this is not a joke

Chapter 478 Blessing

Chapter 478 Blessing
Jin Mingfei didn't care what other people thought, let alone what the guardian hiding in the darkness thought.

He couldn't get used to that guy taking things and doing nothing. Now even if he knew that the guardian was protected by this strange talk rule and was powerful, Jin Mingfei wanted to fight him.

But now this meat ball was salvaged by himself, even if he became a doomed person, it was because of his true self.

After the excitement, he took the meat ball out of the barrel with both hands and left quickly.

"This silly boy seems very excited!"

Although he couldn't see clearly, Wei'an still felt that the atmosphere over there was different from that of Feng Yiren just now.

The guardian in the dark did not appear this time, because Jin Mingfei had already taken the meat ball away quickly, and he salvaged it by himself, which completely complied with the rules of strange talk salvage.

The team continued to move forward. This time, the slaves at the back salvaged clean water, and the team moved faster.

We will be arriving in Wei'an soon.

When the person in front started to salvage, Wei An no longer observed the surroundings, but began to observe himself inwardly.

Currently, he still has a passive skill that does not appear in the ghost story, and that is "Jia Yuhan's Blessing".

Usually, this passive skill will automatically emerge when Wei An encounters a danger with a selection function, making the best choice for him and allowing him to overcome the current difficulty smoothly.

In the previous two well salvages, because there was no adversity or danger at that time, "Jia Yuhan's Blessing" has not been automatically activated.

Now Wei An wanted it turned on.

Because according to the current plan, if he only salvaged a bucket of clean water, he would not want to see it.If you want to make yourself "lucky", you'd better have a meat ball, which is in line with his current plan.

So before the salvage started, Wei An had already muttered silently in his heart: "Jia Yuhan's blessing, I want a meat ball, please make my wish come true!"

This is the first time that he has never directly asked for this passive skill before, but Wei An believes that as long as his will has changed, even if it may not seem to meet the rules of passing this strange talk, "Jia Yuhan's Blessing" should still work.

Not long after, the slave in front salvaged a bucket of clean water, threw it on the ground, glanced at it, and ran away quickly.

Wei An stepped forward and threw the bucket back into the well, and glanced at the dark place where the guardian was hiding.

However, he knew that this guy usually didn't move much, and he probably wouldn't stand by the wellhead again like last time, waiting to be salvaged by himself.

Keeping silently saying "Jia Yuhan's blessing" in his heart, holding the handle with both hands, Wei An began to shake it slowly.

Not long after, the bucket was lifted into the air, and he could feel that it was heavier than before, and the shaking force was also stronger.

[Jia Yuhan's blessing has been activated, and you have successfully fulfilled your wish. 】

The words appeared in front of my eyes, and the bucket that was hit did not shake, and came to the mouth of the well steadily.

Wei An immediately stepped forward to lift the bucket down, and looked over the bucket, and saw a round meat ball floating above the clear water in the bucket.

This meatball looks and feels different, and Wei An is happy to see it, at least he understands that it was obtained through "Jia Yuhan's blessing", which is different from the way other people got it.

Without hesitation, he reached in and hugged the meat ball.

At this moment, Wei An could feel that someone was staring at him in the dark, it should be the guardian without a doubt.

However, the opponent was still hiding in the dark, and did not show up because he got a meat ball, but if Wei An didn't take it, the guardian would show up and kill him instead.

When leaving with the meat ball in his arms, Wei An heard someone muttering behind him. It seemed that several meat balls had been released in a short period of time, which made them feel uneasy.

When he came under the high wall, Yuan Cong and Jin Mingfei were waiting for him holding a meat ball, but Feng Yiren had disappeared.

"Old Feng has entered the living area." Jin Mingfei approached and said, "There is something wrong with the guardian. He did nothing after collecting the wet coal, but what Old Feng salvaged was the weird stuff left by the slave who was killed last time." But fortunately, you gave him the gun, and he shot and killed that weirdo on the spot, and now you have the right to directly enter the living area."

Wei An nodded, he roughly guessed it just now.

Before the plan was implemented, he had already greeted everyone. If anyone entered the living area, remember not to approach the area of ​​​​the ancestral hall for the time being no matter what.

Because Chen Yao was in the living area, the safety of these people should still be guaranteed.

"What about you?" Wei An asked Jin Mingfei, "How did you get this meat ball?"

Jin Mingfei said: "I'm totally lucky! That guy collected the things and didn't come out to help, and wanted me to fend for myself. In the end, I was lucky and salvaged a meatball. Boss, look, this chubby guy, you Not to mention it’s quite touching.”

Wei An couldn't help but also pinched the meat ball in his hand. Having said that, this big meat ball is indeed quite comfortable to touch.

"The damn guardian!" Yuan Cong gritted his teeth and couldn't help cursing: "I didn't expect him to play such a trick! When I used to give him wet coal, he would basically complete the transaction, very rarely, at least I would Never encountered such a situation.”

Wei An said: "Leave it alone for now, since the first step has been achieved, let's go back to the wooden cage to hatch these three meat balls as soon as possible, and then have a just execution in front of the guardian!"

After the three joined together and returned to the wooden cage area, because they entered the area together after observation, the three of them were also locked in the same cage at this time.

The guardian in charge of this wooden cage paid a lot of attention to this wooden cage, because there were three people holding the meat ball inside at the same time, which was definitely a very good nourishment for the tall and fat man in the ancestral hall.

At this moment, the three of them no longer shy away from it, and put the meat balls in a row, separated by a little distance, and began to wait for a long time.

In fact, the hatching speed of the meat balls is still very fast, but after having a purpose, you will feel that the hatching process has become very slow.

After obtaining the meat ball, the slave no longer has to salvage it.The last time Feng Yiren went to salvage, the tail left by his meat ball was erased by Chen Yao, the guardian, so there were basically no problems in the follow-up.

Now the three of them no longer think about salvage work, but just wait for the meat ball to hatch wholeheartedly.

Half a day later, the frequency and amplitude of Yuan Cong's meat ball began to wriggle, while Jin Mingfei's and Wei An's meat balls were still rising and falling rhythmically.

"My fleshy ball should hatch sooner." Yuan Cong immediately turned his attention to Wei'an and Jin Mingfei.

To deal with the hatched weirdness, now we can only rely on Wei An and Jin Mingfei, this is the first difficulty Yuan Cong needs to overcome.

Not long after he finished speaking, he saw his fleshy ball swell up completely visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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