this is not a joke

Chapter 272 She's here again!

Chapter 272 She's here again!

"Brother, won't you come with us?" Zhuang Meixue asked.

Wei An shook his head, "This strange talk is not a big problem for me, I have other things to delay for a while, you go first."

Su Ya asked: "Brother, don't you want to go back and save those two people? They are all scum, not worth saving. Just now, you have been threatening me and Michelle with violence and going ahead to find the way for them. That faceless woman After the chase came, they left us behind again..."

Wei An laughed and said: "I'm not going to save them. If these two people did have these bad behaviors in the ghost story, you should immediately go to your ghost story management bureau in Biluo City to file a record after leaving the ghost story, and explain the situation here clearly. In this case, even if these two people can leave the strange talk alive, they will be investigated and dealt with by the management authority after they go out, and there will be no good fruit to eat."

"Yeah, brother, be careful yourself." Zhuang Meixue nodded hurriedly.

The two walked forward supporting each other.

Wei An watched their figures disappear into the mist, then turned and walked back.

He has to go back to the teaching building at Huimin School through the dry well just now, and he can only return to the strange talk of the shopping mall through the bathroom of the teaching building.

Although this time the teacher was unfavorable, he didn't draw the traveling spell well, which led to the strange talk about the target of traveling, but it was a coincidence that he got the killing ax that he had been thinking about for a long time.

The combination of this thing and the bloody hammer can definitely surpass the existence of red weapons. Even against Zhang Zuxia's alloy stick, Wei'an believes that he can completely compete with it.

Back outside the cave of Dry Well, Wei An took a photo inside with the flashlight brought by Shunchuan, but he didn't see the white-haired old woman.

It seems that the old woman did not return, but directly chased the man and woman towards another dry well.

Wei An moved forward cautiously, but because he was worried that the white-haired old woman would turn back and meet in this cave, so he moved very fast.

Leaving the cave, he appeared in the first dry well. When he looked up, he saw that the wall of the dry well was covered in blood and flesh, and he could also see the pieces of clothes stuck to the flesh and blood, which belonged to the man and woman just now. girls.

It's just that now the girl's body is not human anymore, she is directly stuck to the wall of the well, and the flesh and blood are falling to the bottom of the well little by little, which is horrible.

It seems that in the process of escaping just now, Fei Yufeng directly abandoned Ke Ying, who was running slowly, and climbed up the mouth of the well by himself and ran away, leaving Ke Ying behind. The whole person smashed against the wall of the well.

Wei An bypassed the mass of flesh and blood and quickly climbed to the mouth of the well. He looked around and saw no one.

He immediately jumped out and trot towards the direction of the teaching building.

Just when he walked around to the front of the teaching building, he was taken aback suddenly, and saw Fei Yufeng standing on the steps leading to the teaching building, with his back turned to him, motionless.

Wei An did not make a sound, but walked around Fei Yufeng slowly, and saw a long-haired woman standing in front of this guy, and all the long hair of this long-haired woman was stretched out straight forward, with the tips of the hair inserted into the Nothing in Fei Yufeng's body was wasted.

Fei Yufeng kept his eyes wide open with a fearful expression, he seemed to be frightened, but he couldn't move anymore.

Wei An had experienced even the most terrifying scene before. He didn't pay too much attention to Fei Yufeng at the moment, but stared at the long-haired woman, and found that it was not a faceless woman at all.

In other words, she used to be a faceless woman, and she also wore the dress that covered her feet, but now she has facial features on her face, and these facial features are somewhat familiar to her.

The moment Wei An saw the woman's facial features, Wei'an's uneasiness just now was verified, but instead of retreating, he jumped forward, passing Fei Yufeng and the woman who had already grown facial features, and went Run up the stairs.

Wei An has seen this woman before, more than once, she has that weird hair!

And now Wei'an finally knows why the white-haired old woman's strange hair appeared in the dry well back then. Due to the rules of the ghost story, it turned out that the strange hair did not appear in the ghost story.

She also directly attached to the faceless woman through possession or projection, making the faceless woman grow her facial features, and then chased and killed herself.

Now the weird hair is also projected on the faceless woman with a much lower level through the same method, and it appears again in this strange talk.

Wei An had a bad feeling when he was fighting with the white-haired old woman just now. Presumably, the white-haired old woman must have recognized her and notified the strangeness of her hair in some way. .

It's just that the weird-haired guy was the first to meet Fei Yufeng after he appeared, and killed him immediately, and Wei An arrived when he was sucking his blood or soul.

He had weird hair and didn't expect Wei An's reaction to be so fast. After seeing him, this guy didn't back away and run away. Instead, he passed by his side and rushed upstairs.

She immediately withdrew all the hair from Fei Yufeng's body, Fei Yufeng's whole body trembled suddenly, blood slowly flowed out from all the pores of his pierced body, and at the same time, blood flowed out from the seven orifices of his face, with a bang He knelt down and then fell to the ground.

The weird hair turned around and didn't chase after it. It seemed that after projecting onto the faceless woman, every step it took would consume its energy.

However, her long hair was growing at an astonishing speed. Not only was it getting longer, but it was becoming more and more numerous. It soon covered the ground in front of the woman and spread rapidly along the stairs. go.

Wei An could hear the dense rustling sound coming from the stairs behind him, and he didn't need to look at him to know that it was the strange mass of hair chasing him, and the speed of chasing him was obviously faster than his own running speed.

Fortunately, the place where I walked through the spell was in the bathroom on the second floor of the teaching building, so I didn't have to run very far, as long as I went upstairs and turned a corner, I could enter the bathroom.

When I ran to the corner of the first and second floors, I saw the white-haired old woman who had just disappeared standing there, as if I expected that Wei An would pass by here.

Wei An was startled by this scene, and he began to worry whether the traveling charm in the bathroom had been disrupted by the white-haired old woman.

After being hit by Wei An with a bloody hammer just now, the back of the old woman's head was slightly sunken, and her cheeks were crooked. Seeing Wei An running up, she immediately rushed over.

Wei An didn't want to be entangled by her, otherwise the hair at the back would chase after him weirdly, and it might even entangle him to death here.

He immediately took out the killing ax and slashed across it.

The sharpness of this ax is excellent, unlike the bloody hammer that can only be struck, this split directly chopped off the head of the white-haired old woman, and the bones rolled down in the corner of the stairs.

The old woman's body immediately took a few steps back, leaned against the wall, and then squatted down to grope for her head.

Wei An took the opportunity to run up.

When he just finished running the last flight of stairs, his ankle tightened, and he was already entangled by a large amount of hair that rose up wildly.

Wei An immediately swung the ax in his hand, and chopped off the hair wrapped around his ankles. This ax was even more useful than a scalpel at the moment. After all, the ax still had a handle to grasp when it was a little farther away.

Turning a corner, Wei An quickly rushed into the bathroom, looked down, and saw that the water stains on the ground that had gathered into the walking charm had now flowed and spread out, out of shape.

(End of this chapter)

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