Chapter 363

After Wei An left, only Zhou Xin and Xiao Wan, who was attached to him, were left in the vast purple sea.

The young couple became one at this moment, and their minds were connected.

Zhou Xin looked back at the Purple Sea, and there seemed to be endless weirdness in the depths of the invisible sea.

"Let's go." Xiaowan urged Zhou Xin in her heart with a special language.

Zhou Xin nodded, and quickly swam to the last jagged mouth.

After the fourth big sawtooth mouth closed, the four fully closed sawtooth mouths quickly retreated, until they retreated into the swirling dust on the bottom of the sea, never to be seen again.

The vortex on the surface of the Purple Sea gradually subsided at this time, and a large amount of foul-smelling thick seawater stopped spinning and returned to its previous appearance.

At the other end far away from the Purple Sea, in the different space above the head, a pair of huge eyes appeared, staring at this sea area.

These eyes don't seem to belong to the city of ancient tiles, nor do they belong to this purple sea.

At the same moment, on the second floor of the Montenegro building, the fat man muttered as if in a dream: "It's a pity, if you can cross to the side of the Purple Sea, you will find more surprises..."


A hazy full moon hangs in the sky.

This full moon is not without moonlight, but all the moonlight is blocked by the same gray round object, so that there is no moonlight on this land.

Fiercely burning torches will be lit along the road, winding along the way, standing on the top of the mountain, you can see dozens of such torch passages, large and small.

The cool breeze blowing on his body made Zhou Xin feel the reality of this world. This feeling made him seem to have returned to the real world and his own home.

But it's also home.

Turning her head to look at Xiao Wan who was floating beside her, her long black hair floated up.

Immediately, Zhou Xin was surprised to find that under the moonless world, Xiao Wan, who was originally extremely dark and could barely see her facial features, now began to have slightly translucent skin!

This translucent radiance increased, and soon her skin completely turned white, returning to normal skin color.

A delicate face was presented in front of Zhou Xin. Zhou Xin, who had never expected such a situation, was completely stunned.

Xiao Wan in front of her seemed to be a different person, her facial features were clearly visible, she smiled sweetly at him, stretched out her hand to grab Zhou Xin, and walked towards one of the torch paths without touching the ground.

But at the same time, Zhou Xin also heard a large number of heavy panting sounds outside the torch. This sound made people blush. Even though Zhou Xin was no longer a baby, he still felt restless.

Not only are those voices inaudible, but they even have an extremely subtle magic power.

At this time, Xiaowan seemed to have noticed Zhou Xin's psychological changes, and she walked faster. At the same time, her lips parted slightly, and a soft singing came out. A clear stream.

Zhou Xin's breath began to breathe evenly, and his complexion gradually returned to normal. He was dragged by Xiao Wan to run forward along the path formed by the torches.

His eyes quickly settled on Xiao Wan's plump and graceful back. Although it was no longer affected, those voices just now aroused a certain impulse in his heart. licked his lips.

At this moment, Zhou Xin suddenly realized why the weirdness of this place was so eager to marry someone after being summoned out.

"If it really doesn't work, just do as the Romans do." Zhou Xin muttered to himself.


It was also the night, but the city under the night was ablaze with lights.

All kinds of noisy vehicles sounded into his ears. Sitting on the outer ring road of the city, Jin Mingfei felt dazed at first.

But he quickly realized that Liu Wenna's cry for help came from the gutter under the highway.

Jin Mingfei quickly jumped off the road, and grabbed Liu Wenna several times in the shallow ditch that was not too deep. Liu Wenna had fully recovered after leaving the strange talk, but now she was half wet again, her hair was messy, In a state of embarrassment, in Jin Mingfei's view, he was both worried and funny.

At this time, Jin Mingfei also noticed that there were no wounds on his body at all, but he felt like he was still injured like a sequelae, but in fact his body was healthy.

For the rest of his life after the catastrophe, this thought arose in his heart at this moment, but at the same time he was secretly excited, because this time he entered the ghost story, he not only got a blood spear weapon, but also got a spiritual totem—the hourglass of time.

Judging from Wei An's reaction at the time, the time hourglass should be extremely rare as a time totem, and Jin Mingfei also clearly felt that Wei An himself had a totem.

Reminiscing that Wei'an is so powerful, it may be because of the existence of the totem. Jin Mingfei is full of confidence. He believes that even if he enters the ghost talk again in the future, he will definitely be able to accomplish better.

"Where's Brother Wei? Is he with us?" Liu Wenna wiped the stinky water off her face and looked around.

Jin Mingfei shook his head: "I didn't see it, maybe we will each go back to the original city after we leave Guaitan."

After saying that, he looked up at the brilliant lights in the distance.

Although it was night, the familiar high-rise buildings in this city quickly came into view. This is the rich city, yes, the place where they first entered the strange talk of "Calling Souls" was also their hometown.

From Jin Mingfei's point of view, they heard that Big Brother Wei'an was an investigator of Brahma City, so they could contact the Ghost Story Management Bureau of Brahma City and report Wei'an's safety as soon as possible.

If possible, the two parties can also make an appointment. After I and Liu Wenna tell my parents, the two families will thank Wei An.

The two supported each other and came to the road. Because they were both wearing school uniforms, a hitchhiker soon agreed to take them into the city.

When they came to the city, they immediately reported the case to the Guidan Administration Bureau, then notified their family members, recorded a statement, and tossed about until dawn before the two went back to their respective homes.

However, according to their statement, the situation of this strange story case is more complicated, because Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna entered the "Calling Soul" strange story, but later entered the "Guwa City" with Wei An after the rule center of this strange story was destroyed. This B-level strange story that has never been heard before.

Then they escaped intact!
That night, several fourth-level and fifth-level investigators from the Fucheng Administration were studying the case and notified the Fancheng Administration overnight.

The next afternoon.

Jin Mingfei, who just woke up, found that there were two investigators and staff members from the Administration sitting at home, and his parents were talking with them.

Soon Jin Mingfei learned from these two people that the Vatican City Administration took the notification from Fucheng very seriously, and replied to the Fucheng Administration at noon, telling them that Wei An was not from Vatican City. The strange talk about entering the city, but from Biluo City.

However, after Fancheng contacted the Biluocheng Administration Bureau, it was found that so far, there has been no news of Wei'an's appearance.

Now not only Biluocheng is looking for Wei An everywhere, Fancheng is also looking for this person everywhere within its own jurisdiction.

Wei An's assistant Pei Na who was still in Biluo City just sent a request to have a video call with Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna at the same time, so that they can get ready immediately.

At this time, Jin Mingfei had a group of staff here, as did Liu Wenna's home, and they were soon ready to talk.

(End of this chapter)

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