this is not a joke

Chapter 433 Realized on the spot

Chapter 433 Realized on the spot
Lin Rui was caught off guard by those hairs, and just after being dragged out for more than a meter, he materialized several throwing knives and quickly cut off the hair.

After standing up, Lin Rui soared into the air and stepped back several meters, approaching Wei Zhengdong one step ahead of Wei An.

At this time, the slender black shadow had also come to Wei Zhengdong's side. It stuck out its hands from the ground, avoiding Wei Zhengdong's head, directly grabbed his feet, and then quickly dragged it down the ground.

Wei Zhengdong yelled and kicked his legs constantly, trying to get rid of the opponent, but Yin's body was illusory and materialized at times, which made people unpredictable, and this constantly changing way was fully revealed when he launched an attack .

After Lin Rui came to him, he immediately passed his hands over, letting Wei An smell the hidden scent left by his hands.

Wei Zhengdong had heard what Wei An said just now, so although he was flustered, he immediately lowered his head and sniffed.

Almost in the next second, Ziyin's hands grabbing his feet were suddenly retracted to the ground, and Yin's shadow was quickly fled into the darkness.

With a loud shout, Wei An threw the halberd and ax in his hand. He had long expected that Yin would be like other monsters, and would flee after his breath was exposed to his father, so he was almost gone the moment Yin fled. Throwing the halberd axe, the flying halberd ax directly blocked Yin's way.

But Yin didn't care about it, and with a slap, one-third of his body was cut off by the halberd ax again, and the black shadow became much smaller again, escaping into the darkness not far away.

The black shadows that were cut off lost their main bodies and melted directly on the ground, turning the area of ​​the ground into pitch black.

At the same time, Yunzhen's figure appeared, or to be precise, the changed Yunzhen appeared.

In front of everyone's eyes, a huge elliptical ball of hair one person tall rolled out slowly. These hairs completely covered the inside of the chastity, and although there was a lot of hair, it didn't emit a little breath.

This is a special method that Yizhen hides when facing Wei Zhengdong. Her hair is very clean, unlike human hair that is contaminated with oil, dander, dust, etc., and will emit various smells.

Yunzhen's hair has no smell at all, which allows her to use a lot of long hair to completely hide her breath. Even if she gets close to Wei Zhengdong, as long as no part of her body is exposed, Wei Zhengdong will not be able to smell it. her breath.

"Are you okay?" Wei An asked Zhang Zuxia.

At this moment, Zhang Zuxia's forehead was covered with sweat from the pain, and he replied: "The ankle bone is broken, and it is difficult to move. I am considering whether to awaken the madness in my body."

"No need." Wei An immediately shook his head, "We can handle the current situation, see if you can escort my dad to move on, and Lin Rui and I will stop Yunzhen here."

"No problem." Zhang Zuxia had already tied his broken ankle tightly with his clothes, stood up and replaced him with Wei Zhengdong to support him.

But when you really want to encounter other monsters, Zhang Zuxia can go into battle again with a sigh of relief, and the metal rod will make the monsters unable to get close to him just by becoming crazy.

Lin Rui materialized a large number of daggers hovering in the air, blocking Yunzhen's way of coming, and after watching Zhang Zuxia and Wei Zhengdong leave together, he immediately began to try to materialize the weirdness.

Sure enough, Wei Zhengdong was not here, and soon the first monster was materialized, which was the one they met just now that could revive clones infinitely, and then the ones that appeared when he and Wei An were besieged last time Jumping zombies.

Because he had been besieged by a large number of zombies, Lin Rui knew how important this numerical advantage was.

After a large number of jumping zombies appeared, they quickly surrounded Yunzhen.

Beside the rolling oval hair ball, countless hairs flew up, rushing towards the approaching zombie like a waterfall, puff, puff, these hairs easily penetrated the zombie's body.

However, they will not stop their actions immediately, but continue to besiege Yunzhen.

At this moment, Wei An suddenly noticed that a large amount of hair appeared under the ground on the soles of his feet, penetrating the ground and entangled towards his feet.

He immediately cut it with a scalpel, and found that the hair was so hard that the scalpel could not cut it.

Is this the power of the ontology?
Wei An was taken aback. When he first met Yun Zhen, the other party was projected into other ghost stories, so the attack power was actually weakened, but this time the one in front of him was the real body.

The power of the main body is not comparable to the projected strength at all, it is several levels higher!
Withdrawing the scalpel, Wei An recalled the halberd and axe, cut off again with his backhand, and finally took a lot of effort to cut off the long hair that was entangled with him, and quickly backed away.

He didn't dare to kill Yunzhen by throwing it directly. This woman's hair is too flexible and powerful. I'm afraid the halberd and ax may not be able to be recovered after being thrown.

At this time, Lin Rui was already standing in the air, and his feet no longer touched the ground.

After he manipulated a large number of zombies and the weird avatar that kept dying and advancing to act as a human wall, he kept his eyes tightly closed and did not make any other movements.

However, Lin Rui's eyelids could be seen beating irregularly, and his brows were slightly furrowed, not knowing what he was doing.

A moment later, a hand from a slender black figure reached into the curling hair from under the ground.

At first, Yunzhen, who was hiding in the hair ball, thought that Yin had returned, so she didn't block it with her hair, but was soon caught by the slender black shadow on her calf, and then the black shadow climbed away. Up, wrapping around Yunzhen like a python.

Sensing that something was wrong, a large amount of hair grew out of Yunzhen's body again, forcibly breaking and shredding the black shadow clinging to her body.

Only then did she realize that this black shadow was not Yin at all, it seemed to be summoned by the young man standing in the air, a summoning object that was almost indistinguishable from Yin!
At least one-tenth of the long hair passed through a few zombies, and then rushed towards Lin Rui who was in the air.

Lin Rui's body trembled slightly, and an invisible breath stopped these fierce long hairs halfway. This breath turned into a white mist similar to the space between strange stories and strange talks. Advance with long hair.

Lin Rui's brows furrowed even deeper, his eyes never opened, and his eyelids throbbed even more violently.

Those long hairs penetrated inch by inch into the thick fog, and they were about to break through the barrier of the fog, only about half a meter away from Lin Rui in front of him.

Wei An slashed at those hairs with an axe, but he found another tuft of long hair flying through the jumping thorns halfway. He quickly retracted the halberd ax and swung it in a half circle, cutting the thorns while blocking. Come on the tip of your hair.

Not long after, Lin Rui suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and his face turned pale in an instant.

And those hair tips finally broke through the obstruction of the thick fog...

Seeing that Lin Rui not only didn't retreat, but had a look of joy on his face, and blurted out: "It's done!"

A huge ball of hair appeared under his suspended feet, rolled forward, and a large amount of hair protruded out, intercepting and mixing all the hairs that were close to Wei An and Lin Rui's, and then they all broke inch by inch and fell to the ground.

The hair ball that just appeared in front of him turned out to be another Yinzhen that Lin Rui had exhausted all his energy to manifest at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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