Chapter 453

This was the first time Zhang Shiqing heard Wei An say this, and seeing Wei An's appearance, it was obvious that he had thought carefully before saying these words.

Zhang Shiqing had a premonition that he must have learned some key information about the ghost story, so he said that.

Sitting next to Wei An, he asked, "After I fell asleep last night, did you find any clues?"

Wei An nodded, half-truthfully said: "You should not be able to sleep in this strange talk, you and the two girls fell asleep one after another last night, only I stayed awake, and then I found that you were all controlled by that weird behavior You were almost assimilated by Weirdness, but I can only stop you, because those two girls should have been assimilated a long time ago."

"What?" Zhang Shiqing didn't expect so many changes to happen after he woke up this time, "I don't usually doze off so much, could it be because of that weirdness?"

"Probably so." Wei An nodded, "I also felt dizzy at the time, but maybe it was because I was mentally abnormal, so I survived, but I found that you are all under control."

"Where is that weirdness hidden?" Zhang Shiqing asked.

Wei An pointed to the room with mannequins.

Zhang Shiqing frowned and said, "Since everyone knows its hiding place, why do you say this strange story is difficult?"

Wei An sighed, and asked back: "If we want to solve this strange talk, we must kill this monster. How should we kill it?"

Now that he has figured out the situation, Wei'an knows that this weirdness is not the kind of game playing. After a game ends, he will return to the world of weird stories. This is the weird rule of playing games.

And last night, this weirdness obviously took root here. It first assimilated two girls, and then borrowed them to assimilate more people, including Zhang Shiqing who was almost assimilated yesterday.

It can be inferred that before Wang Wenyi came, Lin Ruolin had already been assimilated, and Wang Wenyi just stepped into her footsteps unknowingly during the investigation process.

Now if you want to end the ghost talk, you may need to follow their usual mode of ghost talk, that is, directly kill this monster, which is the best way to end the ghost talk.

Killing this monster may save Lin Ruolin and Wang Wenyi from danger, but if it is solved according to the progress of the plot, it is okay to be able to solve it. If the progress of the plot is useless, the two girls will never be together again. will be saved.

And Wei An speculates based on past experience that this weird talk cannot follow the plot flow, because the purpose of the weirdness is to assimilate more humans, absorb more breaths and make the bead purer, once it follows the plot , more innocent people will be turned into plastic mannequins.

So to interrupt the plot of this guy, but humans can't kill it, this has become a difficult point to solve this strange talk.

Zhang Shiqing knew that the young man in front of him had a strong "guessing ability", even better than Holmes. Of course he didn't know that Wei An had a plot editor.

But now Zhang Shiqing will pay attention to Wei An's proposal.

After some conversation and listening to Wei An's explanation, Zhang Shiqing also realized the tricky aspect of this strange talk.

In the human world they can't kill the weird, so it can't break the plot of more humans being assimilated.

After pondering for a long time, Wei An said: "Although we don't have any weapons that can kill this weird one, it's not that we can't deal with this weird one at all. Well, this matter may require my father to take action, and I will contact him later. "

Although Wei Zhengdong's current performance does not have any offensive power, those weirdos who met him in the mezzanine space dared to kill him or take him away. This shows that Wei Zhengdong's combat power is actually not strong, even No.

But Wei Zhengdong has a special ability, once he masters the strange breath, for some reason, the strangeness will run away.

Maybe Wei An can make good use of this.

However, after Wei Zhengdong was called over, the only thing Wei An worried about was whether Wei An would immediately attack Wei Zhengdong if he discovered Wei Zhengdong's identity.

Or even if Wei Zhengdong can't be attacked, after the weird escapes and returns to the weird world, will he notify the other more powerful weird positioning Wei Zhengdong's specific location, which will bring danger to Dad.

Although there is almost no weirdness that can draw Wei Zhengdong into the world of strange stories, if Xuanzhen knows, she may have a way to suck Wei An back into the mezzanine space.

And there is another point that Wei An needs to pay attention to, that is, this model seems to have no breath.

It should be said that it absorbed or covered up its own breath with the breath of the black bead.

But as long as Wei An takes the black beads away in advance, this problem should be solved.

When Wei'an contacted his father, Zhang Shiqing stood aside in fear, constantly thinking about the talents of this family. The son is so good that he can handle the weird stories that come out. His father is even more powerful. It seems that there is no need to open it. The item bar can also kill the weirdness in the strange tales that came out!
"Okay, my father agreed, he will come over tonight at the latest." Wei An hung up the phone and said to Zhang Shiqing.

The central city is not very far from Hengai City, and there are special vehicles to pick it up, and Wei Zhengdong has a special status there now, so he needs to use a car, and someone will be in charge of picking him up soon.

After Zhang Shiqing inquired, he found out that Wei An's father, Wei Zhengdong, was in charge of dealing with the large-scale strange talk in Ever Love City, which made him even more speechless.

When the two girls woke up around 11:30, Wei An and Zhang Shiqing briefly told them what happened last night.

But they just told Wang Wenyi and Lin Ruolin that they were only secretly controlled by the weirdness, they didn't say that they had been transformed into plastic mannequins.

Because now no one dares to say that after killing that weirdness, the two of them can transform back again, and even Wei An and Zhang Shiqing have to guard against these two girls who have already transformed their minds and just kept acting in front of them possibility.

The two of them were also secretly observing the two girls that day, and found that there was nothing unusual about them. It was just that after Wei An told them that they had been secretly controlled by Weird, both of them expressed concern.

After eight o'clock that evening, Wei Zhengdong arrived.

He didn't come alone, Wei Zhengdong also came with a thin but energetic man.

After seeing this man, Zhang Shiqing was slightly taken aback, and blurted out: "Senior Brother Qiu!"

The name of this thin man was Qiu Yun. Zhang Shiqing lived in a dormitory with him when the Bureau held an advanced training course for investigators. At that time, Zhang Shiqing would ask Qiu Yun for many questions that he didn't understand.

Because he knew that Qiu Yun was very powerful. Qiu Yun came from Fucheng, and he was one of the top investigators in Fucheng.

After Wei Zhengdong saw his son, he grinned and said, "Son, I said I came alone, and they were worried. It's not like Xiao Qiu insisted on coming with me. Well, Xiao Qiu, this is my son Wei An, Vatican The top investigator in Zhoucheng, the super first-level investigator in Zhoucheng, the only pioneer and pioneer who abandoned strange stories in Biluocheng..."

"Dad, it's almost done!" Wei An hurriedly stopped.

But Qiu Yun didn't seem to think so, but said sincerely: "A tiger father has no dogs!"

Zhang Shiqing also said sincerely after seeing this scene, especially after learning that Qiu Yun, a top investigator in the rich city, put down his body to accompany Wei An's father, "The Super Neng family!"

(End of this chapter)

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