this is not a joke

Chapter 476 Accident

Chapter 476 Accident
After speculating for a long time, Yuan Cong guessed that he might have given too much "wet coal" last time, which caused the guardian by the well to take care of him and take care of Wei An.

Otherwise, the guardian may have started to pay attention to security, so he will take the initiative to help.

If it's the latter, then Wei An himself has to be more careful, because it can attract the attention of the guardian of the well, this matter can be big or small, and it can't be sloppy at all.

After everyone got together to discuss, they probably also made a salvage plan for the next round.

According to Yuan Cong, the bloody guardian by the well is very strong, stronger than other guardians. He has the ability to change the things salvaged from the well, just like last time he seemed to salvage strange objects, but was caught by this The guardian directly blocked it.

In addition, this guardian also has the ability to see who is not pleasing to the eye, and directly let the opponent have a higher chance of salvaging meat balls or weirdness.

I don't know how this guy did it, but Wei An suspects that this guy has more or less the power given by the rules, allowing him to better control the rhythm of providing nourishment to the one in the ancestral hall.

With a plan, the next step is a long wait, waiting for another group of slaves to salvage, and then some people come back, some people get meat balls, some people have been killed when they fished the weirdness by the well, and the corpses were dragged Went to the shrine.

In a blink of an eye it was their turn again.

This time, everyone did not stand together, but kept a distance of several people in the middle.

In this way, when they all get the meat ball, others will not be suspicious.

Yuan Cong was at the front of the team, because he knew how to bribe the guardians, and he wanted to set an example for everyone.

Jin Mingfei and Feng Yiren are relatively close, with only a slave in between. The purpose is to let Jin Mingfei take care of Feng Yiren and prevent him from failing to do some steps well.

Wei An walked at the end of the team to ensure that everyone can complete this time smoothly.

Salvage work began soon.

Soon after it was the turn of the slave in the wooden cage where Wei An was, Yuan Cong started to act first. He quietly opened the tarpaulin he had prepared long ago, took out the last bit of wet coal and placed it not far from his feet.

How sensitive is that Guardian?Immediately, he felt the small piece of wet coal, and he walked out of the hidden darkness and came to Yuan Cong's side.

Without looking at anyone, he immediately squatted down and picked up the corpse.

But it can be felt that the bloody aura on this guy's body has faded a lot at the moment, revealing an uncontrollable greed.

The moment he picked up the wet coal, Yuan Cong said softly, "A meat ball."

The guardian was slightly taken aback, apparently he did not expect the other party to make such a request.

He didn't say anything, just put the wet coal into his robe and walked back.

This guardian is also different from other patrolling guardians. He did not eat the wet coal immediately after picking it up, but took it away and prepared to eat it later.

It can be seen that his strength is indeed stronger, and his control over wet coal is much stronger than other guardians.

Soon it was Yuan Cong's turn to salvage the fish.

Not long after he threw the bucket down, and started to shake the handle of the wellhead, the guardian who collected the wet coal reappeared, came to the wellside like last time, and leaned his upper body to the wellhead to look inside.

Yuan Cong's shaking handle suddenly sank slightly, and he knew it in his heart.

Soon the Guardians were back in the dark.

Yuan Cong's bucket was shaken to the mouth of the well, and when he lifted the bucket to the ground, he looked inside and saw a khaki-yellow ball floating on half of the bucket of water.

Yuan Cong pretended to struggle for a while, then gritted his teeth and hugged the meat ball out, leaving with a bitter expression on his face.

But he just left the small square and didn't go far, but waited for others on the way back.

After passing a few people, when it was Feng Yiren's turn, he followed Yuan Cong's example, taking the wet coal out of the tarpaulin and putting it at his feet while the person in front was still salvaging.

The guardian in the dark appears again.

He came to Feng Yiren, but this time he didn't bend down to pick up the "food" immediately, but looked at Feng Yiren through the dark eyes under the hood.

Feng Yiren's heart trembled when he was watched by the other party, his body trembled slightly, and he said softly: " ball."

The guardian was silent for a moment, and finally bent down to pick up the wet coal, put it in his robe and returned.

But instead of returning to the darkness, he walked directly to the well, as if waiting for Feng Yiren to come forward.

But at this moment, the slave in front of Feng Yiren was out of luck. The bucket that was salvaged shook violently at the mouth of the well, and it was obvious that something was wriggling and jumping inside.

The slave was so frightened that he let go of the shaking handle, and with a bang, the bucket fell back into the well with a loud noise, and it could be heard that there was something else in it besides water.

In the next second, the robe of the guardian standing by the mouth of the well shook, and a metal spear was taken out by him, and the blunt end smashed hard on the slave's head.

The slave didn't even snort, his brains burst and he died tragically on the spot.

The robe shook again, and put the metal spear in. The guardian bent down, grabbed the slave's body and dragged it into the darkness.

The red and white liquid around the well was still flowing, which made Feng Yiren terrified.

The ground around the well was originally filthy, because slaves were often killed here strangely, and it was sticky to step on. Seeing his last person die so tragically now, Feng Yiren couldn't help but feel nervous.

But he found that the guardian who dragged away the corpse never showed up.

After Jin Mingfei saw this scene from behind, his heart skipped a beat, thinking something was wrong.

If the guardian didn't show up to operate by the well, Feng Yiren might not be able to salvage anything.

But it is impossible to wait for the guardian all the time. The slave behind Feng Yiren is already urging him, and it is normal that the guardian has not appeared. He usually stays in the dark.

Feng Yiren had no choice but to go forward, and he didn't even have to throw the bucket into the well, because it had already fallen, he just grabbed the handle and started shaking it soon.

clap la la...

The bucket was visibly shaking, and was quickly salvaged halfway by Feng Yiren.

However, Feng Yiren's face has changed. It's not that there is nothing in the bucket, but there is something, but this thing makes the bucket shake violently. Let it go - weird!

While fishing up, Feng Yiren turned his head and glanced into the darkness, but there was still no response.

Although Wei An couldn't see the location of the wellhead clearly, he still found that something was wrong. Sweat dripped from his palms while waiting.

But Jin Mingfei could see clearly that the bucket was about to float out of the mouth of the well, but he still didn't see the guardian appear, as if that guy dragged the corpse to do something else.

Either he deliberately hid in the dark and didn't show up, or it was because the previous slave just didn't finish salvaging, so according to the regulations, the unfinished work must be taken over by the latter one, and even the guardians can't interfere with this rule.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why the guy took Feng Yiren's wet coal and didn't do anything.

The bucket was salvaged to the mouth of the well. Feng Yiren grabbed the bucket and lifted it to the ground. Until now, the guardian still hasn't appeared.

Just as Feng Yiren put the bucket away, an arm-sized scarlet tongue shot out from the water and licked his cheek.

(End of this chapter)

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