Chapter 343
Hearing Wei'an's words, Zhou Xin burst into tears, let go of his hand, and punched Wei'an's chest.

"I can't pay it back! You lent me the money to get married, and the marriage has not yet been consummated..."

Wei An said: "Luo Xiaoya has been arrested by the Public Security Bureau, and the two people who followed her to frame you are investigators from the Setting Sun Kingdom, but they are both dead."

"Are there two people?" Zhou Xin was surprised.

"A man named Haruki Nakata is the young man you saw. He did have an affair with Luo Xiaoya, and his teacher..."

"Stop talking, it's over, I don't want to hear anything about this bitch again." Zhou Xin waved his hands quickly.

Wei An turned his head and glanced at Xiao Wan, a woman standing behind the door.

Zhou Xin knew what he was thinking, and said: "Xiaowan and I are very good together, and now I don't know if I am a ghost, but last time I really died in the ghost talk, but in Xiaowan Wan came back to life under Wan's operation. She gave me a second life."

"Then do you feel anything strange now?" Wei An asked.

Zhou Xin nodded: "It has been there for a long time. After I came back from the dead and entered this city of ancient tiles, I gradually found that I became thinner and thinner, but my spirit was very good. I am no longer a normal person. Xin has already died in the summoning of souls."

As he spoke, he stretched his wrist in front of Wei An: "I don't know when, I have no pulse, but I still have a little weak breathing. Maybe after a while, this weak breathing will be gone." Will disappear completely. I already belong to the strange story, and no longer belong to our previous human world."

Wei An reached out and touched his wrist pulse, and sure enough he couldn't feel anything, but when he probed Zhou Xin's nose, he could feel a little breathing.

In other words, judging from what Wei An knew, Zhou Xin at this time could already be regarded as a monster, not a normal human being anymore.

"Then what are you going to do now?"

Zhou Xin dragged Xiao Wan who had been leaning against the wall over, stood beside him, and then looked at Wei An: "What else can I do? How long can I stay with Xiao Wan, and never go out again."

"Just this weird talk?" Wei An asked.

"No." Zhou Xin glanced at Xiaowan, "We want to go to the ghost story world where she used to be, but we can't find the way there, and we don't know how to leave."

After a pause, Zhou Xin said again: "Xiao Wan is very familiar with that place. Wherever she goes, I will go there."

Wei An nodded.

Zhou Xin's mentality change is normal, after all, he no longer belongs to human beings, but a peculiar kind of weirdness in strange talks.

"So you are also looking for opportunities to leave the city of Guwa here."

After communicating with Zhou Xin, Wei An got more useful information.

In fact, at first he thought Zhou Xin was dead, so he basically gave up looking for him, but now he suddenly saw, although he only saw Zhou Xin who had transformed into a weird one, but at least Wei An got the result, proving this He didn't come in vain.

From Zhou Xin's mouth, Wei'an knew that they had almost found out the clues to leave here, and the way out was through Zihai, but the current situation is that if they enter Zihai rashly, it is basically a dead end.

Because the air floating in the purple sea can be fatal, of course you can’t touch the weird sea water, otherwise it will be corroded and become the "patrolman" of this inner street, which is the team of five that Wei An saw before The cloaked man patrolling the streets.

Now it's time to find some mysterious power hidden in the Black Mountain.

It is said that it is a kind of solution. After drinking it, it can pass through the Purple Sea for a short time without being corroded. The solution is in the black building in Montenegro, and the key to open the door there is on the patrolman.

However, Zhou Xin had been searching for so long in the place where the patrolmen lived, but found nothing.

But he found that there was something wrong with one of the patrolmen, so he followed him and kept observing this guy secretly until he suddenly saw Wei An.

And this patrolling man in question is the strange one who escaped after fighting with Wei An. It seems that although he was corrupted by Zihai, he has not completely transformed into a real patrolling man, but still retains part of his will.

This man was also secretly looking for the key to the passage.

Everyone was in the same camp, and Wei An didn't need to hide it from Zhou Xin. He quickly took out the goat's trotter, before he had time to ask.

Zhou Xin rolled his eyes and said in surprise, "Is this the key? I... should have thought of it long ago!"

Wei An shrugged: "I was going to ask you too."

Zhou Xin still seemed a little puzzled, and turned his head to communicate with Xiao Wan who was standing together in a low voice, but Wei An could tell that they were not speaking Chinese Mandarin, or even the language of any country in the real world.

It sounded like the words of this weird woman, Xiao Wan, probably because Xiao Wan transferred her energy to Zhou Xin, which made him able to speak this language.

After a while, Zhou Xin said to Wei An: "Xiaowan said that it might be the key, but she is not sure. There is a flock of sheep where the patrolman lives. These sheep are very fat, but they can only graze on their stomachs, because they There are basically no legs, which seem to have been chopped off."

Wei An pondered for a while, and asked, "Ask Xiao Wan, how many sheep are raised there?"

Zhou Xin and Xiao Wan whispered a few words, and quickly replied: "She said she only saw about twelve, but there should be more."

"If there are twelve sheep, then there are 48 sheep's hooves." Wei An said: "Assuming that the sheep's hooves are the key to open the passage, the hoofs of these sheep have been chopped off, so they will eat grass on their stomachs and eat grass." It's getting fatter because it can't move. In other words, more people may have opened the door with sheep's hooves, so have all these people left?"

Wei'an's analysis made Zhou Xin suddenly realize, and he immediately relayed Wei'an's analysis to Xiao Wan in a low voice.

This scene of the two of them made Wei An feel a little novel. The world of strange stories that Xiaowan lived in should be very different, otherwise it would be impossible to have another language system.

Take Wei An himself as an example, he has experienced so many strange talks, and he has never seen a strange person who can speak other strange languages.

Xiaowan's face was pitch black, the kind of blackness like the deep night sky, so that Wei An couldn't see her facial features clearly, but judging from her body language, it seemed that she had thought of something and was communicating with Zhou Xin rapidly.

Zhou Xin looked cautious, and said to Wei An after a while: "Xiaowan said that if so many people go in, she has never seen anyone come out of that black mountain so far..."

Hearing these words, Wei An's heart sank.

"Only people go in, but no one ever comes out?"

(End of this chapter)

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