this is not a joke

Chapter 492 Strange Talk about Rules - Locking the Door

Chapter 492 Strange Talk about Rules - Locking the Door

Not long after Wei An entered the 3-9 strange talk, Pei Na tried to get through his phone, but Jin Mingfei answered.

At this time, Wei An didn't know it. After successfully entering the 3-9 ghost talk, he found that the environment around him suddenly became very quiet.

Wei An couldn't see anything, the surroundings were pitch black, and he didn't move immediately, but sensed quietly, in order to quickly integrate into the environment.

After waiting for a while, the surroundings were still very quiet, but I was not in a dark space, because I could hear the ticking of an alarm clock hand, the sound was very soft, and it sounded comfortable.

Not long after, Wei An understood why his surroundings were all black, because he was still sleeping.

The scene that this ghost story enters is when the character is sleeping.

Opening his eyes soon, he saw the ceiling of the bedroom and a simple chandelier in the shape of a "Z" letter on the ceiling.

This is... the bedroom of my character in this ghost story.

After opening his eyes, Wei An quickly realized that this 3-9 single-player ghost talk was probably a role-playing ghost talk, because it could be seen that the surrounding environment was very warm, just like an ordinary family.

Moreover, there is a desk in this small bedroom, and there are a lot of textbooks and homework on the desk. The text on the cover of the textbook suggests that he seems to be a sophomore in high school.

"This role, if Jin Mingfei is allowed to enter the ghost talk to complete it, he will play it in his true colors." Wei An secretly thought.

When he hadn't finished looking at the furnishings in this small bedroom, the next second, a strange talk task reminder appeared in front of his eyes.

【Ghost Story: Lock the Door】

【Grade: C】

[Genre: Single (occasionally, role-playing)]

[Description of the event: You are a sophomore in high school. Your daily task is to study at home, don't go out, and wait quietly for your parents to return.But you find that your parents seem to have not returned for a long time, and you don't know what happened to them, but the house doesn't seem as safe as you imagined.Your only task is to protect yourself and complete your tasks until your parents return. 】

[Main task: 1. There are notes left by your parents at home. Find these notes and memorize them carefully, and you will thank them; 2. Remember to lock the door at any time is a good habit, please keep it. 】

[Main task reward: 500 energy points]

[Hidden mission: yes]

After reading the introduction to this strange talk mission, Wei An probably understands this type of mission mode.

His first feeling now is that the scene of this type of strange talk task is very simple, that is, he is at home and cannot go out yet, as long as he follows some established rules.

But for the time being, he can't feel how strong the rules of this weird talk are.

But according to past experience, this kind of weird talk seems to have a simple scene and a simple task, as long as the door is locked to prevent dangerous factors from happening.

But this is at least a C-level ghost story, which is at the same level as the last "lucky man" ghost story, and according to the analysis results of experts such as Feng Yiren, this ghost story is more firmly connected with the main ghost story, so the risk factor should be higher.

And there are also hidden missions here, I don't know if the hidden missions are related to the main strange story.

Taking this opportunity, Wei An carefully inspected the small bedroom he was currently in.

This bedroom is just an ordinary middle school student's room, there is nothing special about it, except that there is a note pressed by a pen on the cover of the Chinese textbook on the desk.

"A note?"

According to the task prompt, the note is an important clue left to him by the two parents who have never met before, and everything must be done according to the note.

In other words, this note is the current rule.

Wei An walked to the desk, removed the pen from the note, and glanced at the words on it.

This is a handwritten text with beautiful fonts, left by the character's mother.

【Binbin, my father and I are on a business trip. Ten days’ worth of meals are reserved for you in the refrigerator, and they are packed in ten food boxes for you. You take out one box a day and heat it up in the microwave to eat.There are also dried noodles in the cupboard, so if you get tired of the meal, you can change the taste.Remember, don't leave the house, be sure to lock the door. 】

After approaching the desk, Wei An discovered that there was not only this note on the desk, but another note in another textbook with the same font, which was also left to him by the character's mother.

【In addition to eating and sleeping, your daily task is to study.Remember to finish all the homework here before we come back. If you can’t do it, you can check it online. The computer is in the study room, and the power-on password is: 567231. 】

Wei An took a look at the homework under the note, and counted eight of them, covering various subjects. He randomly picked up one of the homework and opened it. He could see that it was written by hand. Blank to answer for myself.

"I wipe, do I really have to do my homework?"

He felt that his high school knowledge had basically been returned to the teacher, and he was a little confused at the moment.

But fortunately, there is an Internet to look up the questions. Generally, the answers to these high school questions can be found on the Internet, and you just need to copy them down.

Opening the bedroom door, Wei An walked out.

At present, my home is a three-bedroom residence, one master bedroom, one second bedroom, the second bedroom is my own small bedroom, and another second bedroom has been converted into a study.

Wei An went to the bathroom to urinate, returned to sit on the sofa in the living room, the TV couldn't be turned on, it seemed to be broken, but the house was powered on.

Soon he took a look at the master bedroom and study room with closed doors, walked over to try it, and found that the doors of other rooms in the house were all locked with keys.

"It's all locked, so how can I go into the study to check the questions?" He was slightly taken aback.

After talking to himself, he turned his head to look elsewhere, and then Wei An searched in the living room. He suspected that the key to the study might be nearby.

In the process of looking for the key, he found a third note under the coffee table in front of the sofa, with beautiful fonts, also written by the character's mother.

【Don't try to get into the master bedroom, I've locked it up.Your daily free activities are only the living room, your bedroom, kitchen and bathroom.The use time of the study is from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] pm. After [-]:[-] pm, you must leave the study room immediately and lock the door with a key.The key to the study is in the saucepan in the kitchen that hasn't been used for a long time. 】

"This is……"

After reading this note, Wei An felt a long-lost strange feeling in his heart for no reason.

He first turned his head and glanced at the locked master bedroom, then walked towards the kitchen with a look of surprise, and soon found a single key in a rusty iron pot.

Taking the key, he came to the door of the study and stood still, looking up at the wall clock on the wall.

It's not afternoon yet, so it's not the time to open the study.

A strange feeling arose, and Wei An couldn't help lying on the study door, listening carefully.

The note said that the door of the study cannot be opened during this time period. Does it mean that there is something inside that I should not see, such as some dirty things?

Wei An thought so in his heart, and listened carefully for a while. The room was very quiet. He didn't hear anything, but he could feel his heartbeat constantly accelerating.

Then he walked to the door of the master bedroom which was also locked, and leaned on the door to listen carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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