this is not a joke

Chapter 372 Who Received the Telegram?

Chapter 372 Who answered the phone?
Because of being too nervous and scared, Yang Huiqing's face turned pale, and she turned her head to look into the mourning hall.

After listening to the conversation between the two people just now, she realized that the phone number turned out to be the number used by the deceased in the mourning hall, and she got through to it by herself!

She now guesses that this mobile phone number should be used by the relatives of the deceased, or the relatives did not turn off the mobile phone of the deceased, which caused her to get through just now.

The person who answered the phone should be a close relative of the deceased.

In order to prove her guess, Yang Huiqing kept looking around in the mourning hall, trying to find out who was answering the phone just now.

But soon, the bar phone in her hand vibrated but there was no sound. The sudden vibration made Yang Huiqing tremble with fright, and almost threw the phone away.

Looking at the monochrome screen of the mobile phone with horror on his face, he saw that it was the mobile phone number he dialed just now.

She swallowed her saliva, calmed down a little, and looked around the gate of the mourning hall and inside the mourning hall to determine who was calling at the moment.

Immediately after connecting the phone, she leaned to her ear and whispered, "Hello?"

The voice over there still sounded empty and there was an inconspicuous echo: "Are you looking for me?"

It is still impossible to tell whether the voice is male or female, old or young, and it sounds extremely neutral.

"Sorry, I made a mistake just now." Yang Huiqing said in an apologetic tone while looking around.

The other end of the phone was visibly sluggish.

Just when Yang Huiqing was about to hang up the phone, the voice came again faintly: "You are right, little girl, the person you are looking for is me!"

This voice sounded extremely scary to Yang Huiqing, as if a pair of eyes were staring at her while speaking, even knowing her gender.

She was so frightened that she hung up the phone again, and turned her head to look in the mourning hall. There seemed to be no one on the phone, but no one was watching her.

At this moment, Yang Jingpeng came back and brought the hairpin with him.

After Yang Huiqing told him everything that happened just now, both of them were glad that this task was considered completed, but at the same time, the reminder of the next task in front of them changed. After seeing the follow-up task, they were dumbfounded.

"Put the found hairpin in the dead man's hair?!"

"Or go to the dead?"

The siblings looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this time, Yang Jingpeng finished reading the reminder in front of him, and said to Yang Huiqing: "Sister, this is the last task. As long as we insert the hairpin back into the deceased's hair, it should be considered as helping the deceased fulfill his last wish, and this strange talk will end. gone."

"Then why the first method is to pull out the jade brocade from under the body of the deceased?" Yang Huiqing asked: "After returning the hairpin, should we continue to take the jade brocade?"

Yang Jingpeng shook his head and said: "The mission prompt said that it was the first method. Now that we have the second method, we should not need to complete the first one. Otherwise, this weird talk would not allow us to skip the first method. Go straight to the second."

"You just said that at the door of the bathroom, a young man reminded you to leave alone and leave quickly. Where are the others?" Yang Huiqing asked again.

Yang Jingpeng stretched his neck to search for a moment, and said: "I didn't see it, but I can feel that he is very familiar with everything here, and he may be a participant like us."

After a pause, he asked Yang Huiqing: "Sister, should we act separately again, I'll go find him, and you go to complete the next task?"

Seeing that Yang Huiqing's face was not right, he hurriedly said, "Why don't you go to him and I will complete the task of returning the hairpin. But you haven't seen him, so you may not recognize him!"

"Boy, we are acting together now, we can't be separated again!" Yang Huiqing said: "The phone call just now almost scared me to death, let's look for that young man first, whether we find it or not, then go into the mourning hall together, go there Where the dead were parked. I'll cover you, and you'll return the hairpin when you get a chance."

"Didn't you say we should act together? Why am I going to pay it back?" Yang Jingpeng said.

"I still need to confirm who owns the cell phone that I just called me, and why the other party said that the person I found is him (her)." Yang Huiqing said: "Otherwise, this cell phone item has no meaning in our hands. Its Appearing, it can't be meaningless!"

"It seems that the analysis makes sense." Yang Jingpeng nodded, but he always felt that this unreliable sister was digging holes for him again.

The siblings did not act separately, but walked around the mourning hall together, and then entered the mourning hall to search, but they couldn't find the young man who helped Yang Jingpeng just now.

"Maybe his task is different from ours? Maybe he has already completed it, and then left." Yang Jingpeng guessed.

Yang Huiqing looked at the busy relatives in the mourning hall, and replied: "Then let's return the hairpin now, and I will watch outside the viewing room. You go in and put the hairpin in the hair of the deceased."

"Are you sure I'm going alone this time?" Yang Jingpeng asked.

Yang Huiqing was a little hesitant, and stomped her feet: "I'll help you guard at the door of the viewing room. What's the matter, just say a word and I'll come in. What are you afraid of?"

Yang Jingpeng thought carefully that the distance between the two was not too far, so he nodded.

In this strange talk, the participants who came in were given the status of being able to attend the funeral of the deceased. In the eyes of other relatives and friends, the siblings were people they knew, although they couldn't name them.

But the two walked around the mourning hall without being stopped or questioned.

Not long after, Yang Jingpeng entered the viewing room separated from the mourning hall by a wall. This is the place where the remains of the deceased are kept. From the lobby of the mourning hall, there is no other entrance and exit.

Yang Huiqing was waiting near the entrance and exit. If someone wanted to enter the viewing room at this time, she would notify Yang Jingpeng inside in advance, or try to stop him for a while.

It's cold inside the room.

After Yang Jingpeng walked in, he saw the ice coffin in the middle at a glance. Because of the cold weather, the ice coffin was not covered but opened.

In addition, the air conditioner is fully turned on in the viewing room, so the space inside gives people an extremely gloomy and cold feeling.

The nine sticks of incense were divided into three groups and placed on the table at the foot of the ice coffin. There was a large white candle burning in the front, and a pot of burnt paper money was placed on the ground under the candle.

This picture came to the top immediately, Yang Jingpeng trembled all over his body, the scene in front of him made him feel that his soul had gone out of his body, as if his limbs no longer belonged to him, he just approached the ice coffin stiffly, and at the same time pinched the hairpin tightly hands.

After approaching the ice coffin, he narrowed his eyes and glanced at the person lying in the ice coffin, not daring to look carefully.

It was a middle-aged woman. It seemed that she should be about fifty years old when she died. Her hair was white and her body was very thin. Her face was covered with skin and bones. It gave people a feeling that malnutrition was the main cause of her death. generally.

Yang Jingpeng didn't dare to look any further. He hurriedly shifted his gaze to the deceased's hair. Contrary to the thin body of the deceased, although there were a few white strands in her hair, it was very long and long. The comb is rolled up on the top of the head to form a semi-circular bun.

"Return the hairpin as soon as possible, and end as soon as possible."

Yang Jingpeng didn't dare to delay, and quickly inserted the tip of the hairpin into the semicircular headband.

(End of this chapter)

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