this is not a joke

Chapter 263 Don't Let Him Destroy the Mall!

Chapter 263 Don't Let Him Destroy the Mall!
Wei'an didn't expect Zhang Zuxia's reaction to be so fast, he got in front of him, and he immediately ran along the escalator to the second floor.

At this time, Zou Yun dragged Huang Zhanpeng to the second floor, and the bloated man behind him was coming to the stairs of the escalator, chasing down step by step.

Turning around, Zou Yun didn't see Wei An, but instead saw Zhang Zuxia with red eyes rushing towards him with an alloy stick in his hand.

Instinctively startled, she immediately backed away in another direction, and at the same time ordered in a low voice: "Zhan Peng, is there anything wrong? Can you make a move now?"

Huang Zhanpeng's head was dizzy, but his desire to drink water was not as strong as before. He reluctantly nodded, "I should be able to hold on for a while."

"What are you holding in your hand? Give it to me!"

Zhang Zuxia saw the naughty boy toy in Zou Yun's hand at a glance, and rushed over, his eyes became more scarlet, and an unconcealable mania emerged.

It may be that Zou Yun has an instinctive fear of Zhang Zuxia because he has heard too much about Zhang Zuxia. Seeing his crazy appearance now, Zou Yun is frightened and retreats even faster. Behind Zhang Zuxia, she immediately opened her mouth and called out "Weian".

In the next second, Wei An held the bloody hammer in his hand and hit Zhang Zuxia on the back of the head.

He always grasped the strength, so that the blow could knock Zhang Zuxia unconscious while hitting the target.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zuxia reacted quickly, turned around one step ahead of time, raised the alloy stick to block it, and the hammer just hit the stick, shooting out a string of sparks.

Because Wei An didn't use much force, his hammer almost bounced off his hand.

Zhang Zuxia's mania could no longer be concealed, and he shouted violently, "You dare to attack me!"

The alloy stick in his hand slammed at Wei An's head.

Wei An immediately bowed, made a sliding step with his right foot, quickly shifted his body away, and swung his left hand.

This left hand was already holding the scalpel, and it was inserted into Zhang Zuxia's left waist, and then quickly pulled out.

This move is to cooperate with the attack of hammer and scalpel. Pei Na has just taught him not long ago, and he has already used it many times with Pei Na, so it was naturally used in the situation just now.

Zhang Zuxia felt a pain in his waist, and the stick was empty. He immediately freed up a hand and grabbed Wei An's collar, almost grabbing him.

At the same time, Zhang Zuxia bared his teeth, maybe if he caught Wei An, he would directly bite him.

There was a growl in this guy's throat, and he seemed to have entered a state of madness and lost his reason.

However, Zhang Zuxia's purpose was still obvious. Even though he was stabbed but not fatally wounded, after failing to catch Wei'an's clothes, he immediately turned the alloy stick and swept it sideways.

The color of the stick also changed at this moment. It was originally silvery white, but now it turned red gradually.

With a sweep of the stick, even the air around the stick began to vibrate, and the things it touched were instantly shattered. Even the flower beds, trash cans, etc. that were only half a meter away were smashed by the breath of the stick. It was crushed and turned into dozens of small fragments and flew out.

Wei An evaded in time and avoided the most powerful sweeping area, but was still caught up by the alloy rod, and he immediately blocked it with the bloody hammer.

The fighting skills during this period were not practiced in vain, the angle was just right, and the metal part of the hammer was not used to collide with the opponent's alloy stick instead of the wooden handle of the hammer.

There was a sound of metal impact, Wei An's palm split open, and the bloody hammer flew out and fell to the ground.

Before he could take back the hammer, Wei An lay down on the ground, and Zhang Zuxia's alloy stick swept across his head with ferocious force, and hit Huang Zhanpeng's iron hook again.

The iron hook flew out immediately, and the distance after landing was farther than Wei An's hammer.

"Don't fight him hard, this guy is a beast when he goes crazy!" Zou Yun reminded not far away.

The next second, she immediately turned her head to look in the direction of the escalator. With the perspective of the naughty boy in her hand, she saw that the bloated man was about to get off the escalator, and his attention had been attracted by the scene of Zhang Zuxia going crazy, and he temporarily forgot to continue chasing himself .

Wei An and Huang Zhanpeng withdrew their weapons one after another and retreated to Zou Yun's side.

"The invisible weirdness has come down, and it will be close to Zhang Zuxia soon." Zou Yun whispered immediately.

"How did you see it?" Wei An was surprised, and turned his eyes to the toy in Zou Yun's hand.

Zou Yun said: "In the toy store we were in just now, I discovered that the eyes of this naughty boy's toy are real human eyes, and then I found that I could see invisible weirdness by holding his hair!"

Wei An's reaction was quick. At this moment, he seemed to be reminded by Zou Yun's words, and immediately said: "Zhang Zuxia has been looking for this toy in your hand, probably because he can only deal with it after seeing the weirdness through this thing."

Zou Yun and Huang Zhanpeng were taken aback for a moment, and finally understood.

"Probably so!"

Although Zhang Zuxia was already insane, he was still able to accurately judge that there was a danger approaching him. When the bloated man was about to approach him, the guy violently swung the already completely red alloy stick.

This stick covered a larger area, smashing all the guardrails around him, the glass doors of the shop not far away, and even the guardrail at the entrance of the escalator a little further away.

Some objects did not touch the stick at all, but were directly destroyed by the violent aura rolling on the stick.

"Damn it, this weapon's heaven-defying!" Wei An's pupils shrank slightly, and he praised secretly while stepping back.

However, although Zhang Zuxia's weapon is extremely powerful, due to the rules of this strange talk, the bloated man is close in front of his eyes, but he can't be hurt.

Zou Yun saw that the bloated man grabbed the alloy stick, but Zhang Zuxia was so powerful at this time that the other party couldn't pull it over.

Immediately, the thick clothes on the bloated man's chest were flipped open, like two wriggling skins, one on top of the other, and cut towards Zhang Zuxia.

I didn't expect this guy to kill its target in this way, it looked extremely weird.

Although Zhang Zuxia couldn't see it, but his fighting power was amazing at this moment, he immediately let go of the alloy stick in his hand, took a few steps back, and then had the idea to put the weapon back into the inventory.

The alloy rod was directly put into his inventory by him abruptly, and he held it in his hand the next second, quickly swept it around him, and then quickly backed away.

The surrounding objects shattered into pieces, and the three of Wei'an were terrified when they saw it.

If Zhang Zuxia was allowed to smash it up like this, to the point of destroying the shopping mall, no one would be able to complete this main task.

"Zhang Zuxia, don't move! Let's clean up this weirdness! I'll give you all the benefits!" Wei An said immediately.

Every word he said at the moment was aimed at Zhang Zuxia, and the other party's purpose of entering this strange talk was also for this reason, so although he was in a state of madness, Zhang Zuxia also listened to Wei'an's words.

But he seemed to want to kill this weirdness himself, and stretched out his hand to Zou Yun again, "Give me the thing in your hand! I'll kill it!"

"Don't give it to him! Let's do it now!" Wei An quickly whispered to Zou Yun.

Zou Yun held the naughty boy in one hand, and took out her own weapon in the other. It was an exquisitely crafted boomerang, only the size of a palm, and threw it at the invisible monster who was originally focusing on Zhang Zuxia.

The boomerang instantly cut into the bloated man's heavy clothes, wriggling in it with difficulty, but it obviously didn't hurt the root.

"Come here!" Zou Yun quickly handed the naughty boy to Wei An while retracting the boomerang.

Wei An grabbed the boy's hair and killed the invisible monster with a bloody hammer.

At this moment, he finally saw this strange appearance clearly, the other party no longer appeared in the form of a red dot in his eyes.

This guy's bloated clothes are obviously not easy to be penetrated by attacks, so Wei An licked the cat's head in his mind, exuding some of the fear characteristics of the fear totem, jumped up suddenly, and pointed the hammer at the bloated man's head Smash it.

(End of this chapter)

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