this is not a joke

Chapter 415 The Truth

Chapter 415 The Truth
The woman in the short-haired leather jacket is Ying Xi. Although she and Ying Kun are brothers and sisters, they only have a slight similarity in eyebrows and eyes, but there are great differences in other things.

Ying Kun showed a masculine appearance, with a beard on his face, a burly figure, and his arms were almost as thick as the waist of a thin woman, while Ying Xi had a graceful figure, fair skin, and looked more delicate.

Of course, everyone who is familiar with it knows that the women who come out of the special bureau only look weak, but their actual means are very powerful.

Ying Xi's way of existence is very special. After she died while performing a mission in the real world, she was performed by her patriarch in the reincarnation ceremony of the ghost world. She is an extremely rare person who has successfully reincarnated so far.

In other words, she did die in the real world, and even her body was cremated.

But in the world of strange stories, he lives like a normal person. Of course, everyone who is familiar with her knows that Ying Xi is not normal at all.

Her body seemed to be embedded on Ying Kun's back, but she could leave at any time and act alone, which looked extremely strange.

Now she was obviously very dissatisfied that Chen Sen deliberately shifted the focus to her brother, and looked at Chen Sen coldly. His originally fair face looked so pale that he didn't look like a human being.

And the injury she suffered at Wei An's place has fully recovered.

Chen Sen didn't meet her eyes, smiled lightly, and said, "If Ying Xi could have told me in advance when he was ambushing Wei'an, that guy would probably have died in the ghost story instead of being alive and kicking now."

"Your plan may not be good either." Ying Xi retorted, "Original father was a very good insider in the special bureau, but it turned out to be exposed early..."

"Did I want to expose it?" Chen Sen asked back, "When the Special Bureau was investigating your brother's clues, they also implicated me and were already investigating me, and the time when the Administration asked the Special Bureau to investigate me happened later. .”

"Okay, there's no need to argue." Ying Kun said, "It's true that I was discovered by the Special Bureau to have a problem. The gap in Eternal Love City is too big, beyond my previous expectations, and I can't stop it. Fortunately, Zong My father took control in time, and accidentally discovered that the strange story may have been published through this mistake, as long as we study it carefully now, maybe we can really find a way to completely connect the two worlds."

Wang Zhenhai closed the documents in his hand, nodded and said: "This is indeed an opportunity. The grandfather is currently studying it personally. Once we determine how to tear this channel gap, we will have more capital for in-depth cooperation with the gate of hell."

"Perhaps the people at Hell's Gate have already mastered more, but they just haven't disclosed it." Chen Sen speculated.

"There's no other way." Ying Kun said, "That guy was originally born in a strange story, so he took the lead."

"By the way, you said that Wei'an and his companions may have fallen into the strange story of hell?" Wang Zhenhai asked Chen Sen.

Chen Sen nodded: "We went to the edge of the strange story and checked it. There is a possibility. The chief also knows that the strange story killed more than a dozen people in the organization, so we didn't dare to really go in and investigate. So it is also possible They returned to the human world along the same route."

"Now that the cursed corpse has been transported back by us, the original route has been broken, and it is impossible for them to go back from there." Ying Kun said.

Wang Zhenhai nodded: "It would be great if Wei'an really entered the hell. Only the patriarch came out of that A-level strange talk. No matter what capacity other people enter, whether they are participants or intruders, they will definitely die. But There's one more thing you should probably check out."

"Find out what?" Chen Sen asked with a frown.

Wang Zhenhai said: "It's very strange that the two of Wei An were able to safely pass through the coverage area of ​​the cursed corpse. Because Wei'an had come into contact with the cursed corpse on the plane before, but Xue Wanxing was already dead, so there might be something in it We cannot know the reason, you must guard against this, sometimes some small omissions may become fatal troubles in the future."

Both Chen Sen and Ying Kun nodded solemnly.

At this time, a khaki beetle slowly crawled under the two rows of small stone statues. The beetle looked a bit weird, especially its head was quite a bit bigger than ordinary beetles, and the sides of the head were bulging Drumming, still vibrating slightly.

Because of its small size, no one noticed it.

The beetle crawled into the yellow soil at the top of the stairs, and quickly burrowed into the soil.

The soil bulged up a little, and then completely flattened out, as if nothing had ever penetrated into it.


Above the row of stairs in the underground space, at a turning corner about 200 meters away from the hall.

Wei An and Pei Na squatted here, listening carefully, while Lin Rui, who was beside them, closed his eyes slightly, and directly disbanded the beetle with human auditory organs that had manifested itself through his thoughts.

At the same time, another beetle under the feet of the three who was responsible for receiving the sound transmission also disbanded.

Lin Rui opened his eyes and looked at Wei An and Pei Na.

The two were also looking at each other at this moment, and at this moment, the information they overheard through Lin Rui's means finally solved their long-standing confusion and learned a lot of key information that they had been unable to grasp before.

It turned out that the current patriarchal organization and the Gate of Hell are cooperating. Of course, there were conflicts in the past, and the cursed corpse in the red coffin has been transported here by them, in the underground space below.

This place used to be the place where cursed corpses rest forever.

Listening to these people's conversations, both Wei An and Pei Na could feel that the man called the patriarch was so powerful that he could pass through the strange story of Hell where both of them almost died, but they didn't know this in the real world. What is the identity of a person.

The information gradually began to become clear. Even the eruption of strange rumors in the City of Eternal Love was related to the Gate of Hell and the Zongfather Organization.

This information will be provided to the Authority after returning home, which will completely restore the current passive situation.

"Lin Rui, how many weirdnesses can you manifest with your current ability?" Wei An asked.

Lin Ruidao: "It doesn't have to be weird, I can also present some scenes of strange talks that must die, just like the sword mountain you saw before."

"Okay, the death scene can be realized, but there must also be some weirdness." Wei'an nodded, "There are a lot of people below, and they are all very strong, especially the person named Wang Zongchang. And there should be something on them , so you can temporarily not be afraid of the curse issued by the cursed corpse in the red coffin."

"And the gravekeeper." Pei Na reminded.

Wei An nodded: "We don't need to go out, Lin Rui can attract the gravekeeper as long as he manifests a living corpse, but we have to hide before attracting him to avoid indirect harm from him."

After a pause, Wei An said to himself, "I hope that the tomb keeper is an extremely powerful existence that is usually silent and does not move easily. According to the rules of this weird talk, it is best to be the overlord of the tomb directly."

Although the level of this weird talk is not high, as Lin Rui said, it does not mean that the level of weirdness is not high. It can only be said that if the level of weirdness is extremely high, it will not easily make a move. , It will be a thunderbolt.


Time passed by minute by minute.

The huge underground hall fell into silence again. Some people were meditating, some were observing, some were walking around in a small area, and some were casually flipping through the documents in their hands...

At this moment, a dark, obscure, oppressive and extremely uncomfortable feeling descended for no reason. Wang Zhenhai first raised his head, followed by Chen Sen and Ying Kun, their gazes successively turned to the entrance of the stairs leading to the hall .

(End of this chapter)

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