this is not a joke

Chapter 334 Dangerous

Chapter 334 Dangerous
Besides old Peter, the outsiders living on Jia Street also have an investigator from the Setting Sun Kingdom.

The investigator was a middle-aged woman, and according to old Peter, she had lived here for a year.

In fact, according to the comprehensive strength of this investigator, she can enter the inner street to conduct investigations at any time, but she never chooses to go in. Instead, she goes inside from time to time and does not communicate with other investigators and participants. what to do.

But when Wei An heard that the other party was an investigator from the Setting Sun Country, he instinctively became wary of this woman.

What if the female investigator and Miko Akimoto are in the same group?So Wei An didn't plan to have any contact with her, and secretly warned Jin Mingfei to pay attention to this woman.

Generally speaking, the investigators of the Shenzhou Kingdom and the Sunset Kingdom had grievances before, and they would not cooperate with each other under normal circumstances.

During the three days after living in Jia Street, Wei An learned that the internal streets did not have a corresponding division of comprehensive strength according to the streets on the Shitiangan side, that is, if his own strength can enter the Twelve Earthly Branches area, he can Move freely in it, that place will not be divided into finer areas of strength like here.

But if an outsider feels unwell after entering the inner street, it means that although he can barely enter, he is only suitable to stay here on A Street, let alone live in the inner street.

During these three days, Wei An only saw the female investigator from the Kingdom of the Setting Sun once. Old Peter said her name was Yizhi, but the appearance of this middle-aged woman looked much younger than her actual age. The language describes this as "supple and plump".

When saying this, both Wei An and Jin Mingfei felt that the old man's mouth was about to drool.

But because he seldom communicated with other outsiders, Yizhi didn't know that new outsiders such as Wei An and Jin Mingfei had entered.

Her residence was in the middle of A Street, and Old Peter's residence was in the middle of the front and middle. Every time this woman wanted to go out, she would pass by their door.

Old Peter didn't draw heavy curtains over the windows, because he never used candles, and lived by the moonlight outside when he was at home.

Wei An suspects that he might just want to watch the scene of Iori passing by the window.

Lsp Oh no, Old Peter handed Wei An an unlit candle and a box of matches three days later, and told him that after entering the inner street, he could borrow candles randomly to find things, but keep in mind the The time cannot exceed 1 minute.

Then Jin Mingfei stayed on Jia Street, and Wei An, led by Old Peter, entered the inner street with him.

Not long after they had left, a small woman in loose Aboriginal clothing and a thick hat passed by the door.

This person is Iori in disguise. She is actually 1.7 meters tall, but she also bends over and covers her face when she travels.

Jin Mingfei recognized Yizhi, he hesitated for a moment, then opened the door and followed.

Wei An and Old Peter came to the intersection leading to the inner street. There was a faint mist floating in the midair here, but the mist was very thin, not like the thick fog between strange stories and strange stories.

From here, you can see the scene of the inner street not far away. Like the side of Jia Street, the other side also looks very empty, and there are no people on the street.

"I can stay inside for an hour." Old Peter said: "And I have already found one of the buildings. There are no creatures living in the inner streets there for the time being. We can rest there temporarily."

"I hope I can stay in there as long as you." Wei An stared straight ahead.

Old Peter glanced at him: "You boy, you have reached Street A in one go. With your ability, you can definitely stay in the inner street for longer."

The two of them walked towards the inner street while talking.

After entering, Wei An looked up at the sky.

He found that the darkness inside was thicker, and the moon above seemed to be more difficult to transmit its light here.

But fortunately, there was no shadow under his or old Peter's feet.

After entering the inner street, Old Peter's voice was extremely low: "Remember, it's weird here! If you are in good health, you should beware of changes in the surrounding environment. If someone is behind you and wants to approach you, you Just run when you hear footsteps, just don't look back. Also, if you hear someone call your name, or say something that surprises you, don't respond. If you can't escape, say something completely different. If it is relevant, let the other party not find your handle."

Old Peter had told Vian these warnings before, and he was just repeating them at this time, but it reminded Vian of what happened to them in the abandoned house last time.

When they were in the abandoned house, he, Jin Mingfei, and Liu Wenna all clearly heard a person coming up from the first floor, and then asked if they were participants.

This kind of words is enough to make people feel surprised. Fortunately, none of them answered at that time, so the situation in the abandoned house overlaps with this inner street.

In other words, this inner street is a huge forbidden area similar to an abandoned house.

Wei quietly sensed his body, and at this moment he still didn't notice anything unusual, which made him feel that the so-called feeling of physical discomfort every time he entered a street was probably a lie.

Under the guidance of Old Peter, the two walked through a small square they had never seen before, walked on the road paved with round stones, and entered the Yin District.

At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew from behind them, Wei An lowered his head subconsciously, and suddenly saw a black shadow appearing under his feet for a moment.

But in the blink of an eye, his own black shadow reflected by the moonlight disappeared instantly.

"Have you noticed the shadow that just appeared under your feet?" Wei An immediately asked in a low voice.

Except for the surprisingly good eyesight of old Peter when looking at the opposite sex, his eyesight performance at other times is completely normal for his age.

Shaking his head, he replied, "No! But I feel a sudden chill down my back."

As soon as the words were finished, a murmur suddenly appeared from behind, faintly transmitted, and soon the voice turned into a whispered chant, which seemed to be behind him, but penetrated into Wei An and the old man from all directions. into Peter's ears.

Wei An was taken aback, and someone was singing behind him. Old Peter never mentioned this situation.

At this moment, Old Peter tugged on his sleeve and said in a hurry, "Go! Follow me!"

Immediately, old Peter changed his aging appearance and ran ahead vigorously, and Wei An quickly followed.

At the same moment, Wei An heard a strange sound behind him, not like footsteps, but something dragging and crawling on the ground.

His first feeling was that there was a snake chasing behind him, not a small snake, but a super big boa constrictor.

A pungent smell like the smell of the purple sea came from behind.

Wei An's arm was suddenly grabbed by Old Peter. The little old man showed amazing strength and endurance, dragged Wei An into a small street, and then turned into a half-hidden gate.

But as soon as they ran into this door, the bodies of the two immediately levitated uncontrollably, and at the same time, a feeling of being torn apart appeared in their bodies.

Startled, Wei An looked down at the ground under his feet, and found a round red charm flashing scarlet.

(End of this chapter)

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