this is not a joke

Chapter 282 The Secret of Group 6

Chapter 282 The Hidden Secrets of Group Sixteen
The team leader of the sixteenth investigation team was called Zhong Ling, and she happened to be in the office when Wei An arrived.

But because Wei An is a newly transferred investigator, the other teams basically don't know him.

There are nearly [-] people in the sixteenth group. At the moment, one-third of the team members are in the office, and the rest should be out to perform tasks.

After Wei An arrived, he said that he was a new investigator under Yin Siyuan in the third group, and a colleague sitting by the door asked him what was the matter.

Wei An said, "I'll find Team Leader Zhong Ling."

"She is busy now, if you have anything to tell me." A middle-aged man came over, "I am Lei Gang, the deputy leader of the sixteenth group."

"Okay." Wei An said: "After I entered the bureau, the dormitory happened to be allocated to Guo Yi from your group, but I haven't seen him since I moved in..."

Before Wei An finished speaking, Lei Gang seemed to know what he wanted to say, so he interrupted him and said, "Oh, Guo Yi, he is on a mission and may not be back in a short time."

Wei An nodded, he did not deny Lei Gang's words, but asked, "Is he in a strange talk?"

Lei Gang was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "Well, I'm having a strange talk with other colleagues."

"Did you lose contact in the strange talk?" Wei An asked in a low voice.

Lei Gang's expression changed, and he looked at Wei'an with a sharp gaze, then turned to look at the other colleagues beside him.

The colleague who was sitting near the door of the office had obviously heard Wei An's words. He had the same reaction as Lei Gang, his expression changed slightly, and he exchanged a glance with Lei Gang.

Lei Gang quickly changed his expression, smiled and said, "Who did you listen to? I know that other colleagues are spreading rumors that Guo Yi has died in the strange story. But think about it, if our team's investigators He died during the execution of the mission, didn't Team Leader Zhong Ling report to the bureau long ago?"

The colleague sitting at the door also said: "Yes, if Guo Yi died in the strange story, his body should have appeared after the strange story ended..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lei Gang pressed the man's shoulder, and the man immediately shut up and stopped talking.

"So... you guys are not sure whether Guo Yi is dead or not?" Wei An said.

"Are you Yin Siyuan's subordinate? You just wanted to take care of this when you were transferred? Where did you get transferred from?" Lei Gang suddenly turned ugly, and instead of answering Wei An's questions, he asked him one after another.

"What's the matter?" At this moment, a female voice came.

Wei An looked up, and saw a tall woman with wavy hair standing at the door of the inner office, frowning and looking at here.

This woman is Zhong Ling, the leader of the sixteenth group.

Lei Gang turned his head and said, "It's okay, Sister Zhong. A new colleague from the third group just came to the same dormitory as Guo Yi. Since I've never seen Guo Yi before, I came here to ask."

Hearing what he said, Zhong Ling immediately looked Wei An up and down several times, and then waved to him, "Come to my office."

Wei An walked in as promised, and Lei Gang followed him into the office, and then closed the door.

"What's your name?" Zhong Ling asked while sitting on the sofa in the office.

Wei An also sat down directly, without being polite, and replied, "My name is Wei An."

"Wei An?" Zhong Ling seemed to be a little familiar with this name. She remembered hearing it or seeing it somewhere, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"He said he was transferred to Yin Siyuan's group just now." Lei Gang said from the side.

"What are you doing in Yin Siyuan's group?" Zhong Ling asked.

The investigators in Yin Siyuan's group are all very powerful, at least they have their own specialties in some aspects. After all, Yin Siyuan's investigation team is three teams, and it can be regarded as a veteran-level investigation team in the management bureau.

According to the working ability of the investigation team, the first three groups are the strongest, and the top ten groups are considered good among all the investigation teams. Ability to divide groups.

Wei An replied: "Nothing has been done, he has not arranged for me for the time being."

"Which bureau did you work in before?" Zhong Ling asked again.

Wei An said: "Zhoucheng Administration."

"Zhoucheng?" Zhong Ling's memory seemed to be activated. She repeatedly read the words "Wei'an, Zhoucheng" silently, then returned to the computer and opened a work announcement posted on the internal webpage by the Administration Office. .

After a while, Zhong Ling raised her head and stared at Wei An with a strange expression, "Are you the chief investigator of Zhoucheng—Wei An?"

"Pfft, chief..." Lei Gang couldn't help but said, "Zhoucheng doesn't classify investigators according to the usual grades, but has it set up a chief?"

But before he could finish his sentence, Zhong Ling continued: "A single person perfectly solved the B-level ghost talk 'three rumors'?"

"Class B! Alone?!" Lei Gang's smile froze on his face.

Zhong Ling went back to the sofa and sat down again. Her attitude towards Wei An was much gentler now, and she said, "You suddenly came here to ask about Guo Yi, did you hear what the investigators from other teams said?"

"Some people are guessing that Guo Yi may have died in the strange story." Wei An said: "But I will not believe this without evidence. The reason for my coming is very simple. Team leader Zhong, you may not know that I once I was traumatized, so every now and then I would see weird things coming at me in my nightmares."

"Yeah." Zhong Ling nodded, "There are also investigators in our team who have mental trauma, but it's very minor. If you pay attention to it, it won't be a big problem."

"Yes." Wei An continued: "I entered the nightmare again last night, but this time the strange thing I saw was Guo Yi!"


Zhong Ling and Lei Gang were startled, and Lei Gang even stood up directly, staring at Wei An with a surprised face, and then looked at Zhong Ling again.

Not long after, Lei Gang realized that his behavior might be a little abnormal, and he immediately wanted to cover it up, but Zhong Ling shook his head and said: "Lei Gang, there is no need to cover up this matter, let me tell him. Maybe the ending is already doomed , no matter how hard we try, we can’t change it.”

Lei Gang didn't say anything, just sat down slowly.

There was a brief silence in the office.

Not long after, Zhong Ling said: "Guo Yi has indeed fallen into a strange talk, and one of the participants in this strange talk happened to be my niece. My niece entered the strange talk for the first time and didn't understand anything. Guo Yi knew her. So after rescuing the other participants, in order to save my niece, he himself fell into a strange story and could no longer find the exit."

After a pause, she continued: "I have the responsibility. When I found out that my niece was a participant, I hinted that he must ensure the safety of my niece. If I didn't hint, the situation my niece was in was too dangerous. As a If an investigator has his own ability to judge, he will not rush to rescue him again, and he will not end up in the current result."

"But Guo Yi's body hasn't appeared until now, so he must still be in the strange story, and he may have been in danger." Lei Gang added, and then he looked at Wei An, "You said it was weird to dream of Guo Yi, It may be because I heard the rumors from other investigators during the day and subconsciously believed that Guo Yi was dead, so he appeared in the dream, which should not mean anything."

"Do you need me to tell you the details of your dream?" Wei An looked at Lei Gang.

(End of this chapter)

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