this is not a joke

449 Dummy Model

449 Dummy Model
In the dark room, the light was suddenly turned on.

There are a lot of fake mannequins in the closet counters in this room, there are men and women, some of the models are wearing the clothes that will be displayed, some are just wearing transparent gauze scarves, and some are naked. Yo, nothing is on.

However, unlike those models seen in ordinary clothing stores, all the models here are wearing wigs, long and short, and in various colors, but they are basically black.

A young girl stood at the door of the room, and she was the one who turned on the light just now.

As a girl who came to work in the mannequin store on the first day, for some reason, she always felt inexplicably uncomfortable, especially when she saw so many mannequins silently filling the room.

She always has a feeling that among these models, there are eyes watching her, although she can't find the source of the eyes.

The boss had already left the house just now, and before leaving, he ordered her to turn off the switch in the room where the models were placed, and turn it on again on Monday, so as to avoid unnecessary safety hazards, such as fire accidents.

According to the boss's request, the young girl has seen that the switch is on the wall at the end of the room.

Standing at the door, she took a deep breath, and then walked in through the aisle where the models were placed.

The aisle is narrow, and besides various mannequins standing on both sides, there are also some wooden boxes. Mannequins are also placed in these boxes, but the limbs and body are scattered and not assembled.

The young girl was timid and looked around. When she walked through this passage, she was always paying attention, and her eyes kept sweeping back and forth on the nearby models.

At this time, the feeling of being watched was even stronger, but she couldn't find the source.

I thought in my heart that I just need to quickly turn off the switch and leave.

Terrified, he finally came to the end of the passage, opened the switch box on the wall, and pulled down the switch.

Before turning it off, the girl had already turned on the flashlight she had been holding tightly in her hand.

The light in the room went out, leaving only the light from the flashlight in her hand.

She immediately turned around and looked around, her expression becoming more tense beyond concealment.

But after scanning for a while, nothing unusual was seen.

At this time, the feeling of being stared at just now disappeared, which made the young girl secretly relieved, and quickly walked towards the open door, where the light from the storefront was shining.

Just halfway through the passage, there was a sudden sound from somewhere on the right side of the passage, and it sounded like something fell to the ground.

This made the young girl's whole body tremble violently, and the flashlight immediately shined on it, but the ground was densely covered with the feet of mannequins, and it was not clear where the sound came from.

A creepy feeling appeared, and the girl no longer looked at the ground, but immediately raised the flashlight light so that it shone on the faces of these mannequins standing near her.

Because at this moment, the feeling of being watched by someone just now returned, and it was very strong, as if this person was standing beside him, staring at him firmly.

Turn the torch light quickly, and shine on the faces of these models. At this moment, the smiling faces of these models look extraordinarily weird.

Unable to find the target, the girl didn't dare to delay, she immediately started trotting towards the door of the room.

Unexpectedly, I ran two steps just now, and saw that door seemed to be closed by a force, and the lights outside the store were completely invisible. The whole room seemed to be isolated from the outside world at this moment, becoming two people. world.

The young girl screamed, and when she was about to run forward, she heard a clatter, which came from among the mannequins standing on her left. She quickly turned the flashlight over and found that it was a mannequin that was originally intact, but suddenly scattered for some reason. It fell to the ground and turned into a pile of stumps.

And behind the scattered mannequins, there was a wooden box that hadn't been assembled yet. The lid of the box was slightly opened, and it seemed to be opening.

The young girl turned pale from fright, and the flashlight in her hand kept shaking.

After seeing this scene, she wanted to take a step, but her legs were weak and she had no strength at all.

Under the light of the constantly shaking flashlight, the wooden box containing the mannequin was slowly opened, and a hand belonging to the mannequin stretched out from the gap in the opened box.

That hand looked stiff, slender, and its skin was terribly white. It lifted the lid above the wooden box again, revealing more gaps.

At this moment, the young girl's face was so frightened that she couldn't even make a sound. She just opened her mouth and opened her eyes, staring at this scene in horror.

When the lid of the wooden box was opened, there was a creaking sound of wood, which was particularly frightening in the darkness.

Immediately the hand fell out from the gap between the box and the cover. It was a severed arm that had not been installed yet, but the cover did not return to its original shape, but in the darkness of the box, a stiff mannequin The cheeks appeared abruptly, and the head was pressed against the lid of the box, smiling at the girl.

The lights were dim and pale.

The model's mouth also made a sound similar to breathing, which became clearer and heavier.

Just when the girl felt that she could not breathe and was about to pass out, her ankles suddenly tightened, and she felt a cold feeling, and she was firmly grasped by a plastic palm stretched out from behind.


a few days later.

The door opened, and a young man stood at the door of a room full of mannequins, with a fearful expression on his face, looking inside.

He is a new employee just recruited in this store.

Swallowing his saliva, the man mustered up the courage to walk inside after seeing the switch at the end of the room.

Among the mannequins about two or three meters away from him, a female model was staring at the door with a stiff smile on her face, as if she was looking at this man.

The appearance of this mannequin is exactly the same as that of the last new employee, the young girl.


Wei An looked away from the screen of the mobile phone Wang Wenyi handed over.

The whole short video is only a little over 3 minutes, very short, but the plot is full and rich, the tone of the picture is dark, there is no extra scene, full of horror, and there is a suspense at the end.

Zhang Shiqing and Wei An watched this video together. After watching, he sat on the sofa in the apartment room and took a sip of the warm water that Wang Wenyi put in front of him.

"Is there any meaning to this video?" Wei An asked while thinking.

Wang Wenyi nodded: "Because this video is very representative, it seems to mean something, because the mannequins in the video are also in this room, in the room over there."

As she spoke, she pointed to the closed door in the innermost room next to the bathroom.

"What major did Lin Ruolin study?" Wei An asked.

"Costume design." Wang Wenyi replied.

"Isn't this the School of Urban Construction?" Zhang Shiqing asked in surprise, "How can there be a major in fashion design?"

"Leader, it's been too long since you graduated. You probably haven't seen that there are massage and acupuncture majors in Jiaotong University." Wei An said.

Zhang Shiqing was stunned.

Wei An stood up and said to Wang Wenyi, "Can you open that room? While Lin Ruolin is still sleeping, let's go in and see those mannequins first."

(End of this chapter)

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