this is not a joke

Chapter 378 Analysis

Chapter 378 Analysis
"Are you going to take this...kid and leave Guai Tan now?" Xiong Shihai asked worriedly.

Wei An nodded: "We'll try it right away."

"But if something goes wrong, it will be very dangerous for him!" Xiong Shihai reminded.

The assistant beside him also nodded: "If the things in the strange stories, whether they are humans or weirdnesses, appear directly in our world, they may be obliterated by our own world rules."

Wei An and Xiao Lin Rui looked at each other and smiled.

"It's okay, this is just a clone of him, if it fails, we can continue to find the reason."

"Clone?" Xiong Shihai stared at Xiao Linrui dumbfounded.

In the eyes of him and his assistants, the child in front of him seemed very real, without the slightest sense of illusion, and seemed to be a complete entity.

However, Xiong Shihai is very clear that the creatures in the ghost stories are not ordinary. They are said to be living people, but in fact they cannot be defined by the concept of living people in the human world.

To ordinary humans, they are still "weird", a very special kind of weirdness.

Without further ado, Wei An took Xiao Lin Rui to the corridor, and got into the hole in the wall at the end, Wei An was in front, and Xiao Lin Rui followed.

Wei An reminded: "You move slowly, and if you feel something is wrong, tell me immediately."

"Okay." Xiao Linrui replied from behind.

Because of his thin body, he crawled very fast in this hole, but Wei An was much slower.

Soon came to the entrance of the cave that was about to go out.

Wei An glanced back at him, saw Xiao Lin Rui's expression was a little nervous, and said, "Now I'm going to go out, have you noticed anything wrong?"

Xiao Linrui shook his head: "No."

"After you go out, it will no longer be a strange talk. If you have a special change, you must remember how you feel now." Wei An ordered and crawled out of the cave.

His figure quickly disappeared from Xiao Lin Rui's eyes, and he could never be caught again.

Xiao Lin Rui seemed to be a real person, took a deep breath, twisted his little butt, and quickly crawled towards the entrance of the cave, and then his figure disappeared.

A flash of white light flashed before his eyes, and he suddenly lost sight of everything, and at the same time, he felt a very strange feeling of falling, but this feeling didn't last long, and his feet suddenly touched the ground.

Xiao Linrui hurriedly looked around, at this moment he was convinced that he had come to a place that he had never been to before.

But when he couldn't see anything clearly, his body suddenly felt tearing, and with a swipe, this embodied body disappeared instantly.

Wei An stood in the blocked area of ​​Biluo City, turned his head to look, and waited for a while but did not see Xiao Linrui appearing.

At this moment, he felt that the other party should have been surprised.

Soon Wei An walked into the blocked area, and after walking for a while, he was sucked back into the ghost story of Death's choice again, and lay down in the hole in the wall.

However, he didn't immediately go back to the corridor of the apartment building along the hole in the wall, but went back to check whether Xiao Linrui was still in the hole in the wall.

After seeing nothing, Xiao Lin Rui was no longer there.

When he returned to the apartment building, he heard Wen Qiong and Pei Na talking to a little boy. He entered the temporary office and saw that the little boy was Xiao Linrui.

"Failed." Xiao Linrui spread his hands, "After I went out with you just now, I just felt like entering your world, and my body was torn apart by a powerful force."

" can't integrate into our rules, just like what he said just now." Wei An looked at the assistant just now.

"It should be like this." Xiong Shihai nodded and said: "There are rules in the ghost story, and our world also has rules. No matter where it is, it is impossible to operate without rules, otherwise it is very likely to collapse."

"Then what do you mean... Our world can actually be counted as a big ghost story world." Wei An said.

Xiong Shihai was slightly surprised. In fact, he didn't think so deeply just now. After Wei'an brought it up at this time, after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he couldn't find a reason to refute it.

The assistant next to Xiong Shihai said: "This seems to be the case, but there will be all kinds of bizarre plots, characters and even weirdness in the world of ghost stories, but our world does not have these messy things."

"That depends on how you define what a mess is." Wei An said: "No matter where in our world, the law of the jungle follows the law of the jungle. It's even worse than the plot in the ghost story, even the best screenwriter can't think of it."

The assistant was speechless, but Xiong Shihai smiled wryly and waved his hands: "We are only good at things like spells. If you want to talk about the operating mechanism of this strange talk, you still need to understand it."

"I'm just speculating, there's no evidence to prove it." Wei An laughed.

He looked at Xiao Lin Rui, and the one in front of him was the latest child who re-embodyed after Lin Rui from the Jiuyuan Building discovered that he had disappeared, and he came over to tell them what happened to Xiao Lin Rui just now through the traveling spell.

"After I think about what happened just now and think about how to deal with it, I will try again." Xiao Lin Rui said.

"Okay, no problem." Wei An nodded, "You can stay here for a few days, just don't leave this building."

After communicating with Xiong Shihai for a while, Wei An handed the human skin charm directly to the other party, asking him to use this opportunity to study it carefully.

Holding the human skin charm, Xiong Shihai was very excited, and immediately contacted the Brahma City Administration, and then applied for an office in the option of the god of death.

Since the human skin charms can't bring out strange stories, he plans to ask his team to rub all the patterns here, and spend some time studying and researching.

Whether it is research on how to communicate with the human world, or research on these spells, it will take a lot of time, and it is impossible to draw conclusions in the short term.

Things come to an end.

Wei An quickly received Pei Na's gaze, and followed Pei Na to an empty room next to him.

"This time you entered the ghost talk is the time I am most worried about." After closing the door, Pei Na whispered.

"This time is really dangerous. The main reason is that the short-haired woman in the ghost story has already set up a trap and waited for me to enter. This shows that she knew in advance that I might enter the soul summoning, and she probably has contact with the investigators of the setting sun country. "Wei An analyzed.

Pei Na shook her head: "I haven't found out the reason yet, but the people from my old employer's Special Bureau are already secretly investigating, and the short-haired woman who attacked you is called Ying Xi, and she was indeed from our Special Bureau when she was alive."

"Before she was alive?" Wei An was surprised, "Is she already dead? The person I met in the strange talk is not alive, but weird?"

"It may be weird, or it may not be." Pei Na said: "At least she can only appear in strange stories now, and cannot survive in the human world."

Wei An pondered for a moment, and then said: "Don't look for clues from the Sunset Kingdom, check the Zongfu organization. If Ying Xi can only appear in the ghost story, then she didn't enter the ghost story through a spell. It’s related to the Patriarch’s organization that wanted to plunder the corpses on that plane last time.”

After all, so far, I only have these two rivals, one is the Sunset Kingdom, and the other is the patriarch.

(End of this chapter)

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