this is not a joke

Chapter 380 Wei Zhengdong's Mission

Chapter 380 Wei Zhengdong's Mission
"The country will not be the country?"

Wei Zhengdong didn't react at all when he heard such serious words coming from the mouth of the senior official in front of him.

After pondering these four words over and over in his mind, he realized the seriousness of the current incident.

At the beginning, after he arrived at the Guidan Administration Bureau in the central city, he originally planned to conduct research on himself in the research institute, but then he entered a house full of various instruments that looked full of technology.

Inside, Wei Zhengdong was stripped of his clothes, and his head and body were covered with various metal pieces connected with tiny wires.

He knew that he was thoroughly detected. As the saying goes, even his underwear was turned upside down. I am afraid that every cell in his body has been scanned by the large detector.

After coming out of this house, he didn't go to the research institute, but was pulled directly to the side of this dead city covered in yellow sand.

Wearing a black jacket on the right, Ma Xun, the deputy director of the Central City Management Bureau, said: "Mr. Wei, I can answer your doubts. Originally, we planned to send you to the research institute for more detailed research. Assist, but later when checking your body, something unexpected happened in the data system collection room."

Wei Zhengdong asked in surprise, "Is it the time when I lay naked on the metal bed for two hours?"

This sounds a little weird.

Ma Xun coughed: "It was that time. In fact, it was just a preliminary investigation of your basic body data, but just when you were being checked, a strange story was suddenly triggered in the data collection room. Well, you know, sometimes There are no signs of strange stories happening, and there is no place or occasion, even if it is in the strange story management bureau."

Wei Zhengdong was even more surprised: "Has there been a strange talk? I've been lying there the whole time, why didn't I feel anything?"

Ma Xun's eyes flickered with strange light: "This is why we temporarily decided to send you here. Because at that time, all eleven of our detectors detected the energy fluctuations of the strange talk, which proved that the strange talk was happening in the collection room, but when we had When the experienced investigators rushed over, they found that everything in the collection room was normal, the staff were all there, and no one disappeared, including you."

"So the strange talk should have happened, but it didn't happen." Wei Zhengdong spread his hands.

He already knew that he couldn't be said to have the physique of the African chieftain or the European emperor. Anyway, as long as he was present, it seemed that the strange stories that should have happened would detour.

It's like those office colleagues with me, and other residents of the building where I live.

However, his wife Wen Qiong and son Wei An didn't seem to be affected. Could it be that they have developed further immunity to their own passive immunity to strange stories?Immune to your own immunity?
Wei Zhengdong couldn't understand.

Ma Xun shook his head at this time: "The strange talk is very powerful, and the energy fluctuations are extremely strong. In fact, it has already happened. After our investigators arrived, those staff members actually just came out of the strange talk. After we asked later, The staff in charge of testing you said that they were sucked in the moment the ghost talk appeared, but just after entering the ghost talk, they didn't even have time to read the prompt text of the ghost talk, and suddenly a stronger pulling force pulled them out again in an instant A gap was forcibly torn open in front of their eyes in that ghost story world, and although everything changed quickly, they should have come out through that gap."

"I didn't even finish the strange talk, and it was pulled out right away?!"

Although Wei Zhengdong has never entered the strange story, but fortunately he has studied it for so long, he knows that since he has entered, it is impossible to leave without completing the strange story.

That said, this is probably the only special case the Authority is aware of and has never encountered before.

Ma Xun stared at Wei Zhengdong: "We were also shocked at the time. One of the investigators pointed the detector in your direction, and he was surprised to find that the energy fluctuations of the strange talk were within a radius of about three meters from you. Blank!"

After a pause, he continued: "Your high mental strength may be one of the reasons, but it is not the only reason that makes you immune to strange talks. There may be other more important things. But now time is tight, we have no After so much time to study, after an emergency meeting, the director of the administration, that is, Mr. Vice President, suggested that you come to Hengai City first to help deal with the strange talk here."

"City of Everlasting Love? Is this the City of Everlasting Love?" Wei Zhengdong looked surprised.

Although he has never been to Everlasting Love City, he knows that this city is famous as a city of romance. Many young people choose this place for their honeymoon when they get married. Various large-scale blind date events have always been held here.

And I saw on TV that this city is also row upon row of high-rise buildings. Under the lights at night, the city of Ever Love is flickering with neon lights, which is very beautiful.

Wei Zhengdong never expected that the beautiful city in his impression would turn into a dead city full of yellow sand!
"This is the City of Eternal Love." Cao Wensi, the person in charge of the city hall, took the words, "Three months, after the strange talk came, it took three months to make it what it is today. In the beginning, this kind of city will have at least Ten strange stories happened, and then there were more and more, sometimes there were hundreds or even thousands of stories in a day, and the level of strange stories remained high, rarely seeing F-level, and most of them were above D-level!"

"Some residents ran out, but most of them died inside." Cao Wensi said in a heavy tone, "There are still endless strange stories inside, and we have set up a lot of roadblocks, but we still can't stop the people who are attracted. "

"Someone was attracted?" Wei Zhengdong asked in surprise, "Are they out of control?"

"This is the strange part of this city." Ma Xun said: "It seems to have come to life, which may be the reason why there are too many strange stories. Some people who live in the next city or the nearby suburbs will disappear inexplicably at home. , into the strange talk."

"At present, the residents within a radius of ten kilometers of this city have been cleaned up, but there are still people who will continue to be sucked into the strange stories of this city." General Na Xie finally said at this time, "My soldiers are powerless. No target can be found, even if the city center with the strongest fluctuations in the ghost talk energy is bombarded countless times, it can't stop our people from being sucked into the ghost talk. If it continues like this..."

Wei Zhengdong was also aware of this situation.

Because it is not enough to just clear out ordinary residents, there are also many staff members and soldiers in this camp, and there is no guarantee that these people will not be sucked into the strange stories of that city at any time.

"Mr. Wei, our plan now is to amplify the energy in your body. No matter what that energy is, at least it can make everyone temporarily immune to strange stories." The reason for the close contact was that this anti-energy broke through the rules of ghost stories and forcibly pulled them back."

Wei Zhengdong rubbed his hands, the shock just now has turned into uncontrollable excitement and excitement: "I never thought that when the organization needs me, it will be such a difficult task, but I, Wei Zhengdong, will definitely be able to complete it smoothly." Without further ado, time is waiting for me, strike while the iron is hot, let's start now!"

(End of this chapter)

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