this is not a joke

Chapter 369 The Door

Chapter 369 The Door

Wei An just faintly felt a touch in his heart, he didn't dare to move at all, but just stood straight in place, quietly sensing it.

After a while, the voice just now reappeared in my mind.

"Uncle? Is that you?"

It really was Lin Rui's voice.

Not only that, but at the same time, Wei An could also feel the tension and guard in Lin Rui's heart, and a feeling of wanting to attack but maintaining restraint kept coming.

"This kid's heart is so powerful!"

Wei An secretly marveled. Although he didn't know where Lin Rui was at all now, since the other party could communicate with him through this little clue, it was obvious that he could really carry out a long-range attack.

If the feeling in his heart was not strong, Lin Rui would not have communicated with Wei An in his dream last time.

I don't know if the other party can "hear" my thoughts, but Wei An has been trying hard.

After 2 minutes, Lin Rui's desire to attack began to decrease, and his voice sounded in his mind again: "Uncle, it should be you, but why didn't you answer me?"


Wei'an was a little discouraged, he couldn't convey his thoughts through his ability, and could only passively receive the information from the other party's super high and strange energy fluctuations.

I heard Lin Rui continue: "Although I can feel you, it seems to be different from last time. Uncle, I can't find that door. There should be a door between us just like last time. We need to find it." This door, otherwise I might not see you. Are you in any danger?"

"Good boy, continue to speculate!" Wei An was excited, but still unable to convey his own information.

Now he also agrees with Lin Rui's speculation, because at this moment, both of them should be in the gap between the strange talk and the strange talk, but the distance may be extremely far apart, which cannot be measured by distance, but because of the special gap, Lin Rui He can use his sky-defying ability to sense himself.

But Wei An couldn't do it, that is to say, it was a one-way induction.

However, as long as Lin Rui is smart enough to sense that there is a problem with Wei An and cannot communicate with him independently, he can think of other ways to help Wei An.

And now Lin Rui has put forward his guess.

As long as a door is found, no matter how far the two parties are now, they should be able to communicate through this door as before, and even like last time, after opening this door, maybe the two can meet directly across the infinite distance .

After all, they are both in the gap between the ghost story and the ghost story, which is a little different from the previous situation. It's not that Wei An is in the dream and Lin Rui is in the ghost story, but that both of them are in the gap between the ghost story.

At this time, Lin Rui may also find that Wei An can't express it directly like himself, and transmits his voice into the other party's mind, and he continues to sense from there: "Uncle, you need to find a door, a special door, it is best It's related to the weirdness. I'm also looking for it here, we have to find this kind of door together, if I find it, I will sense you from the door."

The one-way communication between the two was soon cut off, but this was Wei'an's best chance to leave Guai Tan, and he couldn't give up.

As long as you can meet Lin Rui, you can enter the three rumored Jiuyuan Building where Lin Rui is located. Once you are in the building, because the ghost story has been registered with the Real World Ghost Story Administration, a lot of information has been recorded, so I have a great chance to get out of it safely.

Wei An started to move again.

Glancing at the thick fog around him, he chose a direction and walked forward quickly.

Now we need to find a strange story, find a weird place in this strange story, and see if there are doors around. If there is a door, we can use this door to see if we can communicate with Lin Rui.

When running around in the mist, Wei An was also sensing carefully, but whenever the front made him feel dangerous, he would not force his way in, but immediately changed direction to continue exploring.

After walking forward for a certain distance, he finally came across a strange story. The mist in front of him quickly rippled away like the surface of water, and a scene appeared.

Wei An found that he was already standing on a relatively wide site, in the middle of a gate, with a shallow green belt next to it, and a row of low-rise buildings on the opposite side, each building corresponding to An open black door, at the top of the door, a white flower tied with cloth strips hangs above it, and the white cloth strips hang on both ends of the door.

"This is... the mourning hall!"

Turning his head to look, he was convinced that he was at the gate of the funeral parlor at the moment, and from the looks of it, the funeral parlor had a large area and was located in the suburbs of a certain city.

However, Wei An quickly determined that the coverage of this strange talk should be the funeral home, and did not involve a city a little further away, because outside the funeral home was a large amount of fog that he had just walked out of.

Based on his intuition, Wei An felt that the level of this strange talk should not be too high, not higher than D level.

A few tens of meters after entering the gate, there is a larger mourning hall. At the moment, the mourning hall is full of people. Bow towards the middle and back of the mourning hall.

There is a wall there, and behind the wall should be the dead people placed.

Wei An has not approached this mourning hall for the time being, and at this time, no text prompts about this strange talk popped up in front of his eyes, because he is neither an intruder nor a participant when he comes here.

He didn't know what the mission information of this strange talk was.

But as long as you can determine the weirdness and its location, and find the nearby door, maybe you can get in touch with Lin Rui.

And all of this can be done quietly, there is no need to touch other characters here, or attract the attention of the ghost talk rules.

I have to say that although this is a funeral parlor, the greenery is good, the trees are shady, and the air is very refreshing.

Wei An walked all the way along the internal road, and walked through every mourning hall he could see.

There are about 40 mourning halls in this funeral home. Except for four that may be under maintenance and not open, the other mourning halls are all open, and more than [-] mourning halls with open doors are holding funerals, and the rest are empty. of.

Wei An checked all the empty mourning halls, and found nothing strange or suspicious.

There is no way to find it like this. Maybe there are weird places that are not in the mourning hall, but temporarily stored in the morgue of the funeral home.

Wei'an quickly activated the "Positioning Character". This function is relatively simple, but extremely easy to use, and the cost is only 50 energy points.

Even if he doesn't have any identity in this strange story, he can activate the positioning role, but most of the plot speculation can't be activated, unless the rules of the strange story ignore him as an outsider, such as the city of Guwa controlled by the fat man.

A not-so-bright red spot of light flashed in front of his eyes, and Wei An immediately followed the spot and walked back. He found that these were the paths he had walked before.

After a while, he returned to the place where he appeared just now, but he continued to move forward, and soon came to the mourning hall that was close to a parking lot. The location where the red dot flashed was a mourning hall where a funeral was being held.

It can be seen that this mourning hall is relatively large, and the cost of renting it should not be low.

The mourning halls in this funeral parlor are obviously divided into grades. Just now Wei An saw that some mourning halls are very large, and the decoration is relatively better, while some mourning halls look pitifully small, less than one-fifth of the size of the great mourning hall. Probably the cheapest kind.

He walked to the entrance of the mourning hall with red dots flashing, and stopped more than ten meters away.

At this time, many stools were placed outside the mourning hall for the guests who came to express their condolences to rest, and Wei An quickly noticed that on one of the long stools, there were two young men with extremely unnatural expressions, a man and a woman.

He had a sudden shock in his heart, and it was easy to judge based on experience that these two people should be participants.

(End of this chapter)

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