this is not a joke

Chapter 319 Weird Disappearance

Chapter 319 Weird Disappearance
Wei An managed to catch his breath. He never expected that he would be rescued by these two students who seemed to be acting badly just now.

The first time he met these two people, out of the investigator's instinct, he helped them out.

And when he was on the seventh floor, he also conveniently killed the female student Weirdly, causing the two participants to pop up a reminder that "the danger has been eliminated, and the first soul call has been completed".

So they came out trembling and startled, but after Wei An's reminder, the two of them were very careful and did not make any movement when they came out.

Opening the door of the teacher's office, just in time to see Wei'an being kicked by the short-haired woman in the corner, Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna shrank back in fright.

Then Jin Mingfei discovered that the woman with short hair seemed to want to strangle Wei An.

He was terrified, but he knew that he couldn't let his savior be killed right under his nose, and looking at the short-haired woman, it was obviously not weird.

As long as it's not weird, they're not that scary.

Jin Mingfei immediately picked up an ashtray from the desk in the office, then went behind the short-haired woman and smashed it hard.

Because he was eager to save people, he didn't hold back his strength, and the blow was so violent that the back of the woman's head was hit with a dent, and blood flowed out.

After the two helped Wei An up, Jin Mingfei hurriedly said, "Brother, she... who is she? Will she... be crushed to death by me?"

"A bad guy." Wei An calmed down, his face slowly returned to normal, and replied: "Not dead, this woman deserves it if she was crushed to death. After leaving this strange talk, you can call the Brahma City Administration , said that he saved the investigator Wei An, and he can also receive a reward. By the way, where do you live?"

"We are classmates, so we live in Fucheng." Liu Wenna said, "We study in Fucheng No. [-] Middle School."

Wei An nodded. This rich city is close to the central city, and it is also a large city, larger than Fancheng.

"It must be very good to be able to study in Fucheng No. [-] Middle School." Wei An nodded and smiled. At this moment, he was extremely grateful to the two people who saved his life.

After questioning, Jin Mingfei told him that the strange talk reminded them that their first soul-calling task had been completed, and it seemed that they were going to continue with the second soul-calling task.

It's no wonder that these two people haven't quit the strange talk after they came out of the spell for so long. It turns out that they still have to complete the second summoning.

Although the few of them can conjure souls together, the number of tasks for conjuring souls seems to be related to the number of participants. There are three people who need to complete three missions for conjuring souls.

Of course, only Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna are left now, that is to say, they should complete a soul-calling task before they can pass the level.

It's just that after Wei An intervened in the strange talk rules, there were a lot of cracks on the ground and walls of the teaching building at this moment. The two students didn't know the reason, and they thought it was Wei An and the short-haired woman who made a big noise .

"I'll accompany you guys to finish the second summoning later, let's deal with this woman first." Wei An gritted his teeth and looked at the short-haired woman lying on the ground.

A small strip of curtain cloth was cut and wrapped around the wound on her head, as long as she didn't die so soon.

Wei An asked Jin Mingfei to fetch some cold water from the toilet, poured it directly on the woman's face, and tied her hands behind her back with more cut curtain cloth in advance.

After being doused in cold water for the second time, the short-haired woman finally woke up faintly. She was pale due to a lot of blood loss, and there was a large pool of her blood on the ground.

Fortunately, the woman's physical fitness is excellent, and she can still wake up under such circumstances.

Her eyes were dazed for a moment, and she soon regained her sanity, but it was obvious that the injury on the back of her head was more serious, and there were bursts of tearing pain, which made the woman temporarily speechless.

Wei An asked her to lie flat on the ground and continue to recover.

After waiting for a while, it was found that the back of the woman's head was no longer bleeding, but the woman had already experienced symptoms of excessive blood loss, and her body began to twitch slightly and uncontrollably.

The blow just now was indeed heavy, but Jin Mingfei was eager to save people, even if he smashed the woman to death on the spot, Wei An couldn't ask her anything.

"If you can still talk, tell me where is the traveling spell that you came in?" When Wei An asked these words, Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna had deliberately avoided them and stood guard on the other side of the stairs.

The short-haired woman didn't speak, but stared at Wei An unwillingly, her body would twitch uncontrollably from time to time.

"You are in urgent need of medical treatment now. If there is still time, you can recover if you leave this strange talk, but if you delay for a while, let alone that we insist on your life, it is because you don't cherish it." Wei An continued.

After waiting for a while, when Wei An was about to speak again, the woman spoke, her lips moved and she made a sound with difficulty.

"not here."

"It's not in this teaching building, so where is it?" Wei An asked.

"Another...building." The woman said weakly.

"When you came in, did you see my friend Zhou Xin?" Wei An asked again.

"Dead." This time the woman's answer was only two words, but it was extremely clear.

Wei An's last hope has been completely shattered, but the woman is too weak and time is limited, so she can't ask in detail, and if she asks, she must ask for the most critical information.

After a pause, he spoke again: "Are you working for the Zongfather organization?"

The woman pursed her lips slightly, probably wanting to show a sneer, but this expression was interrupted in the middle, replaced by her lips twitching due to the pain of the wound.

"Do you think...there is...only the patriarch?"

Wei An frowned. Since he started dealing with strange stories, he seems to have only one enemy left besides the Zongfather organization.

Because the deaths of the two investigators from the Setting Sun Country were related to him, that is, he might anger the people of the Setting Sun Country because of this.

It just so happens that investigators from the Setting Sun Kingdom came in to this strange story, so they are absolutely familiar with this place!
After thinking about this level, Wei An blurted out, "You work for the Setting Sun Country?"

The woman's expression remained the same, but she didn't answer.

Although she can't say much at the moment, it can be seen that most of them are related to the investigators of the setting sun country.

Originally, Wei An wanted to question how she collected her hair, nails and blood, and to find out who the traitor was.

But the short-haired woman suddenly began to vomit blood, and the blood in her mouth flowed back into the air intake, causing her to cough violently again.

As a result, blood flowed out from the slightly coagulated wound on the back of the head.

Seeing that the woman might not last long, Wei An immediately leaned over and asked, "Where is your traveling spell? I will take you there right away, or you might not last five minutes!"

The most important thing is that Wei An must pass the traveling spell to go back, otherwise he is likely to be trapped here to death.

Of course, if he really found the location of the traveling spell, it would be a different matter to send the short-haired woman back. Wei An must first ensure that he has a way to leave.

In fact, Wei An's body was full of injuries at this time, which looked a bit scary, but he knew that these injuries were not fatal, and he could continue to support.

After speaking, I saw the woman's head tilted slightly, and three words came out of her mouth: "The building next door."

Wei An immediately stood up and walked a few steps towards the stairs, and said to the two students guarding there: "Jin Mingfei, come and help me, we will carry her to the next door."

When the two approached, Wei An walked back to take a look, and immediately froze in place.

I saw the short-haired woman who was lying on the ground just now and was about to die, but now she disappeared without a sound!
There was only a horrible pool of blood left in place, there was nothing in the front and back of the corridor, and there was no blood on the stone railing in the corridor, and the office door which was a little closer was not touched.

This woman completely disappeared in just ten seconds or so!
(End of this chapter)

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