that the black mouse had been killed, that guy might continue what he did just now, and now that this matter was broken by him, Xue Wanxing would probably do something to him.

Wei An believes that what that guy wanted to do just now must be the reason why they have been pursuing this strange story.

"Did you find it?" Xue Wanxing asked Wei An at the other end.

Although Xue Wanxing was also looking for the last black rat, he wandered around near the coffin and did not leave more than ten meters away, obviously meaning something.

Wei An replied: "I didn't see it, but I just heard a mouse sound from your side."

"Really?" Xue Wanxing frowned and listened carefully, but he didn't hear anything.

However, it could not be ruled out that there were rats screaming. After all, there was always a roar in the cargo hold, and he couldn't hear it that clearly.

At this moment, Wei An saw the lights of the small elevator leading from the cabin to the cargo compartment light up, and the elevator door opened quickly. The familiar brat was standing inside, casting curious eyes outside the elevator.

But because the lights in the elevator were brighter, the brat couldn't see the situation outside at all, so he ran out of the elevator.

Shortly after he ran out of the elevator, the elevator quickly closed and went up.

When the brat ran past a row of wooden boxes, Wei An suddenly reached out from behind the boxes and hugged him.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?" The moment Wei An hugged the brat, he immediately asked.

Xue Wanxing over there also heard the noise here, and immediately rushed over with a black scimitar, and then he saw at a glance that Wei An seemed to be holding a short man.

The brat didn't answer, but struggled, stretched out his hand to pull Wei An's clothes, then slapped him, and kept spitting.

Wei An held the back of his head so that he couldn't turn his head and spit on himself.

The bear boy struggled in vain, and began to cry loudly, and then began to curse while crying. The words he scolded should have been learned from his mother.

"What are you doing here?" Wei An asked coldly.

"Go away, let me go!" The bear child was still yelling, but did not answer him.

At this moment, Xue Wanxing was already approaching, and he soon realized that it was a child. After a pause, he blurted out: "Bear kid!?"

At this moment, the sound of the elevator door opening came from the direction of the small elevator, and the parents of the bear child squeezed out of the elevator angrily.

They saw Wei An holding his child at a glance, and there was an adult standing beside him.

"Son! Son!" cried the child's father at once.

His mother was startled at first, then trotted over and scolded: "What are you doing? How did two adults bully a child? Who called my son here? I want to complain, and I will complain to your superiors immediately !"

"Stop and don't move!" Xue Wanxing shouted suddenly.

Xiongzi's mother didn't expect the other party to be so rude. At first, she thought that Xue Wanxing, like Wei An, should be flight attendants.

The woman stopped suddenly, and she saw that Xue Wanxing seemed to be holding something in her hand, which looked very much like a knife.

At this time, the child's father also rushed to the woman's side, and both of them saw this scene.

"Who the hell gets closer, I'll chop him up first!" Xue Wanxing's expression became serious, and he gritted his teeth and looked at the brat.

Then he asked the same question as Wei An just now, and said to the child, "What are you doing down here?"

The brat had seen this kind of battle before, and was so frightened by Xue Wanxing's appearance that his body trembled, and he started to cry with his mouth flattened.

This time the child's parents did not yell anymore, but worried that the child's crying would annoy the man carrying the machete.

At this moment, the child's mother cast her eyes on Wei An, and immediately blurted out: "That flight attendant, you must protect my child. This is your job, otherwise I will complain to you right away! I will complain if my child loses a hair." Complain to you..."

After the words came out, her mouth was immediately held down by the child's father.

Wei An glanced at Xue Wanxing, and immediately made actions that fit his current identity. He waved his hands and said to the child's mother, "Oh, please don't complain to me. I'm so scared. My job is almost gone..."

There was no one to control the bear boy, he ran towards his parents while crying, but in the next second, Xue Wanxing grabbed his back by the collar and lifted him up.

The child's mother screamed immediately, and his father immediately shouted: "Don't!"

"Say, why did you come to the cargo hold?" Xue Wanxing stared at the child in his hand like lightning.

This guy was completely frightened and stupid at the moment, he even forgot to cry, and just stared at Xue Wanxing.

"You don't really want to kill him, do you?" Wei An lowered his voice and said, "I tested it just now. This kid is not weird, but a genuine human being."

"Is the person in the strange talk a real person?" Xue Wanxing asked back.

"Well, do as you like!" Wei An didn't want to get entangled with him on this matter.

If this matter is to be debated, I am afraid that it will extend to the philosophical question of whether the ghost story world is another real world, and it also involves Wei An's understanding through the black and white girl's ghost story world.

Although both were investigators, it was clearly not the time to discuss this.

And Wei'an also noticed that Xue Wan's mission would not be affected, so it was entirely possible for him to kill this brat directly, which was different from the investigators he knew before.

Spreading his hands to the couple, Wei An said: "It's all right now, originally the child was in my hands, and with my lofty qualities in the profession of flight attendants, I would never hurt a single hair of him, but now it's in someone else's hands." ..."

"No, no!" The child's mother suddenly said: "The child is on the plane now, you are the flight attendant, you are obliged to ensure the safety of every passenger!"

"I'm a flight attendant, not a security officer. Didn't you see that this lord has a knife? You don't want to die, you can save the child yourself. I want to live for decades." Wei'an squatted obediently, without It means to stand up.

"Bear boy, are you going to tell me or not?" Xue Wanxing brought the child in his hand close to his eyes and asked viciously.

"Do you think he can still say it?" Wei An asked again in a low voice.

Xue Wanxing glanced at the little kid, and immediately smelled a strong smell of feces and urine. It seemed that this guy had already been frightened to the point of feces and urine.

At this moment, the couple fell to the ground one after another. It turned out that Cai Lu came behind them without knowing it and knocked them unconscious.

Xue Wanxing also knocked the bear child unconscious with the handle of a knife, as long as the child doesn't come near the coffin, he can say anything.

Then the child was thrown on the parents lying on the ground.

"Tie them up, tie them up firmly, and stay away from the long wooden box!" Xue Wanxing instructed Cai Lu.

(End of this chapter)

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