this is not a joke

Chapter 348 This is Beast Meat!

Chapter 348 This is Beast Meat!
Wei An guessed that the meat of these weird goats is the animal meat that every resident eats every day, so there must be a big problem with animal meat.

But he didn't expect that the source of animal meat was human beings!
And looking at the situation in the sheep pen, half human and half goat body, these people are obviously changing from human body to fat goat, old Peter is, and so is Zheng Yu, who is under his body.

The bleat just now was exactly what Zheng Yu couldn't help. In fact, only half of this guy's face is still a human face, and the other half of his face has gradually turned into a sheep. The top is elongated, and a pink horn grows from half of the head.

It could be seen that he wanted to speak, and that he wanted Wei An to help him, but he had no choice but to open his weirdly shaped mouth, and what came out was a creepy sheep cry.

" me..."

Old Peter looked very weak at this time, and he never thought that he would suddenly become like this. Those fat goats just now formed a fatal attraction for him and Zheng Yu, so Old Peter temporarily gave up to investigate. Instead of thinking about the road, he wanted to take this opportunity to fish some animal meat first.

After he sneaked into this room that seemed to be a sheep pen, his body suddenly began to change. This change became more and more severe after he saw Zheng Yu's appearance, until now it has been half transformed.

Originally thought that Wei An had already been killed by the shadow under his own plan, but how did he know that Wei An actually left the tunnel alive and entered the sheep pen.

Old Peter no longer cared about how the other party survived, he just wanted Wei An to help him get rid of the transformation of his body, he didn't want to become like this.

Because an unimaginable terrifying idea was forming in the minds of old Peter and Zheng Yu.

After they are completely transformed into goats, they will also become extremely fat, and their four hooves will be cut off, which will continue to be used to confuse new outsiders.After a period of time, their bodies would be transported by patrolmen to carts for processing, and then turned into pieces of animal meat and scattered at the door of every household in the outer streets for them to eat.

It doesn't matter whether these people are aborigines or outsiders.

So, it's all a trap, a huge trap.

I don’t know who released the news. Entering the Black Mountain passage, you can find a way to leave the city of Guwa, and then they just completed the transformation after they have worked so hard to come in. After eating animal meat for a long time He was treated as a fat sheep and threw himself into the net.

The endless cycle is going on among the outsiders every moment.

Those participants who had entered the inner streets long ago, and even rumored to have entered the Black Mountain passage, although some people did enter, but this was only a very small part, and most of them had already turned into fat sheep and entered the stomachs of others. middle.

"Sorry, it can't be saved." Wei An shrugged, "You have eaten too much animal meat, it has already penetrated into the bone marrow."

"You ate it too, I saw what you ate, why... the same?" Old Peter said with difficulty but excitedly.


Zheng Yu made another sound. At this time, he only had one human eye, and the rest had all turned into goats. His body had even rolled several times visible to the naked eye, and another goat horn grew out.

Wei An looked away from Zheng Yu, goosebumps couldn't stop appearing on his body, and replied: "I ate it, but then I vomited it all up again."

Then he spread his hands helplessly, "There is no way, this change should be irreversible, you have eaten too much, and it is impossible to change at this point in time."

"No... baa..." Old Peter's painful voice began to change at this moment.

He has been planning for so long and has always been careful and prepared, but his intuition made him think that if he didn't eat, he would definitely die, but he didn't know that the animal meat he ate was the most terrifying.

Wei An quickly observed the place and found that there was nothing suspicious, so he blew out the candle and prepared to leave.

But at the same time, there were footsteps outside the house.

Hearing the carefree voice that was not deliberately concealed, it should be a patrolman.


Old Peter made a sound again, as if telling the patrol outside that there was an outsider in the sheepfold, telling them to come in quickly.

But at this time, he was speechless, and he had become like Zheng Yu just now, and Zheng Yu had completely completed the transformation, turning into a fat goat through and through, lying on the ground panting.

Wei An immediately bowed slightly, hid himself in the sheepfold in the back room, and covered most of his body with his robe.

After a while, the door of the outer room was opened, and the footsteps of patrolmen entered.

There was not only one person listening to the voice, at least two people.

Not long after, there was a bang, and it seemed that another fat sheep was brought in and placed in the sheepfold in the outhouse.

Wei An speculates that the people in the two sheepfolds are all humans waiting to be transformed, but the transformation speed of the humans in the inner room is faster, and the transformation speed of the humans in the outer sheepfold is slower. A lot of animal meat.

If he ate too much animal meat, he would be imprisoned in the sheepfold in the back room like old Peter and Zheng Yu when he was transformed here.

After putting the "fat sheep" in the outer sheepfold, the footsteps of the two patrolmen seemed to be going out immediately, but the goat transformed by Old Peter bleat twice again, which seemed very hasty.

One of the footsteps outside paused slightly, and turned to approach the sheepfold in the inner room.

Wei An's heart rose to his throat, his back was pressed against the wall, and he had already taken out the bloody hammer with his left hand.

Suddenly, a whistle sounded outside the door, and the sound seemed to come from across the street.

The footsteps of the patrolman paused, and he and his companion immediately turned around and chased them out, and closed the door of the sheepfold without any hassle.

The sound of chasing footsteps faded away, and soon they could no longer be heard.

"Go away!"

Wei An stood up and smashed the old Peter who was humming with a hammer on the head, knocking the guy unconscious on the spot, even breaking the newly grown horns.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he left immediately, went to the sheepfold in the outhouse, and took a quick look at the goat that had just been brought in. He found that this goat had only completed a small half of its transformation, and most of its body was human. Wearing clothes pants.

After taking a look, I found that this person was Nie Jun!

Nie Jun looked at Wei An with a frightened and weak expression, as if he hadn't recognized him.

Wei An didn't delay, and immediately opened the door and left.

When he came to the street, he found that there was no trace of the patrolling person. After walking down the street for a certain distance, he crossed to the opposite side and left Hai District.

The two patrolmen who heard the sound just now should have walked directly to the opposite street after leaving the sheep pen, so Wei An's route at this moment is not consistent with them, and he should not bump into them.

However, Wei An tried not to choose to take the avenue when there were small roads or alleys to walk.

In this way, he soon came to the Shen District. According to the map drawn by Old Peter, Wei An walked into an alley, and suddenly it was dark above his head, the moonlight was blocked, and a figure floated down from above.

Wei An has been on guard all the time. As soon as the figure appeared, he immediately took out the steel-frame umbrella and quickly opened it and put it on his head.

However, the figure just landed in front of him, and he didn't attack as soon as he appeared.

Holding the steel-frame umbrella, Wei An tilted his head and looked forward, and found that the person who came was the investigator from the Sunset Kingdom, the plump Yizhi.

(End of this chapter)

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