this is not a joke

Chapter 250 2nd C-level

Chapter 250 The second C-level (please subscribe!)

When she was about to arrive at the destination, Pei Na reminded Wei An: "You have only mastered a part of the skill of fighting with a hammer, but if you use it well, it will not be a big problem to subdue your opponent."

Wei An recalled what Pei Na had taught these past few days.

When Pei Na was teaching, she disassembled the fighting method of the short stick and incorporated the hammering action into it, forming a unique hammer attack method for Wei An.

If you hit the opponent in a fight, the power must be much stronger than the short stick.

"Actually, sometimes it's better to practice it once than to teach it ten times, so that you can master it faster and have your own understanding." Pei Na continued.

"I've also had itchy hands for the past few days, so I want to give it a try." Wei An said.

At this moment, the car had already stopped, in front of it was the cordon that had just been pulled up, and behind the cordon was the entrance of a large shopping mall.

Two got out of the car.

Pei Na said: "You have just mastered the basic movements. If you really want to fight, don't be aggressive. You must pay full attention to your opponent and don't have any mentality of underestimating the enemy."

"En." Wei'an nodded, and looked at the two staff members of the Administration Bureau who came up.

One of them asked, "Are these two Wei An and Pei Na?"

Pei Na replied: "It's us, the place where the strange talk happened is in the mall?"

"No, it's right at the entrance of the mall." The man pointed at the entrance of the mall, which was about 30 meters away.

At this moment, the door was half open. Obviously, the mall was preparing for opening when the strange talk happened, so there were hardly anyone at the door.

"Okay, now leave it to us to deal with it, don't follow me here."

Wei An said something, and walked towards the entrance of the mall with Pei Na.

The man who greeted them didn't speak, he just stood there and watched the backs of Wei An and Pei Na approaching the gate of the mall.

After they walked away, this guy said in a very low voice: "Only these two can catch Zhang Zuxia?"

After approaching the entrance of the shopping mall, Wei An suddenly felt that the sky above his head seemed to be darkening, and it was still morning.

He thought it was going to rain, looked up at the sky, and found that there were no dark clouds, but the sky was darkening overall.

"Perhaps this is a precursor to entering the ghost story." Wei An turned to Pei Na and said.

Immediately, he found that Pei Na beside him had disappeared. He turned his head and looked behind him, and found that the yellow cordon that had been pulled up just now was gone, and there was no management car parked nearby, and even no one on the street was watching. gone.

Looking at it this way, he should be the one who entered the ghost talk, not Pei Na.

Of course, Wei An, who had previous experience, did not immediately make a judgment, but carefully looked around, and carefully looked inside the mall.

The interior of the entrance of the mall was already dark at the moment, and nothing could be seen.

The sky above was still darkening, until it was completely dark. Half a moon was hanging in the sky, and the faint moonlight was shining, and the surroundings were silent. The weird atmosphere in this strange talk came up all at once.

After a while, Wei An shrugged and had to admit, "It's indeed me. I've never made a mistake in this kind of thing!"

At this moment, a paragraph of text from the strange talk appeared in front of my eyes.

【Welcome,……!You have entered the C-level ghost story - escape. 】

【Ghost Story: Escape】

【Grade: C】

[Type: Multiplayer (occasional)]

[Description of the event: The shopping mall in front of you was still operating normally yesterday, but now it seems that there is no one, or to be precise, there is no living person.Please go in and find out what happened here, investigate their deaths if you can, and try to keep yourself alive.This shopping mall is huge, and your range of activities is also very large. You can even leave the shopping mall directly, if you don't care about the consequences. 】

[Main task: 1. Make sure you can escape first, and then determine the cause of death of those dead people in the mall; 2. Find the source of death that caused them to die without destroying the mall, and then try your best to stay away from it ;3. If possible, destroy it (this task is optional, and it will not affect if it cannot be completed). 】

[Main task reward: 500 energy points]

[Hidden mission: yes]

After reading the introduction quickly, Wei An knew that the meaning of the third item in the main task was obvious, that is, it would be okay to not destroy the source of death. It will be rated as "superior completion" and the reward will be doubled.

Moreover, there are hidden missions in this strange story. It can be seen that the coverage of the strange story is not limited to the shopping mall in front of you, but also covers nearby areas outside the mall, so the text reminds participants that they can leave the mall.

However, Wei An also noticed that the source of death should be in the mall, because the second main task has stated that if the source of death is found without destroying the mall, it means that the source of death is in the mall. rather than anywhere else outside.

At this time, the street was deserted and deserted, and at first glance it seemed that this was a dead city.

Wei An immediately stepped into the half-open gate of the mall.

The inside of the shopping mall is even darker, but you can probably see clearly after your eyes get used to it, and it won't affect your actions.

The first floor has a large area. There is an escalator in the middle and an elevator on the opposite side, but because there is no electricity, they are all closed.

Wei An looked at the merchants on the first floor and found that all of them were closed.

Most of the shop doors of the merchants are transparent glass doors, so if he gets close, he can see the situation inside at a glance.

Soon, Wei An saw a series of extremely terrifying scenes. He saw that inside the closed glass door closest to him, there were dead people lying here and there, including men and women, old and young.

Some dead people were not lying down, but some were curled up in the corner, with their heads buried, but their bodies were already stiff, and some were lying on their stomachs inside the glass door, with their mouths open and eyes wide open. They just kept this posture and died. .

Some people pressed their bodies against the lock of the glass door before they died, as if they didn't want the door to be opened, and then their bodies never moved again.

Wei An took a quick look around and found that there were almost dead people in the shops on the first floor!Even some shops were obviously crowded with tourists in the shopping mall, and the corpses were piled up on two floors. In one of the small shops selling clothes, shoes and hats, there were thirty or forty corpses, piled up into a hill, as if they Before dying, he hugged desperately to keep warm, but ended his life in this position.

Wei An let out a heavy breath, surrounded by so many dead people, it was impossible for him not to feel a chill down his spine.

He now knows that the current C-level ghost story should be part of the ghost story city, so the things presented here are real and belong to what happened in this city.

In other words, there are indeed so many people who have died in this city of strange stories.

It is worth noting now that only the storefront is full of dead people, while there is not a single body outside the store where Wei An is standing now.

After careful observation, I found that if the store was locked, it was locked from the inside, not the outside. That is, these people locked the door after they ran into the store, as if to prevent something from entering.

The outside is clean, but the store is like hell on earth!
"So what are they hiding?"

After this thought arose, Wei An suddenly clicked behind him, and there was a strange sound.

(End of this chapter)

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