this is not a joke

Chapter 418 Perfect ending

Chapter 418 Perfect ending
The moment it was inserted into the gravekeeper's body, the entire chain of stars also emitted a lot of light, and those bits of starlight that had fallen to the ground all followed the chain along the token and got into the gravekeeper's broken sack at this moment.

Rays of light appeared in the originally pitch-black sack, and the grave guard staggered back, fear appeared on the old face for the first time.

He didn't pay attention to the small dagger that had been inserted into the back of his head, but while backing away, he slapped behind him with his backhand, which just hit Ying Kun's body.

Ying Kun was knocked into the air by this force, and hit the wall of the hall fiercely, bleeding from seven holes, nearly half of his body was embedded in the wall, his face was ashen, and he twitched slightly.

And Chen Sen's heart swayed, he took out the last crossbow arrow, quickly installed it, and shot it out.

As if the second crossbow arrow could still be positioned automatically, it made a circle and went straight to the forehead of the grave guard.

This time the tomb keeper has lost his guard, sitting on the ground, the darkness of the sack in his body has been occupied by a large amount of starlight, almost completely lighting up his body, spreading to his limbs.

The feeling of obscurity, sadness, and palpitations in everyone's hearts just now quickly disappeared, and the blessing of the rules belonging to the gravekeeper gradually became invalid at this moment.

The crossbow bolt hit the target, pierced into the forehead of the grave guard, and a very special explosion occurred inside.

The cemetery keeper's head shattered into pieces with a bang, and a large amount of black filth was scattered in the hall.

However, after his head exploded, he exploded the token inserted into the sack at the same time. The token was divided into small pieces and scattered in all directions, immediately piercing Wang Zhenhai who could not avoid it.

But Chen Sen was behind the tomb guards, just in the blind spot of scattering.

Just when he thought he had escaped the last blow of the grave guard, he suddenly saw the bare arm of the grave guard whose head had just exploded, following him down to the ground and slamming at him.

It was too late for Chen Sen to retreat, so he sat down on the ground and watched his lower body being smashed into a pulp with a bang, only his upper body escaped, and he was stunned!
However, after Wang Zhenhai's body was smashed into a sieve by the token sawdust, the body disappeared in the next second.

When he reappeared, his physical injuries had recovered to the original condition, but his whole body was much thinner again, a head shorter than before, only less than 1.6 meters, and his body almost turned into a skinny monkey.

Wang Zhenhai was panting heavily, he had become extremely weak at the moment, his eyes scanned the mess in the hall, and when he swept over Chen Sen, who had only half of his body left, his eyes did not stop.

When sweeping over Ying Kun who was embedded in the wall, he stopped for a moment, and then said to the only remaining entourage who was injured and trembling in the corner of the hall behind him: "Come and help me."

The man managed to recover his life, although he was injured, he immediately struggled to get up, trotted over while answering, and supported Wang Zhenhai.

Ying Kun hanging on the wall had died, and Chen Sen didn't seem to be able to last much longer.

But at this moment, this guy didn't seem to believe what happened to him at all. He lowered his head in a daze, looked at his disfigured lower body, and then looked up at Wang Zhenhai, hoping that the other party could do something.

The gravekeeper finally stopped moving, his large sack shriveled up, his limbs gradually hardened, and the color turned gray, which was consistent with the appearance of those stone statues.

In the direction of the stairs, three figures jumped down from above one after another and stood in the hall.

"I didn't expect the ending to be so satisfactory." One of the men clapped his hands and said.

This man is Wei An.

Pei Na, who was standing beside him, looked at Chen Sen, who only had his upper body left.

After Lin Rui fell down, according to Wei An's previous instructions, he immediately walked towards Wang Zhenhai, who was still able to move, and at the same time raised his hand, various swords appeared out of thin air, inserted around Wang Zhenhai and his entourage.

These swords were densely packed with hundreds of handles. After appearing, with the slight movement of Wang Zhenhai and his entourage's steps, the blades trembled slightly. Several swords seemed to be triggered, broke out of the ground, and attacked the target.

Wang Zhenhai's expression was shocked after seeing Lin Rui, he quickly came back to his senses, and said to his followers: "Don't move, don't move anymore!"

The scene in front of him suddenly reminded him of one of the hells in the Strange Tale of Infernal Hell. Although he had never entered it himself, his father had told him before that it was the Sword Wheel Hell!

The swords in front of him that surround themselves and can trigger attacks following their movements are exactly the same as the scene in the sword wheel hell.

Wang Zhenhai looked horrified, sure that as long as he didn't move, those slightly trembling swords would not immediately fly up to attack him, he was slightly relieved, and stared closely at Lin Rui who was standing outside the forest of swords.

Seeing that the already weak Wang Zhenhai was under control, Wei An and Pei Na walked slowly to Chen Sen who had started to slow down his breathing.

This guy's face was extremely pale, and his lower body was crushed into a pulp, so he didn't die immediately. When he came back to his senses at this moment, his life had already entered the countdown.

"Boss..." Pei Na frowned and looked at him.

Chen Sen looked at Pei Na's face, the expression on his face was complicated, his lips moved, but he couldn't speak anymore.

Wei An asked, "Where is the safe with the plum blossom K pattern on its surface?"

Chen Sen opened his mouth slightly, and a mouthful of blood gushed out, but he subconsciously glanced at Wang Zhenhai's direction.

"If I can still move, I will be the first to kill you!" Wang Zhenhai cursed.

This guy has been teased several times by Chen Sen. Besides the look in his eyes now, Chen Sen deliberately shot him just now, causing him who was about to escape to be stopped by the grave guards.

"There's no need to be so angry with a dying person." Wei'an turned to Wang Zhenhai and said, "Chen Sen can't speak, so I can only ask you, Zongzong Wang."

Chen Sen stopped moving at this time, exhaled a breath, never took it back, and just died with his eyes open.

Pei Na looked at him without any expression on her face.

This ending is what Chen Sen asked for, and it can be said that he deserved it.

Lin Rui approached Wei An at this time, twisted his body, rubbed his arm, and said softly: "Uncle, after I got down, my body started to itch, as if there was something in my body..."

Before he finished speaking, Wei An already knew what was going on, and immediately walked to the red coffin, first glanced at the tall male corpse in the coffin, and saw that he was still the same as before, with a calm expression and no damage to his body .

Then he said softly: "I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. The young man who came in with us is also my friend. Please raise your hand so that those mushrooms don't spread to him."

After speaking, he turned to look at Lin Rui, and Lin Rui looked at him in surprise, as if he didn't understand why Wei An was talking to an unresponsive corpse.

But soon Lin Rui noticed the improvement, reached out to touch his arms and buttocks, and then shook his head to Wei An to express that the itch was gone.

"Master Wang Zong, let's talk." Wei An turned his gaze to Wang Zhenhai again.

However, Pei Na suddenly looked elsewhere, the alert look on her face did not fade away, and she said, "No, there was another person just now, where is Ying Xi?"

(End of this chapter)

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