this is not a joke

Chapter 279 The door is open!

Chapter 279 The door is open!
"Then don't force it. It may not be a good thing to really open the door." The black and white girl said.

Wei An didn't speak.

The black and white woman said again: "After leaving with you last time, the old ghost has re-established the order here. The library APP mission you mentioned has been cancelled, and she seems to have formulated a new mission."

Wei An said, "Are you investigating her during this time?"

They all knew that the so-called old ghost actually shared the same body with the scavenger girl, as if the black and white girl had two personalities, one appeared during the day and the other at night.

And the old ghost who appeared at night used the time of night to rebuild the library task that Wei An destroyed last time into a new strange talk task.

After some communication, Wei An learned that the location of the strange story mission had also changed, it was no longer in the library, but changed to the hospital and at least four other places.

And so far, as far as the scavenger girl knows, the old ghost has killed [-] participants through the new strange talk, and controlled [-] others, and more participants are constantly entering this place. In the new strange talk.

But in Wei An's view, the only way to really get rid of this strange talk is to kill the old ghost.

It's just that it's inconvenient for him to say that killing the old ghost means killing the scavenger girl, because the two are one.

"I know what you're thinking?" said the scavenger girl.

Wei An behind the door was basically listening to her and rarely answered. The scavenger girl somehow guessed what he was thinking.

"Actually, I'm also trying to find a way to see how to make life in this city normal, instead of being controlled by old ghosts and constantly killing people." The scavenger girl continued.

"Have you thought of a way?" Wei An asked.

The scavenger girl shook her head slightly, "No. At first I thought the best way was to commit suicide. If I killed myself, the old ghost would die with me. Then maybe this city will continue to develop according to the normal order. But Later, after the old ghost created more weird appearances like lying corpses and paper figurines, I realized that this is not the best way, or even not the way at all."

"Why?" Wei An was surprised, and unconsciously moved closer to the door so that he could hear clearly.

"Because if I and the old ghost die at the same time, new controllers will be hatched in the city, and we are not the only ones. As long as the order is still there, it will have more weirdness, no matter how it appears." Scavengers road.

"This is an astonishing discovery." Wei An said with emotion: "In other words, you are not really weird. What is weird is the entire city you control, or the order that maintains the city's operation!"

"Yes, the order cannot be broken, even me." The scavenger girl nodded.

"Then can I deduce that within every strange story, no matter how big the area covered by the strange story is, there is this strange order of birth. Unless this order is completely destroyed, if only destroying the strange story area itself, is It won't be of much use at all." Wei An speculated.

The scavenger girl replied: "Without destroying the order, it is indeed impossible to completely destroy a strange story. At most, it is destroying all the materials of this strange story, such as houses, furniture, streets and even all visible objects, but even if these things are destroyed After being destroyed, it will gradually return to its original state with the passage of time and under the promotion of order."

"After doing this for so long, it turned out that we took it for granted to completely destroy the ghost story." Wei'an thought to himself: "Every time this ghost story lists me as an 'intruder', it is actually deceiving us, saying that we broke in, but It just slows down the recovery of the strange story itself, it doesn't destroy it."

I see!I see!
Even she would be kept in the dark if it weren't for the mighty monstrosity of the Black and White Lady groping its way through the city-wide spooky tales.

It's just that it must be much easier for a black and white woman to investigate than a human like Wei An.

The crux of the problem is that the scavenger girl in Black and White Girls now seems to be on the human side, at least she doesn't want the ghost city she manages to be ruled by that weird order.

For strange stories, the scavenger girl can be regarded as an anomaly among the weird.

It's just that if Wei An completely opened his heart to the scavenger right now, he still felt a little uneasy. He needed more observation and contact before he could decide how to get along with the scavenger.

But at this moment, the information brought to him by the scavenger girl is very important, and it is very likely that it will change the way and direction of the administration's handling of ghost stories in the future.

Of course, Wei An hasn't confirmed what the scavenger girl said, so the order of ghost talk mentioned by the other party is naturally the rule of ghost talk they understand, but whether it is order or rules, it is obviously deceptive to human beings.

The strange talk cannot disappear easily. Even after being damaged by intruders, at most it just needs to spend some more time to recover slowly, and then it can operate normally again.

If you want to really destroy a monster, you must destroy its rules together.

After Wei An thought about it, he thought that since the ghost talk covered up the possibility of it being broken to some extent, it was not as difficult to break its rules as he had imagined at first. , so that it has become so pale that no one dares to touch it now.

Of course, breaking the rules will inevitably traumatize participants, so there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

After communicating with the scavenger girl through the door for a while, Wei An found that the scavenger girl's voice was getting farther and farther away, as if she was pulling away from herself.

"I feel that the connection between us is about to be broken again." The scavenger girl also noticed it.

Wei An said: "Next time I will find a way to make my dream more stable, and we should meet again."

When the scavenger girl said something more, Wei An couldn't hear clearly.

He stretched out his hand to press the doorknob again, but after hesitating, he secretly thought that even if he could open the door, the space environment outside must have changed now, and it is really inappropriate to open it directly without knowing it.

After the scavenger girl disappeared, she went back to the bed and looked at the place where her roommate Guo Yi had been lying just now, Wei An felt puzzled.

That guy appeared here just now, it should be the same as those weird things that usually scare me in my dreams, they can all appear in my dreams.

So, Guo Yi has already died in the ghost talk, what just appeared is his soul? !
Wei An had a guess.

At this moment, there was another knock on the door.

Wei An's first reaction was that the scavenger girl was back, and she could connect with her dream again.

But then a man's voice sounded: "Uncle, are you there? It's me, Lin Rui."

"Lin Rui?" Wei An was taken aback, a smile appeared on his face.

He walked quickly to the door and put his hand on the doorknob again.

"Uncle, I can feel you are behind this door, but I can't open it, can you open it now?" Lin Rui's tone sounded a little excited.

Wei An no longer thinks about it anymore, since he swallowed the black pearl that can stabilize the dream in the last strange talk, maybe after stabilizing the spirit and the dream, he can also simultaneously penetrate this space channel, which is to open what Yin Siyuan said. What "transition space".

The next second, when Wei An pressed the doorknob, he heard the door lock click, and then a gap revealed the light from outside.

The door is open!
(End of this chapter)

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