this is not a joke

Chapter 317 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 317 Chasing and Killing

At present, Wei An kept within a distance of 100 meters from the female corpse who was going upstairs, so the other party did not suddenly appear beside him, but walked up at his own speed.

And the female student turned her back to the door strangely, obviously under some kind of control, and didn't realize that Wei An had appeared just now.

Wei An hid behind the door next door and entered a state of invisibility. For the time being, it was safe, and it depended on whether the female corpse would show special means to find herself after approaching.

He used this blank time to consume energy points to prepare for plot speculation.

But the result was exactly as he expected, and a paragraph of text soon appeared in his mind.

[Story speculation cannot be activated for the time being. 】

This is not Wei An's strange talk, he has no identity here, not even an intruder, which leads to plot speculation that in order to protect himself from being discovered by the rules, the choice will not be triggered.

Wei An suspects that what the plot editor is automatically protecting is not the current ghost talk rules, but a larger, deeper hidden rule.

Soon he transferred the cost of these energy points to the function of "positioning characters", but this time it was unexpectedly successful.

The first character Wei An positioned was the young female corpse who was chasing after him, and he saw a slightly flickering red dot in the stairwell below, coming up.

When the red dot flickered, it was extremely weak, and the frequency was not high, which was completely different from the last time Wei An located the clone of the god of death, giving people a feeling that it didn't want to be too ostentatious at the moment.

It seems that locating the role is better than speculating on the plot, at least it can still be activated, but it looks a little "cowardly", and it should also be afraid of being detected by the underlying rules that Wei An still doesn't know.

However, 50 energy points can only locate one character, and Wei An immediately consumed another 200 energy points to see how many people or weirdnesses he has not discovered, and how many can be located now.

After a while, the girl student next door was located weirdly, the red dot flickered slowly and shallowly, and then on the playground outside the circular teaching building, that not weird short-haired woman was also located, approaching this way , the movement is not hurried or slow, it seems that there is full confidence.

Wei An did not locate the two participants who were hiding in the teacher's office at the moment, because he knew that the two were still there.

However, in this positioning, the red dot representing Zhou Xin was not found.

Originally, he planned to activate the role positioning in the locker room, where the conjuring took place. This way, using the location as the radius, he could find out the target location more comprehensively and clearly, if Zhou Xin was still here.

Now that the situation is urgent, it can only be activated here.

If Zhou Xin's red dot is not seen, no matter whether Zhou Xin is human or weird, it means that Zhou Xin is indeed no longer in this weird talk.

It is very likely that after entering the strange talk with Luo Xiaoya, Zhou Xin was transformed into a weird one, and then killed by the short-haired woman who entered one step ahead of him, and completely disappeared in the strange talk.

And this short-haired woman who is suspected to be from the paternal father's organization probably entered the strange story through the traveling spell, but Wei An didn't know where the other party's traveling spell was placed.

If he found that place, he would have a chance to leave here, but he didn't know what was going on on the other side of the traveling spell. It was possible that Wei'an would be caught or even killed immediately after passing through.

At this time, the red dot representing the young female corpse had reached the seventh floor, and soon she passed the door of Wei An's classroom and walked to the classroom of the walking spell next door.

The female student in the next classroom was still standing there strangely. With her strength, she was completely unable to compete with the female corpse, but the female student was under control, so the female corpse would not be her enemy.

After a while, the female corpse came out from the next door, as if she had sensed it, and soon came to the door of Wei An's hidden classroom, and walked in stiffly.

Around her body, an obscure and extremely depressing Yin Qi surrounds her. This Yin Qi is so strong that it can kill the target at any time.

When she passed in front of the podium in the classroom, the chalk box, pen container, eraser board and other items placed on the podium were shaken with extremely high frequency due to the shock of Yin Qi.

So far, Wei An is sure that the female corpse is looking for the target entirely through induction. Although she can't see herself for the time being, she can still find that he is in this classroom through the induction of the blood, hair, and nails that have swallowed her. It's just that the location can't be determined.

After a while, the female corpse turned around and walked towards the door.

She also seemed to be a little hesitant, because she could only sense that Wei An was here, but her eyes could not confirm his existence at all.

After seeing the female corpse getting closer and closer to him, Wei An tensed up slightly, and his mind was highly concentrated.

At this time, the female corpse had completely seen behind the door, but there was nothing there, so she took two steps forward again.

Just after these two steps stopped, he suddenly saw a strangely shaped weapon change from transparent to solid, and slashed at his head.

This is Wei An's halberd axe!
He had already prepared the halberd and ax in the invisibility spell, and was waiting to enter the attack range by sensing the female corpse approaching him. Now this situation is the best way to counter-kill the opponent.

Just after the halberd ax slashed into the dense yin energy around the female corpse at close range, the relentless force caused this layer of yin energy to be cut open like tofu, and became violent in an instant.

The female corpse retreated immediately, and sent out two other yin qi, one left and one right, to attack Wei'an, trying to stop his halberd and ax attack.

With the speed of the female corpse, even if she is sneaked by Wei An, she can exit the attack range in an instant, but at this moment, an unprecedented sense of fear is poured on her head like a basin of icy cold water.

Wei An, holding a halberd and ax in both hands, threw himself out of the invisibility spell. In the eyes of the female corpse, a black aura similar to that of a god of death radiated from his body, rising up.

Fear imagery!

This time was completely different from just now. An uncontrollable sense of terror completely enveloped the female corpse. Her face, which was still wearing a strange smile, was overwhelmed by this fear in a second. As he was commanded, the weird yin energy around him was even more chaotic, without a fixed direction for attacking and blocking.

In the eyes of the female corpse, Wei An's every movement at this time made her feel unspeakable fear, as if her natural enemy was the man with the halberd and ax in front of her.

At close range, the ferocious ax directly broke through the Yin Qi and slashed on the forehead of the female corpse.

In fact, the chaotic yin energy did not dissipate. If the female corpse could react and fight back immediately, this powerful yin energy could still trap Wei An in an instant and prevent him from pulling back the halberd axe.

But at this moment, the female corpse was shrouded in fear images, her Yin Qi was scattered, and the blade of the halberd ax pressed down again, cutting her head in half instantly.

Seeing that her limbs were still moving, Wei An didn't seem to be going to die, so he chopped down a few more times, causing the female corpse not only to be decapitated, but even the limbs were separated from the body.

But the female corpse is still moving, and the Yin Qi around her will not dissipate.

The duration of the fear image disappears quickly. This is Wei'an's trump card. It can only be used once in strange stories, and the duration is relatively short.

The fear that shrouded the female corpse gradually began to dissipate, but she had no ability to attack at this moment.

However, Wei An noticed that the female corpse still wouldn't die, mainly because after he attacked the opponent, a large amount of yin energy immediately wrapped the female corpse, and it felt like cotton to the touch, and his halberd and ax could no longer penetrate it.

This shows that the female corpse can still recover slowly through these yin qi, but it may take a long time to recover.

In other words, in order to really get rid of her, it is not enough to just destroy her body, but to find a way to get rid of the source of this Yin Qi.

But now Wei An has no time, or to be precise, he doesn't have enough strength to do so.

At this time, the red dot representing the woman with short hair has entered the teaching building.

(End of this chapter)

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