Chapter 248

When he came out of the conference room, Wei An seemed a little depressed, but only Pei Na could tell.

"What's wrong? You don't want to take this task?" Pei Na asked.

"No." Wei An shook his head, "The reason why they asked me to take this task is too outrageous."

"Is it outrageous?" Pei Na said: "I don't think it's outrageous. Look, Zhang Zuxia was identified as an intruder rather than a participant in many strange stories. This is exactly the same as your experience. Get rid of their research and analysis, break into The chance of being sucked into the ghost talk is more than five times that of the participants, so you are indeed the best candidate for the task of finding Zhang Zuxia."

Wei An spread his hands, "This reason can actually be explained clearly in one sentence. Like Zhang Zuxia, I have a non-chief physique. If two non-chiefs are in the same area, the possibility of meeting them is naturally higher than other people."

"Well, that sums it up pretty well." Pei Na laughed.

But then her expression became serious again, "Zhang Zuxia is very powerful, it can be said that he is even more powerful than some weird things in strange stories. If you really meet him, you must be extremely careful."

"En." Wei An nodded, "Currently, among the large and small cities under the jurisdiction of the Brahma City Administration, including our Zhoucheng, Zhang Zuxia and Hou Yun are the two former investigators most concerned by the bureau."

"You forgot that there is another one." Pei Na said.


"You." Pei Na lowered her voice: "According to the classification of investigators by the Administration Bureau, if Zhoucheng strictly implemented the investigator grade evaluation, you would have been a fourth-level investigator. The team leaders of the first, second and third investigation groups are at the same level. Although there is no evaluation, in the eyes of Ma Tao and Yin Siyuan, you are obviously on the same level as them."

"So this is one of the reasons why they asked us to find Zhang Zuxia." Wei An frowned.

"It's more than that." Pei Na's smile suddenly seemed to Wei An to have a bad feeling at this moment, and she continued: "If my predictions are correct, if Hou Yun suddenly disappears, they will also take the task of finding him Sent to you. Because it seems that your strength is not much different from theirs, and you are the most suitable investigator to fight with them."

"Then I still hold the opinion just now, and kill him now to avoid future troubles." Wei An said directly.

"Hou Yun must have the information that the administration wants to know, otherwise he would have done it long ago." Pei Na said.

Wei An tapped his forehead, "Oh, my brain hurts, it's enough for everyone to deal with the strange talk properly, why is things getting more and more complicated?"

"Isn't there a bird in the forest?" Pei Na said, "Come and cover the water and earth with the soldiers. By the way, do you still want to learn fighting skills?"

"Learn, why don't you learn!" Wei An immediately clasped his hands together, "This female master, please teach me all the special skills you have learned all your life! In particular, you must teach me how to pose in the most handsome posture. Kill the enemy with a hammer!"

Pei Na also imitated him while smiling, while cupping her fists and said, "It's easy to say, the tuition is paid first! I'm just your personal assistant, and I didn't say that I want to teach, so I have to pay more."

"It's easy to say, how much?"

"Half of your monthly salary."

"This... can we discuss it again?"

"No." Pei Na shook her head, "What I teach is not ordinary fighting skills, but killing skills, which can save lives at critical moments."

Wei An rolled his eyes, "Okay, later I'll invite you to eat at the restaurant next door called 'Love in the Moon and a Half Curve'. The sign at the door says that you can listen to the violin inside, and the 368 set menu also comes with red roses... ..."

Pei Na's head turned quickly, and she quickly waved her hands, "No, no, do you not only want to save half of the salary, but also want me to pay you back in the future?"

"Hahaha..." Wei An pretended to laugh, and looked up at the sky, "Today's sun is really round!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a click, and a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, and soon there was heavy rain.

Looking at the stiff face in front of her, Pei Na covered her mouth and smiled happier than ever.

After a while, she said: "I really admire you for this. Even though you know there are many difficulties ahead, even though your head hurts, these difficulties will not make you daunted."

Speaking of this, Pei Na leaned closer to Wei An and said, "By the way, just now you said that you didn't take away the skin that Xue Wanxing took. Did this skin change with you later?"

Wei An knew that during the conversation with Ma Tao and others just now, Pei Na had kept a secret for herself during this session, and she would definitely ask about it later.

Nodding, "Yes, I originally wanted to return the skin, but how did I know it was integrated into my body."

Pei Na was suddenly surprised, "Is there any danger?"

Wei An rubbed his chest, "Don't worry, I can't take it out. I'll see if I've changed after I enter the strange talk next time."

"You have to be careful, the curse of that thing is too strong." Pei Na reminded.

Not long after, the two came to Ma Tao's office, and Ma Tao took out a stack of documents and handed them to them, all of which were Zhang Zuxia's information.

After Wei An and Pei Na circulated it for a while, they basically learned about this person's situation.

This guy's weapon is also at the red level, an iron rod, but it has two attack modes, one is normal attack and the other is violent attack.

Basically, when he goes crazy, the attack mode of the iron rod will automatically change to a violent attack, smashing everything in the ghost story to pieces. It is hard not to touch the forbidden area of ​​the ghost story.

According to the analysis in the data, when the iron rod changed into a berserk attack mode, the level of this weapon had actually surpassed the red level at this time, so it was not something Wei An's bloody hammer could resist.

This made Wei An miss the killing ax again. If the killing ax and the bloody hammer are combined, maybe they won't be afraid of the iron rod in this berserk mode.

Now he is researching the traveling spell, and after he succeeds, he may be able to re-enter the strange story about the loss of the killing axe.

If Zhang Zuxia is in a normal state of mind, his meticulous thinking and perfect means are beyond comparison among all the current investigators of the Brahma City Administration.

For this guy's berserk mode, Wei An thought of his own mother, Wen Qiong's occupation is "housewife (evil)", when she puts on a mask in the ghost story, the whole low-level ghost story may face collapse , just like Wen Qiong's second ghost story.

So in other words, Wen Qiong and Zhang Zuxia are actually somewhat similar in this respect, the only difference is that Wen Qiong is in a good state of mind, while Zhang Zuxia is just the opposite.

According to Ma Tao's arrangement, Wei'an and Pei Na moved directly into the internal dormitory of the management authority, instead of living in a hotel outside.

This can not only ensure their safety, but also facilitate them to obey the management's order at any time.

But from Wei An's point of view, after moving in, she can also use the special training hall of the Brahma City Administration, so that Pei Na can also have a place to teach herself fighting skills.

(End of this chapter)

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