this is not a joke

Chapter 285 Arriving at Biluo City

Chapter 285 Arriving at Biluo City

"What?" Wei An was surprised.

He felt that his mother wanted his father to call him, maybe what he wanted to talk about was this matter, but because Wei Zhengdong had greater doubts in his heart, he asked him questions that he cared about in advance.

Wei Zhengdong said: "To be precise, it is 320 yuan. Last night, around midnight, your mother received a text message notification, but we had already rested at that time, and we only saw it this morning when we woke up."

"It's even a fraction, so accurate!" Wei An was surprised: "Then it's impossible for someone to pay us. It's a bit like the salary paid by the administration, but the salary can't be so much! And it's paid On my mother's account!"

As soon as these words came out, Wei An was taken aback for a moment, and he remembered something, "I remember last time I filled in my mother's bank account number on the share subscription form of a company under the Ark Group, which is the company opened by Jiang Jialiang's grandfather. I went to their house for dinner together, do you remember?"

When Wei An said this, Wei Zhengdong suddenly remembered, "Oh, I remembered, could it be that the more than 300 million yuan is a share dividend? There are so many, and we didn't do anything?"

Wei An was silent for a moment, and said: "I haven't done anything now, maybe I will do it in the future. This is the Jiang family's reward for me saving Jiang Jialiang last time. This dividend is paid every six months, and the next time it will be credited to the account will be half a year later." .”

"Then we will accept it?" Wei Zhengdong asked.

"Well, take it." Wei An nodded, "You can tell my mother by the way that she may have to spend a little time taking care of the Jiang family during the time I am not in Zhoucheng, especially Jiang Jialiang and the people involved in the Jiang family. Encountered a strange situation."

Wei An knew that this money was not easy to get, but fortunately, he and his mother Wen Qiong were not ordinary ghost talk participants, and it was easy to deal with ghost stories below C level.

Wei Zhengdong's tone became excited, "I'll tell your mother to go now! No way, I quit my job and retire early, and I will pay 300 million yuan in dividends in half a year. This is a fart! You will pay your mother later! Call and ask her to give me tens of thousands of pocket money."

"You won't ask for it yourself?" Wei An asked.

"Not only would she not give it to me, but I would also be scolded by her." Wei Zhengdong said resentfully, still knowing himself.

After hanging up the phone, Pei Na probably heard the conversation between the father and son, and came over and said, "The Jiang family gave you 300 million dividends?"

"Yeah." Wei An nodded, "My dad will most likely choose to resign because of this matter, because he just thinks that he didn't get into the ghost talk because there are those colleagues in the office, so Feng Shui is not good."

Pei Na covered her mouth and smiled, "Your dad is so funny! I suspect his super high mental value is the reason."

"Everyone is so suspicious, but there is no evidence." Wei An laughed.

"Maybe one day everyone in the whole world will have their turn in the ghost story, except for your dad. What do you think will happen to him?" Pei Na asked.

"Maybe you will jump off the building in resentment." Wei An said.

The two chatted and laughed while taking a taxi to the airport.

Unlike Zhoucheng, Fancheng does not have a special car for every investigator here, but only two cars for one investigation team. Wei An has not been here for a long time, and there is no special car.

When he arrived at the gate of the airport, Wei An's account received a text message from the bank. When he opened it, he saw that he had received a transfer of 100 million yuan, which was just transferred by his mother.

Soon my mother called: "Wei An, your dad told me, but I think you may need money a lot to work there, I just transferred 100 million to you, take a look Did you get it?"

"Well, I got it." Wei An replied: "Actually, my salary is already enough. By the way, you can give him some pocket money."

"Give it."

"How much did you give?"

"five hundred."

"Do you know how to give five hundred?"

"Okay then, I'll give him another five hundred later."

When he was about to board the plane, Wei An hung up the phone and boarded the plane after chatting with his mother.

Then Pei Na smiled and shook her head behind her and said, "Poor Uncle Wei!"

It took almost two and a half hours to arrive at Biluocheng Airport.

Wei An didn't tell Su Ya that he was here today, but he had received Su Yafa's home address two days ago. After checking through the map app on his mobile phone, he found that the map indicated that the place was a closed area, which was impassable.

It's still early, Wei An and Pei Na didn't bring much luggage, and Pei Na didn't have much cosmetics, just brought some ordinary facial cleanser and other things, and all their belongings were settled in a large travel bag.

After taking a taxi and telling the driver where he was going, the driver immediately said, "Maybe I can't go there, I heard it's blocked."

Then mysteriously told Wei'an and Pei Na, "There must be a strange talk in that place, maybe it's serious, I advise you to stay away from that place."

Wei An said: "It's okay, just send us to the street closest to that area."

The car quickly drove to the north of the city.

Around noon, the two came to a blocked intersection of a street, and the taxi stopped.

At this time, a man in a sheriff's uniform approached the taxi and asked in a harsh tone, "What are you doing here?"

The driver pointed to Wei An, "This passenger is going here."

Pei Na sat in the car and paid the fare, while Wei An got out of the car, took out his investigator ID, and said to the sheriff, "I'm looking for a friend who lives in a residential area called Xiaotaoyuan. "

"Hello, Mr. Investigator!" The sheriff immediately became polite when he saw Wei An's ID, because he saw many investigators coming in and out of here in the past two days.

But soon the magistrate noticed that Wei An's certificate stated that it was the Brahma City Strange Story Administration.

Wei An could see his doubts, and explained: "I'm not here to handle the case, but to help my friend. But if you are sucked into a strange story during the process, you can also help the administration here deal with it."

The sheriff nodded in understanding, and quickly notified an investigator from the local authority to come over.

The taxi driver turned the car around, looked at Wei An, and said to himself: "So it's the investigator! It seems that there are strange stories happening here, so I'll tell you!"

The Biluocheng investigator who came here was elderly, about 50 years old, and still wearing glasses.

He smoked his glasses on the bridge of his nose, glanced at Wei An's ID, and said, "You're from the Vatican City Administration? What's your friend's name?"

"Su Ya, live in Xiaotaoyuan residential area." Wei An replied.

The man with glasses immediately asked the assistant next to him to check the list of personnel. The assistant nodded and said, "There is this person, and he is currently under centralized control."

"You can go in, but you can't take her out." The man with glasses said: "Because strange stories may break out here at any time, if she has been selected by strange stories, it will be very dangerous to leave this area."

Of course, Wei An knew that Su Ya could not be taken away casually. He still remembered that during the bloodthirsty butcher ghost talk, a participant tried to hide away from the ghost talk. As a result, only half of the guy's body was sucked in after the strange talk started, and the scene was bloody.

"I won't take her away, I just came to help." Wei An said: "If she is indeed a participant, maybe my assistant and I can also help you."

"Thank you in advance! By the way, what is your level..." The man with glasses remembered this question at this moment, and he didn't look carefully just now.

Wei An opened his ID again and handed it to him.

Since being transferred to Fancheng, it is of course impossible for Wei An to be called "Chief", so he has been re-evaluated, and the current level is the general standard.

"Level [-]!" The man with glasses was taken aback for a moment. Behind the thick glasses, a pair of bull's eyes stared straight at Wei An.

He knew very well in his heart that these five levels were the ceiling level for investigators.

(End of this chapter)

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