this is not a joke

Chapter 469 I am Chen Yao

Chapter 469 I am Chen Yao
Feng Yiren's point of view surprised Wei An, it was the first time he heard that the rules were alive.

"Live" here does not mean flexible, but thoughtful, able to think and act independently.

In Wei'an's view, weird stories and weirdness are indispensable, but he didn't expect that the conclusions drawn by these expert groups are completely opposite. There can be no weirdness in weird stories, because weirdness doesn't have to exist, as long as there are rules for weird stories.

Because there are no rules, there can be no ghost stories.

This Feng Yiren is indeed an expert in studying the rules of ghost stories. Their conclusions are extremely subversive for Wei An, but after careful consideration, especially after analyzing the ghost stories in the city where the black and white girls live, Wei An feels that they are very reasonable.

The ghost talk rules are alive.

That is to say, last time in Biluocheng's "Reaper's Option" ghost story, I actually killed the ghost story directly, which made the weirdness unable to stay, and the ghost story collapsed.

Maybe for some reason, the killed ghost remained the same as it was when it died, and didn't completely collapse and destroy it, unlike the ghost ghost.

Thinking about it this way, the monster in the blood pool in the ghost story was killed, causing the whole ghost story to collapse, that is, the monster in the blood pool is the result of the realization of the rules of this ghost story.

Rules can be materialized, or they can exist invisibly, but they are all strange talk rules.

Wei An felt that his previous understanding of ghost stories had been completely overturned. In other words, this was not a ghost story, at least not what they had imagined.

The weird story itself is the biggest weirdness.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that there are many secrets hidden in it that need to be unearthed and researched, and Wei An feels a mess in his head.

"Is it any wonder that Wo Nima always feels that someone in the sky is watching me?" Wei'an secretly speculated, "Is it any wonder that Lao Tzu's plot speculation cannot be activated at certain critical moments? It should be that the editor has a self-protection function, which is active in certain strange talk rules." area, it is not activated to avoid detection."

But now everything is much better, because after my ability continues to grow, I can start plot speculation even in the reality of strange stories.

Wei An believes that even if he returns to those ghost stories where the plot speculation cannot be started, he can still start the editor normally. After all, the editor is also being upgraded and more function buttons are being activated.

As for the rules of this weird talk, after a while, he shook his head and didn't think about it for the time being.

The most urgent task now is to see how to implement the second plan, by destroying the rule center, and killing this "lucky man" monster!

After disposing of the shriveled and thin corpse of the old woman, Wei An wrapped up the cracked meat ball. There was not much of the cracked meat ball left.

Soon everyone began to rest, and Wei An couldn't stand it after a hard day.

Jin Mingfei's wound has been closed. Although his intestines were pulled out just now, they were not broken. This will help his recovery.

In the process of falling asleep, Wei An was awakened by the sound of rustling footsteps. He didn't move, but opened his eyes and glanced outside the cage.

I saw that the wooden cages in the second round at the rear had been opened, and the slaves were passing by their wooden cages in a line, and were dispatched by the guardian to the strange well to continue the salvage work.

It's still early, Wei An just glanced at it and continued to sleep.

It was still dark when he woke up, but the slaves who went to salvage for the second round were already returning one after another.

Seeing him wake up, Yuan Cong leaned over and said softly, "Weian, don't worry, sleep, I have asked them to count who brought back the meat balls, how many meat balls there were, and which wooden cages these meat balls were distributed in." inside."

As his name suggests, this guy is very smart. He saw that Wei An and the others were able to deal with the monster hatched in the meat ball, so he guessed that they might make an idea from the meat ball, so he had already started counting in advance.

Wei An nodded and asked, "Usually, how many meatballs can be fished out in one night?"

Yuan Cong replied: "I'm not sure. Sometimes there are only one or two, but sometimes there are ten or twenty. It depends on luck."

"It depends on luck, everything here depends on luck!" Wei An muttered to himself.

Yuan Cong smiled and said, "If you want to implement any plan, you must tell me in advance, so that I can prepare."

Wei An patted him on the shoulder: "Let's do the next salvage work first. By the way, what is the area around the corner of the wall?"

Yuan Cong looked at the corner of the towering wall in the darkness, and replied: "The guardians often come out from there. It should be the place where the villagers in this village live, but no one can go there. If the guardian sees it, basically Body and head separated."

Wei An frowned slightly, secretly thinking that Chen Yao is actually in the area where the villagers live in this village. Could it be that his identity after entering this strange talk is different from ours?Not slaves, but villagers in this village?

If it is really a villager here, Wei An feels that he must contact Chen Yao as soon as possible, because this identity will make their plan easier to carry out and will not be easily discovered by the guardians.

Wei An suspects that the rule center of this strange talk is in the villager's residential area. If Chen Yao can use his identity to find it there, the implementation of the plan will be more effective with half the effort.

After resting for a while, the night passed and the sky turned bright. At this time, Jin Mingfei had basically recovered from his injuries. It has to be said that the flesh and blood in the meat ball is very powerful.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone observed the surrounding environment again, and it didn't change much from the daytime.

At this time, Yuan Cong gave Wei'an the collected data.

About 30 people who participated in the second round of salvage last night were killed, all of them died from the monsters that were directly salvaged, and they were killed or directly swallowed by these monsters right by the well.

Three people got the meat balls and have returned to their respective wooden cages, waiting for the meat balls to hatch.

Of course, these wooden cages are far away from where Wei An is located.

And last night, it was said that among the slaves in Wei'an's round, there was another person who got the meat ball. The meat ball had successfully hatched, and he was a doomed person.

The thing that hatched in the meat ball had killed the man, and the doom had been taken away by the guardian.

During the day, the guardian came to see it twice, but the meat ball in front of Feng Yiren has been replaced by Wei An and Jin Mingfei with a pile of round soil, and covered with a layer of clothes, so it cannot be seen from the outside for the time being. strange.

Two hours later, the night fell again, and they took off their clothes again. Because the light was very dark, and the color of the meat ball was very similar to the mound of soil, the guardians still thought that the meat ball hadn't hatched yet.

But Wei An knew that when they left to salvage by the well, the fake meat ball would definitely be exposed, so after going out this time, they must not return here again.

After expressing his thoughts, he studied with Yuan Cong and Feng Yiren for a long time until the next round of salvage work came.

The wooden cage was opened, and the guardian stood on the path that many slaves must pass. The dark eyes under the hood seemed to be scanning everyone.

Wei An, Jin Mingfei, Feng Yiren, Yuan Cong and other slaves lined up and left the wooden cage in an orderly manner.

Wei An also glanced back at the mound of dirt balls covered by tattered clothes.

At this moment, his shoulders sank, and a guardian reached out and held him down.

Jin Mingfei and the others were startled when they saw the guardian bent down and approached Wei An with his head.

A voice quickly sounded beside Wei An's ear: "I am Chen Yao."

(End of this chapter)

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