this is not a joke

Chapter 506 Strange Tales of Rules - Yi Zhuang

Chapter 506 Strange Tales of Rules - Yi Zhuang

【Ghost Story: One Person's Yizhuang】

【Grade: C】

[Genre: Single (occasionally, role-playing)]

[Description of the event: In front of you is the yizhuang jointly built by three nearby villages, which is used to store the coffins that have not yet been buried in these three villages.However, due to floods, these villages have been moved one after another, and Yizhuang has gradually shown signs of being abandoned, and you are the last person left here.At present, there are still a few unburied corpses left in the Yizhuang. Please perform your duties as a left-behind person, and they will thank you.Remember, your range of activities cannot exceed 100 meters outside the Yizhuang. 】

[Main task: stay in Yizhuang for ten days, and perform the duties of the left-behind during the period. Don't be lazy. 】

[Main task reward: 500 energy points]

[Hidden mission: yes]


Wei An was surprised, and temporarily did not twist the brass door lock, but looked up at the top of the door.

There was nothing there but two lanterns.

From the outside, it is impossible to know that this place is actually a yizhuang for storing unburied people.

And it can be seen that I have arrived here just one step away from Binbin's home over there, which shows that these two ghost talk tasks are closely connected.

In other words, if the "locking the door" strange story is a very regular task, then this "Yizhuang" strange story is probably of the same kind.

Because this is the case with the rules of this special ghost talk, and the powerful rules are its characteristics.

"It seems that this ghost story is not only powerful in rules, but also covers a large area. The ghost story tasks are not the same. After completing the first 'locked door', you need to complete this 'Yi Zhuang' before going out." Wei Wei An secretly speculated, "I just don't know if there is anything else after completing this task?"

But now he has begun to pay attention, so when completing the mission of Yizhuang, if he encounters the part of the rule center that has not been destroyed, Wei An will find a way to destroy it and destroy other hidden rules at the same time.

He will no longer let this special and powerful rule keep him locked inside, unable to get out.

Now that he has completed the "lock the door" strange talk, Wei An has a full understanding of this kind of rule strange talk, and has gained customs clearance experience.

If the current mission of "Yizhuang" is the same as before, or not much different, then this mission of Yizhuang is the end of the whole strange talk.

Twist the copper key to open the brass door lock, and the moment the door was pushed open, there was a harsh friction sound of the door shaft, which seemed unusually abrupt in this empty and quiet mansion.

Inside is a small rectangular courtyard, above which are also hung several lanterns with bright lights, lined up, making this place not as dark as imagined.

Going further inside is a completely open lobby door. Even if Wei An didn't get close, he could still see several coffins placed in the lobby. Starting from the open door, the left and right sides went in.

However, no lanterns were lit in the lobby, but only a kerosene lamp was lit.

The lights were dim and flickered from time to time, and Wei An couldn't see the number of coffins inside, nor how they were arranged.

He didn't enter the lobby right away, but looked at both sides of the long and narrow courtyard, and found that he could pass in both directions. By bypassing the courtyard passage, he should be able to go to the back of the hall containing the coffin, where he may have his own residence.

Now let's not go to the residence for the time being, but take the time to understand the plot rules of the whole strange story.

When Wei An walked to the lobby, a cold breeze blew from the lobby where the coffin was placed, and touched his hair, ears, and shoulders, as if a gentle hand was caressing him quickly.

However, goose bumps popped out of the skin wherever he passed.

You can clearly feel a coldness spreading from inside, as if there are two worlds outside the lobby and inside the lobby.

Wei An was now able to see clearly the situation inside with the help of the oil lamp in the hall. Along the doorway, there were exactly ten coffins placed on the left and right.

However, the three coffins on the left are all open, and only two are covered, indicating that there are corpses inside. On the right side, only one coffin is covered, and the others are all open, so there is only one corpse stored here.

In the entire lobby, three corpses are still there, and the rest of the coffins are empty.

Wei An didn't enter the lobby immediately, but turned his attention to something like a sign next to the door.

The background of the notice board is black, and the characters on it are white. The sign feels like it is about to rot completely. The characters on it need to be closely discerned to be recognized, and the characters are small and numerous.

Fortunately, the lanterns in this long and narrow courtyard were full of firelight, and Wei An basically understood the words after carefully identifying them.

[Notice for those left behind:

[-]. There are ten coffins in Benyizhuang that can temporarily store corpses, and basically they will not be all idle, but it has never happened that all ten coffins are full of corpses.

[-]. A corpse can only be stored here for three days. If no one comes to claim the burial for more than three days, the left-behind person will bury the corpse in the mass grave behind Yizhuang.

[-]. The unclaimed corpse must be buried when it is stored for three days. If it cannot be buried within the time limit, take a copper coin, some paper money, and a white candle, and put them in front of the coffin. Burn the paper money and candle, and put the copper coin in the coffin. into the coffin.

[-]. Remember to add oil to the oil lamps in the hall at any time. It must keep burning continuously at twelve o'clock every day and cannot be extinguished.

[-]. You must patrol the Yi Zhuang twice a night, once in the third shift, and once in the fifth shift. If you hear movement in the lobby during this period, please ignore it and continue patrolling to the residence before you can rest.

[-]. If you hear singing while patrolling in the evening, remember not to hum along. If necessary, you can turn left three times on the spot, then return to the residence along the way you came, and patrol after the singing disappears.

[-]. The left-behinds need to record the work of the day in the record book before going to bed in the evening. If there is any change in the record of the previous day, immediately tear off the page and burn it with the oil lamp in the lobby.Don’t deal with any weirdness that occurs during the period, burn the record page as soon as possible, and record again.

[-]. If you find dead bodies in all ten coffins in the lobby, immediately blow out the oil lamps, close and lock the lobby door, and leave Benyizhuang as quickly as possible. 】

With the previous experience of the "lock the door" ghost story mission, Wei An has now roughly figured out the routine of this kind of rule ghost story.

Now after reading these notices for left-behind people, he knows that this is still the current rule pattern for this special ghost story.

If you want to stay here for ten days, you must act according to the above rules every day, otherwise it is easy to cause a lot of problems during this period.

Thinking of what happened to the last ghost talk mission, Wei An muttered to himself: "But... is it really staying behind for ten days?"

 Tomorrow is the first day of the Lunar New Year, it is rare to take a break, and I want to give myself a day off!This is the first time this book asks for leave, please approve!I love you all (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~Everyone eat, drink, have fun, sleep well, and celebrate the New Year with peace of mind!

(End of this chapter)

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