this is not a joke

Chapter 500 Still Doubtful

Chapter 500 Still Doubtful
With strong shock, Wei An took out those empty lunch boxes and put them outside the refrigerator.

Now that the evidence is solid, this should be the seventh day after the parents left, not the second day as I thought.

Moreover, Binbin was already dead. According to my previous speculation, Binbin's body was hidden in the suitcase under the bed in the master bedroom, and the ghost he turned into was in the study.

In other words, the time left to finish those homework is not eight days, but only three short days.

Wei An returned to the small bedroom, sat at the desk, and quickly wrote the fifth item under the fourth item he just wrote, which was the last item he could figure out so far.

Now what Wei An knows is that his character is dead, he should actually be a ghost, just like the blue-colored Binbin in the study.

It's just that I was a sophomore in high school before my death, so at the beginning of this strange talk mission, the main task was to complete the homework of the sophomore year.

Wei An guessed that this should be the result of this special ghost story being deeply distorted by the rules of the main ghost story.

The homework left for Binbin by his mother may actually be the homework for the fifth and sixth grades of elementary school, but after he arrived, the task started after the twisted rules of the ghost story, making the homework for the second year of high school.

Not only that, but some other phenomena that seemed normal to me also became infinitely close to my current identity after I participated in the strange talk.

As a result, he has not discovered the problem.

That is to say, this live ghost talk rule is misleading myself through these superficial phenomena, making myself think that the role I am playing is Binbin,
If Wei An hadn't noticed it all the time, he wouldn't feel that something went wrong until the real ten days came, until the mission suddenly declared a failure.

Since he is not Binbin and has died, there is only one identity left that fits the current role.

【5. My identity is a mystery?I'm dead, and my character is actually a ghost, a sophomore in high school.I'm not from this family, so I might be an outsider. When Binbin was at home, the person who knocked on the door at night...could be me! 】

The doubts in front of him gradually became clear.

Wei An felt a slight numbness in his body, and because his brain was always in a state of high-speed thinking, he felt a slight lack of oxygen.

Now he finally understands why he couldn't locate his parents when he first activated the "positioning role", because he is not Binbin at all, but an outsider in this family. The parents of this high school sophomore are not here. Naturally, it cannot be positioned.

After a series of speculations, the general story of the whole incident unfolded in Wei An's mind.

First of all, this is the world of ghost stories, so the event itself is full of weirdness, which is the premise.

The real Binbin was kept at home by his parents who went out for ten days, and reserved meals for him for ten days, as well as various notes left by his parents.

Judging from normal ghost stories, Binbin at this time is the best candidate for the participant to play after entering the ghost story. Through the role of Binbin, participants can integrate into the ghost story to take risks and complete tasks.

But don't forget that this is a special ghost story, a secondary ghost story subordinate to the main ghost story. The suppression and distortion of the rules have caused its rules to undergo profound changes and become very special.

If it is the development logic of normal ghost stories, Binbin takes risks at home alone, and starts to act through the contradictory notes left by his parents. At this time, he needs to choose to believe one of them.

But it seems that after five days, he lost his guard, and he may have believed the note left by his father. When someone knocked outside at night, he opened the living room door.

And the person who knocked on the door was the sophomore in high school. Maybe this guy had been secretly following Binbin for a long time, knowing that he was alone at home.

After he entered the house, he killed Binbin, which ended the plot of this normal ghost story.

Based on the plot development after Binbin's failure, it is speculated that the sophomore should have replaced him and continue to live in this room.

After guessing this, Wei An was puzzled again.

If I entered this special strange talk as a participant at this time, role-playing as the murderer, that is, the sophomore student, why would there be my own dead body in the master bedroom?

There are also two suitcases placed under the bed, both of which look bulging. If only one suitcase contains the body, what is in the other suitcase, just clothes?
For the subsequent development of the plot, Wei An obviously still has many questions.

If he doesn't understand these questions, he believes that he still can't perfectly break the strange talk rule.

He took out the notes he got from entering the strange talk out of his pocket, unfolded them one by one, and soon Wei An found that there were three missing!

He clearly remembered that he kept every note properly, and it was impossible for him to drop it.

After cleaning up, I found that the three missing notes were all obtained later, that is, the two seen in the master bedroom, and the one slipped in the living room door after the first night.

"There is something wrong with these three notes!"

He frowned slightly and analyzed carefully.

Now with the previous basic speculation, Wei An has already noticed that the following three notes are a reflection of his follow-up actions, that is, if his actions are different, the contents of these three notes may also be different. no the same.

Not only was the strange talk rule distorted, but it was also changing accordingly based on his actions.

If it weren't for the conclusions after the analysis in the early stage, this change would only make Wei An feel more confused, so that he couldn't tell which one to believe at all, and he would have no doubts about Bin Bin's identity.

Wei An now knew that the contents of the last three notes should not be trusted, and he could only trust the notes he saw before Binbin was killed. Those were the real notes left to him by his parents.

And the mother's note once said that Binbin was not allowed to go to the master bedroom, which meant that there was already a problem in the master bedroom at that time, and that he could only go to the study between three and five every day.

Does it mean that there was also a problem with the study at that time?

Of course, it is also possible that the mother set the rule of only surfing the Internet for two hours in order to allow Binbin to complete his homework independently, preventing him from completely relying on copying questions online.

Now Wei'an's task has changed. He has to finish those high school homework within three days. This is his own task, so the time is very tight.

He has to make good use of the two hours a day to search for questions and copy homework on the Internet.

After analyzing and speculating on this day, Wei An obtained a large amount of information. After consuming it for a long time, he slowly sorted out some unknown issues.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and he could have some food in the refrigerator at night, but Wei An had no appetite, so he checked all suspicious places in the house early, and began to pay close attention to the movements in the master bedroom.

Now he already knows that the community outside the house looks like a landscape outside the field, everything is dead, because his current character is also dead, so everything he sees is a scene in the underworld.

No wonder no living person was seen passing by, it looked like a dead city outside.

I'm afraid that even this family exists in the underworld.

Time passed by, and after ten o'clock in the evening, there was a sudden movement in the master bedroom.

Wei An, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately approached, leaned in front of the broken door lock, and looked inside.

(End of this chapter)

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