this is not a joke

Chapter 329 Suspected of B-level?

Chapter 329 Suspected of B-level?
At this moment, the door of the room was already ajar, and Wei An walked out first, followed by Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna supporting each other.

The two lowered their heads tightly, Liu Wenna's long hair had already been coiled up before, and they didn't dare to make a sound, just followed Wei An.

The bald old man with a cane on the opposite street looked up, his wrinkled face was a little surprised, because he knew very well that the house the three walked out of was abandoned.

In the memory of the old man, don't go into the abandoned house anyway, and even avoid getting close to it.

Watching the three of Wei An disappear along the street, the bald old man didn't do anything, but immediately returned to the room behind him and closed the door immediately.

Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna imitated Wei An's appearance, deliberately hunched over while walking, and instantly became shorter. Liu Wenna also had to pay attention to her long hair to prevent it from slipping down suddenly.

Wei An quickly left Ji Street with the two of them, and came to the door of Room No. [-] on Geng Street. The people behind that door seemed to be able to sense their approach, and immediately opened half of the door, and the three walked in quickly. .

After the door was closed, the room was completely dark, and no moonlight could penetrate.

This time, Zheng Yu didn't light a candle, and Wei An, after groping to sit down, gave Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna a brief introduction to the rules of the ancient city called the City of Ancient Wafers.

When they learned that the abandoned house they were in was one of the forbidden places in the city, Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna broke out in a cold sweat again.

"Now we roughly understand the rules of this city. Don't stop casually when walking on the street, don't go out during curfew, and don't show your shadow under the candlelight." Wei'an said: "Now we will temporarily live in Zheng Yu. In the investigator's room."

"The former aborigine in this room died after going to sea. Nie Jun and I pretended that other aborigines occupied his room." Zheng Yu explained.

From what he said, Wei'an and the others learned that the city of Guwa is backed by mountains and faces the sea, but there are roads on the left and right to leave, but it is extremely dangerous to go out, and basically no one who went out to explore has returned.

Then these aborigines would go to sea regularly, but not for fishing, and it is impossible for normal fish to exist in this stinky purple sea, they were there to worship.

As for what to worship, it is not clear at all.

Now other investigators are heading towards Montenegro, just want to know the secrets here through the mysterious building on the Montenegro, and then find a way to leave.

After finding a safe place to settle down, Wei'an and his party did not go out to explore for a while. A long wolf howl appeared, and soon it was curfew time again.

The sound of howling wolves came from behind the black building in the direction of Montenegro, so it proves that that place may be the center of the entire city of Guwa, and it shows that the research direction of those investigators is not wrong.

Zheng Yu told the three of Wei'an that food will be delivered during this curfew, but during the time when the food is delivered, don't peek at who delivered it, otherwise the guy who delivered the food will enter the room and arrive at the room. No one can escape from time to time.

Room No. [-] Geng also has a two-story structure, so there is enough room for the three of Wei An to rest.

However, Wei An chose to sit on a chair in the outer room so that he could observe the movement outside.

While Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna chose to be on the first floor, closer to Wei An, Zheng Yu went to the bedroom on the second floor.

At the same time, he also took some clean clothes for the three of them to put on again.

Almost two hours after the curfew, there was some movement outside the street.

At this time, Zheng Yu went upstairs to rest, Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna were both asleep in the back room, and Wei An was also asleep, but he was awakened soon after there was movement on the street.

Because the heavy curtains on the windows had been sealed and could not be lifted, Wei An didn't go to peek, he just came to the door, lay down on the door and listened carefully.

The movement outside was a slight but dense sound of footsteps. It didn't sound like two feet were moving, but at least four or more.

"Could it be an animal that brought the food?" Wei An was a little surprised.

After listening for a while, there was a soft bang on the ground at the door where I was, probably because the food was put down, and the dense footsteps went to the door of other rooms, and soon disappeared completely.

At this time, you can't open the door to get food, you have to wait until the howl of wolves, which represents the end of the curfew, is a special order from Zheng Yu.

Wei An didn't open the door, but returned to the chair and sat down again. Just when his butt was sticking to the chair, he heard a scream from outside.

He immediately stood up, hurried to the back of the door, and put his ears on it.

At this time, not only were there screams from outside, but also panicked footsteps running towards the next street, and several footsteps running towards Geng Street where Wei An was located.

But the sound didn't last long, and soon disappeared.

Wei An could hear the sound of bodies falling on the street, but not who was chasing these people.

In the back room behind Wei An, Zheng Yu quickly put on his clothes and went downstairs and came out quietly.

He lowered his voice and said: "It should be the participants who just came in. They lost their lives before they figured out the situation. When I saw you last time, I thought you would be killed like this, but now it's feeding time. These participants may The thing who saw the food was probably just killed by the shadow cast on them by the moonlight, anyway, it's unfortunate."

Wei An didn't speak.

According to Zheng Yu's statement, there should be a group of participants or intruders (investigators) coming in every few days, but most of them quickly disappeared in the city of Guwa.

Because there are more and more ghost stories, and more and more ordinary people and investigators keep getting involved in ghost stories. Of course, many of these people have completely disappeared since then, and died in ghost stories. No one in the outside world can know that they met What is the strange story that arrived.

Especially such a high-level strange talk.

Now Wei'an is becoming more and more interested in the level of this strange story. From Zheng Yu's mouth, he knows that this strange story is called "The City of Guwa".

Judging from the current situation, Zheng Yu said that the guys who feed outside cannot be killed, and the rules in the city are so strong that outsiders cannot resist. This makes Wei An secretly estimate that the level of this strange talk may not be Below C level.

He thinks it might be a B-level ghost story, a B-level ghost story that no one can get out after entering so far.

Because Zheng Yu's companion, the investigator named Nie Jun who lives in C Street, once told Zheng Yu that one of the participants living in the inner street of Heishan, although that person is not the investigator, should be The first group of participants to enter the strange talk.

He once told an investigator in this strange talk, and the investigator spread the word that he had entered this city of Guwa for more than three years.

According to the calculation of the time when ghost stories appeared in the real world, it was almost from the first time that ghost stories were recorded in the real world.

In other words, although this old participant does not have the status of an investigator, there is no doubt that his qualifications are older than the investigator. This is the first strange talk he entered, and he has never left since.

From another perspective, this person's adaptability is very strong, coupled with some elements of luck, which made him survive until now after entering this suspected B-level strange talk for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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