this is not a joke

Chapter 355 The Picture in the Room

Chapter 355 The Picture in the Room
Hearing Wei An's words, the people in the room felt a little weird, and didn't understand why Wei An suddenly changed his mind just now.

Is there any special situation outside?
Yizhi immediately went to the door to take a look outside, and then agreed with Wei An's suggestion: "Yes, leave this room immediately, you can choose another place to stay temporarily."

It was only when other people went out from the door of this room that they realized that, except for the room just now, the rest of the building was in dilapidated condition.

The originally spacious wooden staircase leading to the second floor in the middle collapsed, only a small half remained in its original position, and most of the rest of the steps have collapsed to the first floor. I don’t know if the remaining part can withstand a person the weight of.

As for other places on the first floor, the huge chandelier above the hall has fallen down and shattered into slag on the ground, and the shards are covered with dust, which can't be seen if you don't pay attention.

The doors of other rooms are all broken, even if you don’t need to go in, you can see what it looks like inside. The walls of these rooms without windows are festered and peeled off, and the floor is full of mouse holes...

However, because the entire building can directly absorb the light of the moon, although there is not a single window in this room, you can still see a lot of pale moonlight, and you can hardly see dark places.

On the other hand, the room that everyone walked out of just now was bright and tidy. Although there was no furniture, even the ceiling lamp was intact and could still emit light.

This is obviously unreasonable. It seems that the room just now was the most abnormal, so Wei An asked everyone not to stay in it, and immediately came out to find a suitable room to hide.

But looking at the appearance here, there is no room where people can hide, because there is no door.

Even the dilapidated floor may fall down after stepping on it next step.

"Let's go upstairs together first, this place is very weird, especially the room just now." Wei An said.

Xiaowan quickly floated to the second floor. She tested the firmness of the remaining stairs for the big guys. Although the wooden boards on the steps made rattling noises, if she moved slowly, she should be able to go up to the second floor safely.

Everyone walked to the second floor one by one. Although they stepped on several remaining wooden boards during the process, fortunately, they went up to the second floor without any danger.

After Wei An was the last to go up, Yi Zhi immediately made a silent gesture for him. Wei An looked up and found that the layout of the second floor had two more rooms than that of the first floor, that is, the room directly above the hall on the first floor. The location, the rest of the rooms are similar to the first floor, and they are basically broken.

The only room in which there was light from behind a closed door seemed to be similar to the only lighted and clean room on the ground floor.

However, Yizhi quickly moved closer to Wei An's ear and whispered, "There seems to be someone in that room."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of walking in the room with the closed door and the light on. It seemed to be the sound of high-heeled shoes, and the movement was very slow. A picture of a woman wearing a red hip wrap skirt is walking gracefully.

"Why is it red?" He wondered.

This scene felt as if I saw it with my own eyes.

Not only that, but he could also "see" the woman carrying a plate with a knife and fork on it, as well as some bloody things.

At this time, Jin Mingfei and the others, who had already hid in a dilapidated room closest to the stairs, waved to Wei An and Yizhi.

The two bent down and walked over quietly.

"How?" Zhou Xin asked: "Let's go upstairs now, or wait here? Xiao Wan said that this place is very dangerous, it's in the room with the lights on."

Wei An also noticed just now that the stairs leading from the second floor to the third floor seem to be in good condition, without any collapse.

But this is just not safe, because the stairs may already be on the verge of damage. If you step on it, the wooden boards will break, and the noise will be louder, and people may be injured.

"Xiaowan, I would like to ask you to test whether the stairs are strong. Don't worry, try one step at a time to make sure which place is safe and can be stepped on." Wei'an said softly: "Iori, pay attention Escort the others, I will move closer to the room with lights, observe the movement for you, and pay attention to my gestures."

Zhou Xin reminded Xiao Wan again, Xiao Wan nodded, and walked towards the stairs in a fluttering manner.

Wei An also came to the door, sneaked to the broken room next door to the lighted room, did not dare to come closer, but stayed motionless with his back against the wall.

From here, it sounds like there are indeed high-heeled shoes coming from the room over there from time to time, but when Wei An heard it, he felt that it was no longer the sound of high-heeled shoes.

A picture of an old cobbler wearing a blackened cowhide apron and a spectacle lens appeared in his mind, sitting and knocking on a handmade leather shoe.

"What's going on?" Wei An was surprised.

This picture is similar to the other scene in my mind just now, whether it is the clothes, expressions and things of the people in the picture are very detailed, as if I am witnessing it with my own eyes.

Wei An looked up at the roof at this time. The ceiling of each floor of this black building is very high, and the space is huge, which makes it look like the building may have five or six floors from the outside, but in fact it may only have three floors .

That is to say, after going up one floor, it is the top floor of this building.

That solution is upstairs.

And the red dot that was flickering in Wei An's eyes was also on the third floor, which was the same as the one he saw outside the building just now, and the red dot hadn't moved.

What Wei An is most worried about now is that the solution is next to the red dot, so he will inevitably deal with the other party.

At this moment, he seems to be listening to the movement in the next room with lights, but in fact, he is already in a trance...

At this time, Xiao Wan had already explored the corner of the stairs, and she kept sending news to Zhou Xin about every step of the stairs.

Zhou Xin carries a pen and paper with him, and is writing down which steps are shaky, which steps are strong, which ones may make noise, and whether they need to use too much force when stepping on them.

After he wrote everything down, he turned his head and found that Wei An was still leaning against the wall not far away, looking up in meditation, frowning slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yizhi gestured to Zhou Xin at this time, and Jin Mingfei was the first to climb up the stairs according to Zhou Xin's guidance. He climbed the stairs carefully all the way, watching Zhou Xin's gesture every step of the way, and then Liu Wenna .

Wearing a cloak, Liu Wenna walked much slower, but she came to the third floor without any risk, and temporarily stood beside Xiao Wan with Jin Mingfei.

Then Yizhi, and finally Zhou Xin.

And when Zhou Xin came to the corner of the stairs, he immediately turned around to let Wei An come over quickly, otherwise it would be inconvenient for him to instruct him how to step on the steps when he turned upstairs later.

When he turned around to take a look, he gasped and saw that Wei An, who had been leaning against the wall to monitor the neighbor just now, had bent over and walked to the door of the room, opened the door and went in.

When Zhou Xin saw Wei'an, he just saw his back disappearing into the door that was slowly closing with bright light.

(End of this chapter)

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