this is not a joke

Chapter 374 Coffin Board

Chapter 374 Coffin Board

This scene happened so suddenly.

Neither Yang Jingpeng nor Yang Huiqing, who was not far away, expected that they were only here to complete the strange talk task, and they never thought that the task could be carried out like this.

Isn't it necessary to return the hairpin according to the regulations?

The fat man was a corpse wearing a shroud, and he looked extremely terrifying.

Coupled with the strange and inexplicable female corpse next to it, the siblings never thought that they could perform tasks in this way.

The fat man in shroud was stuck in his head by a hairpin, and he staggered back, and was disturbed by Wei An's fear, he didn't dare to resist at all, and soon fell to the ground.

Yang Jingpeng was dumbfounded, and had already forgotten his fear.

Wei An asked him at this time: "Do you have two tasks?"

Yang Jingpeng was dazed for a long time, and then nodded after being asked the second time: "One task extract the... jade brocade from under the corpse in this mourning hall, and the other have seen it before... Go to the bathroom and find the hairpin."

"You dare not touch the corpse, so you went to the bathroom to look for hairpins, but after you got the hairpins, you still asked you to stick them in the corpse's hair, so you entered the mourning hall." Wei An quickly speculated probably passed.

Yang Jingpeng couldn't even nod his head, but just stared at Wei'an in shock.

Wei An continued: "But why are there two corpses?"

Yang Huiqing at the side came to her senses and hurriedly said tremblingly: "The other... that female corpse... is... the wife of this male corpse. Just now her daughter said that she...has been dead for a long time."

In this way, Wei An probably connected the plot lines of this strange talk together.

"The relationship between the two couples may not be very good, and they are against each other. However, you have to choose one of the two tasks to complete. In the end, you chose to find hairpins, which means helping the wife. So the husband is not happy. , when your younger brother returns the hairpin, he will appear to obstruct it."

After a pause, Wei An continued to analyze: "But this is just an E-level ghost story. Although the task needs a little analysis to complete it better, it is not that difficult as long as you have the props in hand. The props can be your own, or you can use ready-made ones. to use the mission props, such as the hairpin just now, and..."

At this time, Wei An pointed to Yang Huiqing's hand: "Your antique mobile phone should also be usable, but you have completely ignored it. Take out the jade brocade under the corpse, and the next step may be to hand it over to the shroud fat man. During this process, the female corpse will definitely cheat the corpse and stop you."

Yang Huiqing regained some thinking ability at this time, and said: "This male corpse was very domineering and had a weird temper before he was alive. His wife was pissed to death by him."

"So we can find some clues in all of this." Wei An nodded.

Just now he tried every compartment door in the bathroom, including the bathroom door, and found that these doors didn't have any special feeling after opening and closing, and he couldn't get in touch with Lin Rui.

Then he tried all the doors around the mourning hall as long as there were rooms, but the gate of the mourning hall did not have a door panel, which meant it would definitely not work.

In addition to paying attention to the siblings all the time, Wei An also probably knows the mission they are doing, so when he can make a move in the bathroom, he tries his best to make a move, and it is naturally the same at this moment.

Moreover, there is still a door in this mourning hall that has not been tried, and this door may be the key to connect Lin Rui.

Now that the siblings are here, Wei An doesn't mind helping them, at least this is his duty as an investigator of strange stories.

"The hairpin originally used by this female corpse, the male corpse thought it was given to her by himself before he was alive, so he didn't want to give it to her again. Now that you have given her to her, you have helped the female corpse, and it will naturally anger the male corpse." Wei'an pointed to the mobile phone in Yang Huiqing's hand, "Give this mobile phone back to that lady, it should have been used by her during her lifetime."

Then he said to Yang Jingpeng: "As for you, take off the hairpin on this fat man's head, and complete the steps that were not completed just now, and this task should be completed."

After saying that, he glanced at the ice coffin, then climbed in and sat down.

The siblings didn't know why he climbed into the coffin. Yang Huiqing hesitated for a moment, then walked cautiously to the ice coffin and glanced at the female corpse lying on the ground.

At this time, the female corpse just raised her head, and Yang Huiqing immediately handed over the phone.

The female corpse raised her shriveled face, but she didn't reach out to take it, nor did she express anything.

Yang Huiqing felt scared, put the mobile phone beside the female corpse's hand, and quickly stepped back.

Yang Jingpeng walked in front of the fat man in shroud, trying to grab the hairpin inserted into his head, but he was unsuccessful.

"I'm here, what are you afraid of?" Wei An, who was sitting in the ice coffin, said.

Yang Jingpeng thought it was the same, this young man looked so fierce, but just now turned around and frightened the two corpses so that they didn't dare to move, so he boldly stretched out his hand to grab the hairpin and pulled it out violently.

Seeing that the hairpin was covered with black sticky matter, Yang Jingpeng hurried to the side of the female corpse with the hairpin in one hand.

With courage, he finally slowly inserted the hairpin into the semicircular headband of the female corpse, stood up quickly and took a few steps back, standing with Yang Huiqing.

"Okay, your strange story mission has been successfully completed." Wei'an said: "Now you two do me a favor, lift the lid of the ice coffin over there, and cover me. By the way, who designed this thing? , it turned out to be separated!"

"What?" The siblings were taken aback.

Just now they were surprised when they saw Wei An sitting in the ice coffin by himself, but now they want them to cover Wei An in it, suddenly an idea popped up.

Could it be that Wei An is not a participant, he is also the weird one in this strange talk?

"I'm an investigator of the Ghost Story Administration." Wei An seemed to know what they were thinking, and explained: "I'm currently performing a very difficult task in the Ghost Story. You just need to see me, and you don't have to ask anything? Just ask." I can't explain clearly either, well, one person lifts one side and presses the coffin lid up for me."

The siblings looked at each other. Although they were still surprised, they didn't hesitate anymore. They walked to the separate coffin lid.

Seeing them clumsily carrying it over, Wei An lay back in the ice coffin, his nose filled with an indescribably cold and strange smell.

After waiting for a while, just when he thought that the coffin lid was about to be pressed down, there was a sudden bang sound. Wei An was startled, and quickly sat up to look, only to find that only one coffin lid was left on the ground, and the two siblings had disappeared without a trace. trace.

"Fuck! Miscalculation!" Wei An patted his forehead.

He didn't expect the two participants to be forced to leave so soon after the strange talk task was completed, and there was no time to bring the coffin board over!
After regaining consciousness, Wei An cast his eyes on the two weirdos on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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