this is not a joke

Chapter 360 Crossing the Sea

Chapter 360 Crossing the Sea

The process of going down the mountain was much more enjoyable than going up the mountain. I slid down the sloped cave all the way and reached the bottom of the mountain in just over ten minutes.

Everyone was wearing thick aboriginal clothes. Even if the buttocks were bald and there were sparks, it was just that the pants were scratched and the body was not damaged.

Of course, Jin Mingfei was the one with the most serious physical injuries so far, but fortunately, this little guy is young and strong, with enough energy and blood to support him.

The exit of the cave was on the back of the Black Mountain. Just after leaving the cave, a pungent smell rushed towards him, and at the same time, the sound of the tide rang in his ears.

You don't need to look to know that the back of Montenegro is next to Zihai.

Wei An asked Jin Mingfei to sit down and rest first, and took care of Liu Wenna, who was absent-minded, while he guarded the entrance of the cave he came out just now, in case the angry Ren Dongtian came after him.

Zhou Xin and Xiao Wan searched nearby to see if they could make a simple raft to leave from Zihai.

Although Jin Mingfei was covered with injuries, he was still very worried about Liu Wenna's condition at the moment, and talked to her from time to time, but Liu Wenna just sat there blankly, completely unresponsive.

Jin Mingfei rubbed the hourglass in his hand, he didn't know why the solution looked like this.

After a while, Zhou Xin shouted excitedly, and quickly ran towards Wei An.

"Weian, there is a ready-made raft over there, buried under the rocks, who made it?"

Wei An was stunned, and analyzed: "It's probably Ren Dongtian who hasn't turned into a beast before. This guy has considered everything and made sufficient preparations, but he doesn't know that the hourglass guardian cannot be killed, otherwise There must be a new guardian to replace it."

"Good guy, it's a good thing you didn't kill Ren Dongtian just now." Zhou Xin said.

Wei An laughed: "Otherwise, why would I lose a Blood Spear?"

"Then shall we set off now?" Zhou Xin asked.

At this time, the raft has been dragged out by Xiao Wan. It doesn't look like a big raft, but the current five people can barely squeeze on it. After all, Xiao Wan and Zhou Xin have weird physiques and cannot be calculated with the weight of a normal person. .

"It's not too late, let's go now!"

The raft looks solid, but some mildew spots have grown on the surface, probably because it has been left for too long.

I don't know how much Ren Dongtian put in to leave this day, but he didn't expect that in the end, not only failed, but made a wedding dress for someone else.

Before going out to sea, Wei An called everyone over and opened the booger that was wrapped in the hem of his clothes.

"Here's the solution we've been looking for, to cross this sea of ​​purple, everyone needs a little bit. Don't ask why it's so shitty, because... let's go, I'll go first. Respect, vomit -"

Not long after, everyone could feel an unusually spicy and strange smell filling their mouths. This smell was so strong that it was hard to smell the unique fishy smell in the sea when standing next to the Purple Sea.

"Sure enough, it still works."

A group of people pushed the raft to the surface of the sea and untied the two wooden oars tied to it. Zhou Xin and Wei An each took one in each hand. Not too violent movements, the raft can still bear it.

The purple sea in front of me has been like this all year round, and there have not been any strong winds and waves. Generally speaking, it can be regarded as calm.

The moon is in the sky.

After crossing the slightly turbulent river basin by the sea, the closer to the sea, the calmer the sea surface becomes.

When Wei An and Zhou Xin were rowing, they would look back at the dark mountains and the location of the city of Guwa from time to time. Although they didn't know the specific direction to go, as long as they left facing the Black Mountain behind, they should be right in front of them. Can't go wrong.

During this process, everyone's mouths and noses were filled with the pungent smell of booger, which reduced most of Zihai's stench and had no effect on them.

However, they still need to raise their spirits to deal with other dangers that may be hidden in the purple sea.

"We have left Montenegro, we can take off Liu Wenna's cloak." Wei An ordered.

Immediately, Jin Mingfei couldn't wait to take off the cloak on Liu Wenna's body, and opened the inside of the cloak to have a look. Sure enough, there was a smaller hidden charm drawn inside, which was the reason why Liu Wenna lost her sanity.

Not long after taking off the cloak, Liu Wenna began to fall asleep, indicating that she had lost control and was recovering.

Wei An took the opportunity to study the concealed spell in the cloak, and found that although the spell was small, the way to draw it was extremely complicated. Even though he already had experience in drawing spells, he still couldn't memorize it all at once.

Fortunately, he had memorized the spell in the aborigine's robe that Yizhi was wearing. It was a kind of exorcism spell, and the actual effect was not bad, but it couldn't directly kill the target like the life-killing spell.

"Zhou Xin, the charm in this cloak should be the enchantment spell, but the strokes are too complicated, I can't remember it now." Wei'an said: "Put it away for me. If we leave this strange story, maybe we will return to it in the future." I'll see you later, just give it to me when the time comes."

"No problem." Zhou Xin nodded while paddling.

Xiao Wan walked over immediately and silently put away the cloak.

At this time, Wei An found that Jin Mingfei was also curled up beside the sleeping Liu Wenna, his eyes were closed, his whole body was shaking, and his lips were a little purple, which seemed to be caused by the serious injury.

When Xiao Wan was about to inspect him, Wei An waved his hand, and his eyes shifted to the hourglass that Jin Mingfei was clutching tightly in his hand.

After Wei An snatched the hourglass from Yizhi just now, he originally thought that the hourglass was a special item, and he should have a special sense of it, or be able to know its attributes.

But he found that although the hourglass looked exquisite, it felt very ordinary, not very special.

When he learned that Jin Mingfei was the first to obtain the hourglass, Wei An instinctively stuffed the thing back into Jin Mingfei's hands.

At this moment, the grains of sand inside are slowly sliding back and forth between the two containers.

Wei An said: "Although Jin Mingfei was injured, he will not be in a coma. Maybe he has sensed the specialness of the hourglass. We can't help him now. If the injury is really serious, the fastest way is to leave this strange talk and go out. Then he will recover."

Zhou Xin nodded, telling Xiao Wan to pay attention to the movement around the raft, and he and Wei An worked harder to paddle forward.

Not long after, Liu Wenna gradually woke up. She seemed to have had a dream. She still remembered everything that happened in the dream, but she was not sure if it really happened.

Wei An gave her a brief explanation, and Liu Wenna felt ashamed and kept saying sorry to everyone, then picked up Jin Mingfei slightly, and put his head on her lap as a pillow.

At this moment, Jin Mingfei suddenly twitched violently, and the hourglass he was holding tightly in his hand was crushed by him with a bang!

(End of this chapter)

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