this is not a joke

Chapter 367 Meet Across Doors

Chapter 367 Meet Across Doors
Pei Na has never suffered from insomnia, even when she was carrying out the assassination mission in the special bureau, she was able to fall asleep properly that night.

But she hasn't slept well in the past few days, and the appearance of that person will dangle in front of her eyes as soon as she closes her eyes. He is talking to herself for a while, and he is running again for a while, as if he is being chased by something behind him.

Seeing that she was not in a good state of mind, both Wen Qiong and Su Ya persuaded Pei Na to go back to the outside world to have a good rest and not to think too much.

Pei Na lay down after washing in the temporary dormitory in the blocked area, and the figure of Wei An appeared in her mind again.

She secretly thought that she should have gone to the ghost talk with Wei An back then, but she didn't know that the short-haired woman from the special bureau was also there and set a trap for Wei An, otherwise she would have to go with Wei An .

Now Pei Na speculated that since the woman was able to rush over to set the trap before Wei An, it meant that she had something to do with the Administration Bureau of the Setting Sun Country.

Because only the Administration Bureau of the Setting Sun Country knew that Wei'an was very likely to enter the ghost talk and look for Zhou Xin.

And according to Jin Mingfei, the short-haired woman suddenly disappeared after being seriously injured and fell to the ground. This is not something a normal person can do. It reminds me of the serious tone of Chen Sen's second call just now.

Now Pei Na knows that the short-haired woman looks like a living person in the strange talk, but in fact it may be a monster, otherwise Chen Sen would not have that kind of weird pattern on the body of the short-haired woman that Chen Sen saw in the Yingchui Room today. , and this seemingly ordinary investigation was interrupted by a phone call.

Who is that caller?What does the other party know?Maybe Ying Xi's death and her strange body appearing in the ghost talk may have something to do with the caller.

At present, Chen Sen has told Pei Na that he will start a secret investigation over there, asking her to wait patiently, and will ask Pei Na to help if necessary.

Anyway, the most important thing for Pei Na now is to make sure that Wei An is fine, as long as this man is safe, it doesn't matter whether he can find out who is behind the scenes.

Thinking wildly in her heart, Pei Na didn't know how long she had been lying on the bed, and she didn't know if she fell asleep.

As soon as I close my eyes, the image of being with Wei An will soon emerge in my mind.

This crappy man made a lot of fools when he taught him fighting skills, making Pei Na's stomach hurt from laughing, but he studied very seriously and his grades improved rapidly.

"Wrong, while strangling the opponent's neck, you can push him with your knee like this, which saves effort and prevents him from attacking you."

Wei An, who was sweating profusely, waved his hand, "No, take a break, aren't you tired? I find that you are tired from watching, so I want to take a break to give you some relief."

Pei Na couldn't help laughing again.

"What are you laughing at?" A very normal voice came, not like Wei An who was panting just now, but the voice sounded like the same person, there was no difference.

Pei Na looked up, and saw that the panting Wei An had disappeared, replaced by a voice from nearby, it sounded like Wei An was still talking, but the voice was normal.

Pei Na hurriedly looked around, and soon he saw the door of the training room, from under the crack of the door, a ray of light came in.

Quickly approaching this door, Pei Na still remembers that the other side of this door is a separate dressing room, which can be used by both men and women.

Grab the doorknob, but no matter how hard you twist the door won't open.

Pei Na became anxious: "Wei An? Is that you?"

"It's me." Wei An's voice replied from the other side of the door.

Pei Na twisted the door twice again, but still couldn't open it.

She then took two steps back, turned around and kicked sideways, with a bang, the door made a loud noise but remained motionless.

"Don't waste your energy, this door can't be opened." Wei An said from the other side of the door.

"Where are you? I want to see you!" Pei Na couldn't help blurting out.

But soon she realized that there was something wrong with what she said. If it was out of concern for her friend, she should have asked Wei An about his safety after meeting him, rather than rushing to say that she wanted to see him.

Pei Na felt that her face was a little red, but Wei An couldn't see this side from the other side of the door, and replied: "I want to too, but we can't meet for the time being. I'm looking for a way out, so I should have some clues. "

"Where are you now?" Pei Na said, "We were looking for you everywhere, Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna both came out, and they returned to their home in Fucheng, but Fucheng couldn't find you, and Biluocheng couldn't find you either. You are not included in the ghost story of the god of death's choice. Where are you?"

Wei An replied: "Now I'm not a participant, nor an intruder. I suspect that I have become a bug in the strange story, and I can no longer log out normally. But after so long, I finally figured out a way."

"How do you get back? What can I do?" Pei Na asked eagerly.

"Do you still remember the abandoned Jiuyuan Building not far from my house in Zhoucheng?" Wei An said, "You find Professor Xiong Shihai first, and ask him to bring a team to choose the God of Reaper, and draw a new one that connects to Jiuyuan Building in the ghost story. The traveling spell, and then you wait on the spot. If my side succeeds, maybe I can use the traveling spell to come back."

"Okay, wait for me, I'll do it right away..."

"After finishing all this, just wait for me to come back. Don't use that new travel spell to come over, just wait for me to appear."

The light at the crack of the door became dim at this moment, and Wei An's last words became more and more distant, as if floating from far away.

But Pei Na could hear everything clearly. She realized that Wei An, who was close at hand, was about to leave and might never see him again, so she couldn't help knocking on the door impatiently.

"What are you doing? Come and teach me how to practice!"

Wei An's voice sounded from behind Pei Na, full of doubts.

Pei Na turned to look at Wei An, then ran over and put her arms around his shoulders: "What trick were you playing with me just now? What were you doing hiding behind the door? Where did you come from now?"

Wei An was stunned and wiped the sweat from his forehead, not knowing how to explain it.

But soon Pei Na found that Wei An's body in front of her was dissolving, turning into colorful granules, no, these granules had no color, Wei An had no color, and this training room also had no color.

There is no color in this world.

Soon this colorless world collapsed.

Pei Na muttered softly, turned over, and was about to go back to sleep when her eyes suddenly opened, staring at the white wall next to the bed.

"Jiuyuan Building, the traveling spell..."

(End of this chapter)

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