this is not a joke

Chapter 261 Toys

Chapter 261 Toys
In fact, there are still many shops on the second floor that have not been opened, but Zhang Zuxia's purpose is very clear. The shops he searched are only toy stores and optical shops, not those that sell clothes.

The optical shop in front of me was the last one to search.

Taking out his red-grade weapon alloy stick, Zhang Zuxia aimed at the position where the lock was exposed and smashed it down fiercely with the stick.

He didn't have any other tools to pick the lock, so such a smash would definitely make a noise, but it was softer than the sound of smashing a glass door.

Because Zhang Zuxia thought that the invisible monster should have chased Wei An to the first floor, even if he heard the noise coming from the second floor, when he shifted the target to himself again and found it, he should have searched the optical shop.

The problem is not big.

The alloy stick was extremely hard, and it smashed the door lock without any effort. Zhang Zuxia immediately opened the door and walked in.

Because there were a lot of glasses in the optical shop, he didn't have time to look at each pair carefully, but hurriedly scanned them row by row.

It seemed that what he was looking for could be easily distinguished from other objects.

However, after scanning for a while, he scanned all the glasses on two rows of shelves, but he didn't find the pair of glasses he wanted to find.

Zhang Zuxia didn't stop, and was about to continue looking for the third row of shelves, when suddenly there was a light click from the door of the optical shop.

Although this guy's eyes were red at the moment, as if he had been infected by a virus, he looked like he was about to lose his mind, but his five senses were very sensitive, and he immediately turned his head to look at the glass door of the optical shop.

Almost in the next second, Zhang Zuxia squatted down suddenly, using a row of cabinets equipped with glasses to block his body.

At the same time, doubts arose in his heart.

Because the voice was so familiar just now, it seems that the invisible monster is approaching here.

Holding the alloy rod tightly in his hand, he immediately controlled the corpse insect to fly out, looking for the nearest corpse, and prepared to continue to divert attention.

Not long after, a chill soaked through his body, Zhang Zuxia jumped up suddenly like a conditioned reflex, and quickly swung the alloy stick half a meter away in front of him.

The force of this stick was extremely fierce. If someone stood in front of him, his body would be beaten to pieces, leaving only bones.

However, Zhang Zuxia's stick missed, and hit the ground heavily, the floor tiles shattered, and a string of sparks appeared.

Zhang Zuxia didn't hesitate, and immediately rolled to the left. The place where he was standing just now was suddenly shaken, as if he had been attacked, but he escaped by chance.

Zhang Zuxia knew very well that the invisible monster just now was right in front of him. The direction and force of his stick attack were just right, but because he couldn't see it, he couldn't really hit the opponent.

Yes, Zhang Zuxia has come to the conclusion that if you want to kill this invisible monster, you must first see it, otherwise even if the invisible monster is standing in front of you and you know its location, you still cannot hit it .

That's why he desperately wants to find glasses, or other visual tools.

After Zhang Zuxia's analysis, he thought that since there was a requirement to kill this weird one in the main mission, there must be a way to kill it.

The current rule of this strange talk is that if you can't see it, you can't kill this monster, so you must first let yourself see the monster.

So the things he is looking for now are all related to these, and there are too many things in the mall. This special item must be different from other ordinary items. Even if it is hidden in these ordinary items, it will definitely make the participants Recognizable at a glance.

If you can't recognize them at a glance, and you have to try them on one by one, then I'm afraid it's more appropriate for this weird talk to be B-level or even A-level.

Not daring to stay in the optical shop anymore, Zhang Zuxia quickly ran out.

He knew that if he was fast enough to keep a distance from this guy, the invisible and weird instant kill skills might not be effective.

It's just that Zhang Zuxia never expected that the weirdness didn't follow Wei An to the next floor, but stayed on the second floor.

He rolled his eyes and ran towards the escalator leading to the first floor.

On the third floor, a toy store.

Unlike Zhang Zuxia and Wei An, Zou Yun felt more and more thirsty at this time, as if his throat was on fire, and the burning feeling went straight to his forehead.

She wanted to drink water so badly, but fortunately, there was not a drop of water in the toy store she was locked in, and the bucket of the water dispenser was empty, and it had fallen into a corner on one side.

Huang Zhanpeng, who was unconscious at this time, had also woken up, and Zou Yun told him why his hands were tied behind his back.

However, he felt more thirsty than Zou Yun, and kept licking his lips. In fact, Huang Zhanpeng's lips showed no signs of dryness.

"Let's... go out and find Wei'an." Huang Zhanpeng suggested with his throat moving.

Zou Yun glanced at him and asked, "Do you want to go out to find Wei An, or take the opportunity to find water?"

"I can't take it anymore. It's better to have a drink than to die of thirst!" Huang Zhanpeng said.

"Actually, your body is not thirsty, you just feel thirsty." Zou Yun said: "As long as you drink water, the weirdness will find you immediately."

"It's a big deal to die together. I really don't want to die of thirst like this." Huang Zhanpeng's lips began to tremble. He was like a drug addict at this moment, and he had no other thoughts in his head.

"Be patient." Zou Yun said.

As soon as she finished speaking, her eyes suddenly caught a very faint light.

Because the light inside the store was already dim, there was no light inside, so Zou Yun quickly saw that there seemed to be a row of shelves similar to stuffed bear toys in the place where the light came from.

Zou Yun stood up and walked over, lowered her head and took a look, and saw that there were all kinds of plush toys on this shelf.

And the toy of a naughty boy was sitting in the place where the light came from just now. This little guy was wearing a jacket full of cartoon patterns, his hair was brown, and it was combed up, looking very trendy.

But at this moment, the naughty boy had his eyes closed.

Originally, Zou Yun wanted to see if it was because the boy's eyes were electronic eyes that would glow, or were made of reflective glass balls, so the light appeared. Where there is no reflection.

She looked at the other toys around the naughty boy, and found that there was nothing that could shine. The eyes of these toys were all made of plastic, and it was impossible to shine.

Zou Yun was about to go back, but she suddenly hesitated, stretched out her hands instead, and poked the naughty boy's closed eyes.

Soon she discovered that the eyelids of the boy's toy could move!

But no matter how hard Zou Yun tried, the eyelids were tightly closed and could not be opened.

Is the toy sitting in the wrong position?
Zou Yun asked Huang Zhanpeng to come over, turned around and grabbed the boy's bristling brown hair, and lifted the toy up.

Suddenly, the boy's eyes snapped open, looking at Zou Yun.

This scene startled Zou Yun who was observing carefully.

"What happened?" Huang Zhanpeng asked.

Zou Yun replied, "Hold on to the toy carefully and don't move."

A moment later, she cast her eyes on the naughty boy's eyes again, and immediately felt a chill all over her body.

Because Zou Yun discovered that the boy's toy's eyes turned out to be real, it was inlaid with a pair of human eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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