this is not a joke

Chapter 346 Evil Shadow

Chapter 346 Evil Shadow
Logically speaking, the most abnormal thing at this moment should be Liu Wenna who was chasing her with hands and feet on the ground, but obviously in the eyes of those aborigines, this scene was not weird.

What was weird was Jin Mingfei who was running.

Liu Wenna behind him quickly approached him, and Jin Mingfei could hear the heavy, beast-like panting, he knew that Liu Wenna had been controlled, and he was a completely different person at this moment.

After running to Ji Street, Jin Mingfei almost subconsciously ran towards the last abandoned house at the end of the street.

When Liu Wenna was about to approach him, he didn't even look at it, and quickly waved the scalpel in his hand behind him, so that the other party could not get too close.

At this moment, Jin Mingfei understood very well that his identity as an outsider had been exposed, but his life was important, and he couldn't care less about it.

When he came to the end of the street and quickly got into the abandoned house, Jin Mingfei took the stinky stone that he hadn't thrown away last time with his backhand, and pressed it against the door.

The door of this room clicked, and it was violently knocked by Liu Wenna outside in the next second, but the shape of the stinky stone coincided with the dent under the door. If you don't use cleverness to take out the stone first, you will have to smash it. There is a door to enter the room.

Jin Mingfei didn't stop, turned around and ran quickly to the back room.

At this time, he heard footsteps suddenly sounded upstairs, as if the weirdness in the abandoned house found him breaking in, and then there was a sound of going downstairs on the stairs, which sounded very hurried.

Jin Mingfei didn't even look in the direction of the stairs, but pulled open the wooden cabinet door that Wei An opened last time.

At the same moment, Liu Wenna slammed the door open, and a figure flew in.

The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Here Jin Mingfei has already got into the cabinet, and took the door of the cabinet with him.

Jin Mingfei was like a headless fly at the moment. Although the cabinet was dark, he remembered that this was how Wei An came in, so he must be right.

He buried his head and ran forward, and at the same time, he realized that there was a huge space in the cabinet, and at his current running speed, he didn't hit anything.

At the beginning, Wei An told him that the two of them would split up, so it was obvious that this place could lead to other places. According to Jin Mingfei's guess, it might not necessarily lead to the inner street here.

Although it is not clear where this passage will lead to now, it is much safer than staying outside the cabinet. He soon saw a glimmer of light coming in from the front, rushed over, stretched out his hand to push the cabinet door, and came to the semi-circular in the corridor.

Jin Mingfei didn't have time to catch his breath, so he immediately turned around and closed the cabinet door, making sure that no light could see through from the inside.

However, there was nothing around the big wooden cabinet that could be used to block the door, so Jin Mingfei turned around and ran to the other end of the corridor without further delay.

Not long after he left, there was a slap from inside the cabinet door, and the cabinet door opened a crack by itself, and the moonlight outside spilled onto the corridor, and a ray of moonlight still penetrated into the wooden cabinet.


After seeing those fat goats, Wei An's heart suddenly became clear.

He glanced at Old Peter and Zheng Yu calmly, secretly thinking that these fat goats might have been sent for processing. In other words, the animal meat these people often eat might come from these fat goats.

However, the goats in front of them looked very strange. The four hooves had been chopped off, making the goats so chubby that they couldn't move normally.While ordinary goats are at most sixty to seventy catties, each goat with a broken hoof weighs no more than two hundred catties, almost no different from a live pig.

This kind of meat may also be cursed, and there must be no good results in eating it.

At this time, the Adam's apples of Old Peter and Zheng Yu both moved, obviously both of them swallowed their saliva unconsciously.

After the patrolmen transported the goats away in three batches, there was no other movement in that place for the time being.

After waiting for a while, Old Peter said softly, "It would be perfect if we could steal a few pieces while they were making mature meat."

Wei An was taken aback, and found that the old guy also guessed that the source of the animal meat they ate every day came from the fat goats just now, and at this moment, he even had the idea of ​​stealing animal meat.

Zheng Yu swallowed his saliva, and said: "Stealing animal meat will not be so easy. We haven't seen the messenger who delivered the meat until now. That guy may be the ceiling of combat power in this inner street."

Old Peter nodded lightly, and stopped mentioning the matter of stealing animal meat.

"Let's go over there now, Zheng Yu, you are here to watch out for us, and if there is an emergency, use the jar to notify us."

Zheng Yu nodded and looked around vigilantly.

Wei An and Old Peter approached the room where the goats were delivered just now.

The two came out of the room and saw no patrolling people nearby, so they looked inside through the window.

Wei An narrowed his pupils, and found that there were still a few fat goats lying still in this room, but they were all alive, and they were basically making groaning sounds.

Not only that, there was also a strange noise coming from the room next to this room, that is, the room closest to the Black Mountain Passage, which still sounded like the sound of some kind of animal.

Old Peter approached and said softly, "Go to the passage to check while there is no one there, and let me see what's going on with these goats?"

"Are you still thinking about stealing a goat and leaving?" Wei An asked.

Old Peter glanced at him and smiled: "Are you kidding? These guys are so fat. If you want to take them away, it will definitely cause a big noise. You don't want to live?"

Wei An nodded, and kept squatting and moved towards the passage. When passing by the window of the room where the sound of animals came from, he looked up, but he saw nothing, because the window of this room had been covered .

At this time, there was already a cool wind blowing from the entrance of the passage, Wei An shuddered, and looked into the dark passage, because it was deep inside, he couldn't see anything.

But there is no one in this passage.

Zheng Yu, who was watching from a distance, was shocked when he saw Wei An walking into the dark passage. He felt hopeful to leave. At the same time, he also watched Old Peter enter the passage shortly after Wei An.

The plan was being implemented, and Zheng Yu felt even more excited. He was so excited that he didn't even notice that he snorted suddenly.

The next second, a man in a cloak stood behind him.

Zheng Yu realized it, looked back, and said in a low voice: "Nie Jun, did you get rid of that woman?"

The man in the cloak didn't answer, but stepped forward and pressed down on Zheng Yu's head.

in the channel.

Wei'an didn't know how deep it was, and shortly after entering, the clear moonlight could no longer reach the inner part of the passage, so now he could only feel his way forward.

But at this moment, there was the sound of a match being lit behind him, and then the candle was lit.

Wei An was startled, and when he looked back, he saw that Old Peter, who was going to scout the goat, was secretly following behind him. At this moment, he had already lit a candle and put the candle on the ground near the wall of the passage.

After the candle light was lit, Wei An looked up and saw above the wall of the circular passage, the shadow that originally belonged to him was rapidly approaching the top of his head like a swimming snake.

"This is a thank you to you, please accept it, as long as you leave me the goat's hoof."

At this time, Old Peter had already walked out of the passage without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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