this is not a joke

Chapter 253 Invisible Killer

Chapter 253 Invisible Killer

"Why are you looking for me?" Zhang Zuxia looked confused.

Wei An could see that he didn't look like he was pretending, so he asked, "Why are you looking for this strange talker?"

Zhang Zuxia didn't seem to dislike Wei'an asking himself directly without answering his own question. He replied, "I've always been confused. The weirdness here should solve my confusion, so I came to look for opportunities."

Wei An also immediately answered his question, "I came to you because I was entrusted by the bureau, and I was worried that you might hurt the three investigators just now."

This answer Zhang Zuxia would not think that Wei An was lying, because it was a fact.

And Wei An is also very clear that when this guy is not crazy, his thinking is very clear, no less than anyone else. If he wants to tell lies, not only will he not be able to hide it from the other party, but it will make Zhang Zuxia wary of him and intensify the conflict.

Now Zhang Zuxia is in very good condition, if he can take this opportunity to persuade him to leave directly, this is the best solution.

Sure enough, after hearing Wei An's answer, Zhang Zuxia suddenly smiled, shook his head, and said to himself: "In this world, only a few people are sober."

"Is your mission in this strange story the same as mine?" Wei An asked.

Zhang Zuxia said: "Let me find out the cause of death of the corpse here, and then run for my life as much as possible. If I have a chance, I can also kill the source of death."

"Well, that's the same." Wei'an said: "We can cooperate to complete it, but if it is completed, after leaving the ghost talk, I would like to ask you to go to the management office with me, do you think it is okay?"

"Let's talk later."

At this time, Zhang Zuxia suddenly turned off the flashlight in his hand, and the surroundings were plunged into darkness for an instant. He could only faintly hear the sound of the movie coming from the auditorium next door.

Immediately Wei An heard him lower his voice, and said unhurriedly: "The three investigators next door should be possessed by evil spirits. We can't wake them up directly, otherwise their lives will be lost. The horror hidden in the mall I'm afraid." I haven’t seen it until now, but I know it sometimes appears around me.”

Wei An also said: "I have already felt it just now. Every time I feel movement behind me, I immediately turn my head but can't see anything."

"It's right to turn your head immediately, shhh—" Zhang Zuxia's voice was already inaudible at this time, "Keep quiet, it's coming!"

As soon as the words fell, neither of them made any sound.

Just heard a light click from the door of this projection hall, like the sound of water droplets, or the sound of something falling on the ground, of course, it also sounded like the sound of a wooden board being pressed by a force .

Wei An thought the sound was normal at first, but now it seemed that the sound represented that the hidden terror was approaching here.

Not only was the entire auditorium pitch-black at this moment, and nothing could be seen, it was also eerily silent.

However, Wei An has experienced this situation more than once or twice. His heartbeat did not speed up, but remained at the usual rhythm, and his breathing did not become rapid, just like Zhang Zuxia, it was very slow.

But a picture involuntarily rose in his mind. From the entrance aisle of the projection hall, a strange thing was walking in, at a very slow speed, without making any sound during the process.

At this time, Wei An and Zhang Zuxia were also in the aisle of the auditorium, but they were next to the auditorium. After entering the auditorium from the entrance, they had to walk a certain distance along the aisle.

At this moment, not far below the two of them, in the seemingly dead-silent entrance aisle, Wei An could always feel that something had entered that place, but because it was too dark and he couldn't see anything, he couldn't be sure.

But at this time, an inexplicable chill is rising from the ground, like a tangible substance, rushing up along the soles of the feet, calves, thighs, waist, and chest.

Soon Wei An felt his cheeks turn cold.

Zhang Zuxia next to him didn't move at all, he was too calm, even for a moment, Wei An felt that he was dead, and at this moment he was staying with a corpse.

"This guy is too calm." Wei An secretly said.

Of course, he didn't expect that Zhang Zuxia beside him was also surprised at this time, and he said silently: "This person is calm enough. If it is the three guys in the tenth group, someone must be trembling by now."

The temperature of the surrounding air is indeed dropping. Even if the people staying here are not afraid in their hearts, they will still tremble involuntarily when they encounter the sudden cold air after feeling tense. This is human nature.

But Wei An didn't, and neither did Zhang Zuxia.

It was weird, the feeling of the air becoming cold was like an extremely slow breeze flowing, it took almost half a minute to leave the area where Wei An was, and it might have stayed at Zhang Zuxia's side for a while.

In fact, Wei An had already moved before the air turned cold, but the movement was very fast and without making a sound.

Before he felt the air turn cold, he took out "Liu Gui's eyeballs" and put them in his eye sockets, observing the surroundings without turning his head.

At this moment, everything in front of Wei An's eyes turned into a filtered off-white color, and he could clearly see the direction of the big screen in the auditorium, every seat, and even the passageway at the entrance.

But in the end nothing was seen.

Obviously, I can feel a strange feeling around me, but I still can't see anything.

"Rules! This monster may be the rule in this strange story, even if I have Liu Gui's eyeballs, I can't see it." Wei An secretly speculated.

No wonder Zhang Zuxia took the initiative to find this weirdness and come in alone?It must be because of the weirdness here, that is, the source of death mentioned in the main mission is very rare and has some kind of ability, so it gets this guy's attention.

dream?Maybe this monster can solve the mental trauma that has been plaguing Zhang Zuxia, or the problems related to dreams!
This speculation lifted Wei An's spirits.

At present, it seems that he also has the problem in the dream. If Zhang Zuxia can solve this problem, maybe he can also take this opportunity to solve it.

Soon the effect of "Liu Gui's eyeball" disappeared, Wei An couldn't see anything unusual, and the surroundings were once again plunged into darkness.

Not long after the coldness receded, Zhang Zuxia beside him touched his elbow.

Wei An didn't speak, but also touched his elbow, signaling to the other party that he was fine.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Zuxia suddenly approached, lowered his ear and said, "It seems to be gone."

"Can't it see us even in the dark?" Wei An also lowered his voice and asked.

"As long as you don't move before it sees you, and keep a fixed posture after it appears, it won't find you." Zhang Zuxia said.

Wei An suddenly felt a sense of dread.

Fortunately, he took out the "Liu Gui's Eyeball" and put it on before the icy cold approached. If he had been later, he would have been seen by the other party and exposed himself.

As for the consequences, it may be the same as those people downstairs, who were scared to death alive, or died in the same manner as those people when they were killed by some kind of terrifying force.

In this way, this weird ability is not only very special, but also extremely terrifying. Before understanding its rules, it is impossible to compete with it.

No wonder the main task also said that it is best to kill the opponent, and if you can't kill it, it will not affect the passage of the strange talk.

"Have you encountered it before?" Wei An asked in a low voice.

Zhang Zuxia replied: "I didn't turn back immediately when I found out that there was a strange noise behind me, so it quickly approached me."

Wei An immediately understood why Zhang Zuxia said it was correct to turn back immediately.

"So this guy came here just now, not because of me, but because of you."

"Although you are looking for me, try to move." Zhang Zuxia smiled, turned and walked out of the screening hall.

(End of this chapter)

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