this is not a joke

Chapter 357 Are You Here To Replace Me?

Chapter 357 Are You Here To Replace Me?

Now Wei An probably guessed that the person named Ren Dongtian should be the person who entered the city of Guwa the earliest and lived the longest that was often mentioned by other participants.

It is said that he went to the inner street a long time ago, and then there was no news.

It should be after he entered the inner street that Ren Dongtian thought of a way and succeeded in sneaking into the Black Mountain passage, and then came to this building.

"I'm very puzzled." He smacked his lips and said in a hoarse voice: "How did you find me in this room? Before I went to bed, I erected a barrier in the room. There are on the first floor, on the second floor, and on the third floor." There are also buildings. You can actually see through these barriers?"

Wei An shrugged: "I had a premonition that I ran into an old friend, so I risked my life to come in and take a look."

"Hehehe..." She obviously didn't believe it, and waved her hand, "Youren said that we are not the same kind of people, you have a hunch about us, it would be more accurate to say that you feel something weird in this room."

Wei An asked directly: "So the rule center of this strange talk is Ni?"

"Rule Center?" She said in surprise, "You already know this? Not bad! But having said that, some strange stories may suffer."

Speaking of this, he shook his head: "This strange story is called the city of Guwa, but the rule center is not here. I'm just a part-time worker. There is a boss who likes role-playing to establish order here, but fortunately, he He gave me a very good return. If he knew that the rule center is so easy to find, he might re-establish more and stricter orders, which is definitely not a good thing for you.”

"You are only in charge of the city of Guwa, that is, you don't care about the purple sea?" Wei An was a little puzzled.

"Hehe, take my booger and go! You are very good, I hope you don't die prematurely in the ghost story. If Yunzhen can succeed, maybe we will meet again."

"Meet again? In the strange story, or in my world?" Wei An asked.

She lowered her head, as if she still wanted to sleep for a while, maybe he felt that he had said enough, so he chose to remain silent at this moment.

Wei An saw what he was thinking, and he looked at the round booger not far from his feet.

After hesitating for a moment, Wei'an tore off a corner of the aboriginal coat on his body, then walked over and squatted down, wrapped the booger wrapped in the solution, wrapped it around a few more times, and then put it in his pocket.

"This thing... vomit, let me trust you for a while."

Thinking in his heart, he stood up and turned around to walk out, but stopped soon, turned his head and asked: "Why do other people besides you and Youren want to enter our world so eagerly?"

"Your world?" This time he raised his eyelids reluctantly, and replied, "That world is ours..."

It felt like he hadn't finished speaking yet, his head was already drooping on his fat shoulders, and he fell asleep just like that.


outside the room.

After waiting for a while, Zhou Xin found that Wei An hadn't come out of the room, so he had to sign to his wife Xiao Wan who was standing on the third floor, and then returned to the second floor from the corner of the stairs, ready to see what happened to Wei An. how's it going.

At this moment, Yizhi, Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna were also standing on the third floor.

They were originally close to the stairs, because there was also light coming from one of the rooms on the third floor, and the low and heavy breathing of beasts could be heard from time to time.

This room is not far away, but closer to the stairs.

However, after hearing the sound of the beast, the three of them did not approach, they just waited for Wei An to come upstairs.

At this moment, the door of the room with the lights on suddenly opened with a click, and a piece of white light shone through the open door to a place two or three meters away.

This distance just made the light reach the feet of the three of them, illuminating the feet of Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna.

The two stepped back immediately, almost stepping on the stairs and falling down.

Jin Mingfei supported Liu Wenna, and after standing still, he looked vigilantly at the door of the room that was slowly opening.

The light inside was too strong, and I couldn't see anything from the outside, but the sound of the beast's breathing was still coming, but it sounded very even, as if the animal was already in a deep sleep state.

Jin Mingfei glanced at Yizhi, and asked her with his eyes if he wanted to go up and have a look.

But Yizhi didn't seem to understand his eyes, just stood there calmly, with no intention of going up.

Jin Mingfei glanced at the direction of the second floor again, and saw that Wei An still hadn't come up, and Xiao Wan had already followed Zhou Xin when he returned to the second floor.

His throat moved, and he didn't know where the courage came from. Jin Mingfei bravely sneaked out of the room where the light was shining.

Since the animals in the room were sleeping, they might not have noticed them at all. Before Wei An went upstairs, he could observe the situation in the room first, but if the solution happened to be in this room, maybe this time it would be too late. It is your own opportunity.

Wei An also said just now that strength is important in ghost stories, but luck cannot be ignored. Sometimes being too cautious will not make you stronger.

He didn't realize why he had been making excuses for this reckless action in his heart. After Jin Mingfei came to the door, the white light in the room felt a little weaker. He knew it was just an optical illusion, but he finally saw clearly environment of.

A chair was placed in this room, and a person with eyes closed and motionless sat on the chair.

This person looked normal, with a face of a citizen of China, he did not seem to be an aborigine here.

Beside this chair is an exquisitely shaped wooden frame, on which is placed an equally exquisite hourglass.

At this moment, tiny grains of sand are slowly falling from the hourglass, falling very slowly, and sometimes you can even see grains of sand dripping down with the naked eye.

However, Jin Mingfei didn't see any beast in the room, and the even breathing sound of the beast just now disappeared after he approached the door, and he couldn't hear anything, and the surrounding seemed very quiet.

Jin Mingfei glanced back, and saw Yizhi standing behind him, also looking at the scene in the room.

Yizhi's body was as close to him as possible, and a scent from the mature woman wafted into Jin Mingfei's nostrils, causing the boy's mind to flutter suddenly.

Immediately, this woman's voice came from his ear, because Yizhi was very close, and when she spoke, her lips touched Jin Mingfei's auricle, as if she was biting the other's ear.

An itchy and numb feeling swept over Jin Mingfei's body, and Yizhi said softly, "The solution may be in this room, be careful, go check that hourglass, I'll keep watch for you."

Jin Mingfei didn't hesitate at all. When the red-faced man bent down and sneaked into the room quietly, he didn't notice the waves of agitation in his heart, but felt that he was greatly encouraged.

He quietly came to the sleeping strange man, and after confirming that he was sleeping soundly, he walked to the hourglass and took a closer look.

Although I didn't see any solution, the hourglass is so exquisitely made, and the wood grain on the surface is still in the shape of water droplets.

"Would it be possible to pour out the sand in the hourglass to create the effect of water droplets?" Jin Mingfei speculated secretly.

At this moment, the sleeping man next to him suddenly moved, and the strange animal breathing sound appeared again.

Jin Mingfei was startled, turned his head to look at the man, and found that the voice he heard just now came from the man's mouth and nose. It sounded like a big guy full of blood, not human at all.

Not daring to delay any longer, Jin Mingfei grabbed the hourglass and walked cautiously towards the door.

The breathing of the beast behind him didn't stop, but became louder and louder.

Jin Mingfei sensed something was wrong, and immediately quickened his pace, but the sound of breathing disappeared in the next second, and a voice came.

"Are you here to replace me?"

(End of this chapter)

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