this is not a joke

Chapter 291 The Creepy Breakfast

Chapter 291 The Creepy Breakfast

The sun is shining outside the window.

In the bright and spacious living room, Su Ya, wearing a white nightgown, was sitting alone at the dining table enjoying a sumptuous breakfast.

It took her half an hour to prepare this for herself. There were two pieces of toast, a runny fried egg, some boiled broccoli on the dinner plate, and apples, peaches, sweetheart pineapples, etc. in another small bowl. Mixed chunks, fruit topped with some salad dressing.

A light breeze came in from the half-opened window, making Su Ya feel very comfortable. She got up and took a delicate radio, turned on her favorite "Morning Reading" column, and put the radio on the dining table.

Taking a deep breath of the aroma of the food, Su Ya enjoyed her breakfast while listening to the program.

The "Morning Reading" program is telling a story, and the beautiful female voice is narrating, the voice is soft, unhurried, like a beautiful note, which makes people's ears very enjoyable.

With a faint smile on Su Yan's face, she put a third of the fried egg into her mouth and chewed it slowly.

Then I inserted a cooked broccoli with a fork, dipped a little salad dressing in the fruit bowl, and ate it in one bite.

"The morning sun was warm, and Meina, who had slept for eight hours, felt full of energy at the moment, as if she had inexhaustible power. After washing, she went to the kitchen to cook a very nutritious breakfast for herself. There was a crisp sound of birdsong, as if greeting Mina..."

The beautiful female voice on the radio slowly described the same beautiful morning.

Su Yan chewed and swallowed the food on the plate while listening.

"Mina's breakfast is two pieces of toast, a fried egg, still runny, and some poached broccoli." A voice came from the radio.

Su Yan looked at the breakfast on her plate, with a wider smile on her face, and said to herself, "What a coincidence?"

The female voice on the radio continued: "For a more balanced nutritional mix, she also prepared a bowl of mixed fruits including apples, peaches, and pineapples... Spread a layer of white salad dressing, which makes your mouth water..."

Su Yan frowned slightly as she looked at the fruit in the fruit bowl on her dining table.

Apples, peaches, sweet pineapple.

Her eyes swept over these fruits one by one, and she was very surprised. She didn't know why it happened that the breakfast fruit on the radio was exactly the same as her own! ?

"Meina cut off a third of the fried egg with a knife and put it in her mouth. Feeling the joy of filling her mouth with the fragrance of the egg liquid, she suddenly felt that she was the happiest person in the world! Then she ate again. A mouthful of broccoli. Suddenly Mina was stunned, not knowing what she was thinking, or something made her feel a little doubtful. At this moment, Mina was still holding a fork in her right hand..."

Su Ya lowered her head and looked at her right hand. She just put the broccoli into her mouth and swallowed it. At this time, she did not put down the fork in her right hand.

"How could this be?" Su Ya was a little terrified.

Because so far, from making breakfast to the present, the protagonist on the radio has done all the same things as me, as if the storyteller is telling his every move just now, without any mistakes.

The wonderful feeling just now had disappeared, and goosebumps appeared on Su Ya's arms at this time, she quickly put down the fork in her hand, stretched out her hand and pulled a tissue...

"Mina put down her fork, and then took a clean white tissue from the tissue box..."

Holding the tissue in her hand, Su Ya gave a sudden pause, not daring to make any more movements, and just froze with a terrified expression.

The narration continued on the radio.

"She wiped her mouth with a paper towel, and then continued to enjoy her food. For today's food, Mina is most satisfied with the Liuxin fried egg, and then the bowl of fruit salad..."

Seeing that the radio had continued to talk, Su Ya originally wanted to pull a tissue to wipe her mouth, but now that the radio had said that the protagonist Mina also wiped her mouth with a tissue, Su Ya stopped continuing immediately, and instead He squeezed the paper towel in his hand into a ball and threw it into the trash can under his feet.

She subconsciously wanted to do something different from what was said on the radio, otherwise, if her actions were the same as that of the protagonist in it, Su Ya would be scared to death.

This action of counter-operation really diverges from the protagonist in the radio, and the description of the following story is no longer the same as before, that is, there is no overlap with Su Ya.

This made Su Ya's sense of fear just now begin to weaken. Although her heartbeat was still a little fast and she felt uncomfortable, everything was subsiding.

"It should be just a coincidence!"

After recovering from her senses, Su Ya immediately speeded up her breakfast, quickly finished eating two pieces of bread and broccoli, and then began to eat fruit, while the heroine on the radio had already finished her breakfast and put the tableware on the table. After returning to the kitchen, I started to clean up the hygiene at home.

Originally, Su Ya's plan was to start cleaning after breakfast, but now that she heard that the heroine on the radio did this, she didn't plan to do it again. clean.

At this time, the radio said: "Mina whistled, with a crystal bead of sweat on her forehead, she wiped the furniture in the living room with a brand new rag, and then she came to the bedroom to wipe her dressing desk and bedside table, but no one expected the tragedy to come too suddenly. She accidentally knocked down the vase in the process of wiping. porcelain……"

At this time, Su Ya had just stood up to clean up the tableware on the table. When she heard these words from the radio, there was a sudden crackling sound in the bedroom behind her, and something fell to the ground.

Su Ya was startled suddenly, the words on the radio just now were still echoing in her ears.

"Knocked over the vase!"

Su Ya remembered that she also bought a vase just now. Although it was not as expensive as the radio said, it was indeed placed in the bedroom, and she hadn't had time to put flowers in it.

At this moment, she was so nervous that she could hardly breathe. After taking two deep breaths, she grabbed the fork on the dining table, held it tightly in her hand, and looked in the direction of the bedroom with a frightened face.

From the dining table, you can only see the door of the bedroom, and the situation inside is not clear, but the crisp sound just now did come from inside.

Su Ya took two steps forward in trembling and startled, stretching her neck to see if there was anyone in the bedroom, she unconsciously grasped the fork with both hands, and pushed the fork in front of her.

After arriving at the door of the bedroom, he lowered his head to look at the ground inside, and sure enough, he saw that there were fragments of a broken vase still on the ground.

Su Ya immediately looked up and looked at other places in the bedroom, but she didn't see anyone. At this moment, her heart was beating like a drum, her face was as pale as paper, and her hands and feet had become cold.

The radio on the dinner table still tells the story.

"After the vase was broken, Mina hurried over with a broom and dustpan, but she stepped on a smooth piece. After falling to the ground, Mina's carotid artery was cut off by the largest piece on the ground, and the blood spurted out Small red dots like flowers were printed on the walls and curtains in the bedroom..."


At this moment, Su Ya heard a strange noise from the wardrobe in the bedroom, and saw the biggest wardrobe door slowly open.

(End of this chapter)

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