this is not a joke

Chapter 532 Chess Pieces

Chapter 532 Chess Pieces
Hearing Lin Rui say this, Pei Na was dumbfounded.

If you know him, you will know him, how can you still know Lin Rui 30 years later, Lin Rui is only in his 20s now, and he will be in his 30s 50 years later.

Could it be that the young woman in front of her has traveled back from the future?Through some special strange talk?

Various speculations appeared in Pei Na's mind for a while.

But now Lin Rui has found herself. Seeing his sincerity, Pei Na took back the knife that was on the woman's neck in the front row, but she chose to drive down from the other side of the car door, maintaining a proper relationship with Lin Rui and the woman distance.

Lin Rui obviously understood that Pei Na was still suspicious.

He immediately opened the car door, asked the young woman to get out of the car, and yelled at him to put the gun away, and then explained to Pei Na: "I wanted to investigate clearly before telling you and uncle, but now you have seen Yes, I'll tell you."

At this time, the woman also took off her mask and hat, revealing a young and beautiful face. She cast her eyes on Lin Rui, bowed slightly, and seemed to respect Lin Rui very much.

This kind of behavior is not the kind between male and female friends, nor is it the kind of special relationship, but a subconscious behavior, as if it has been engraved in the usual habits.

"Her name is Shen Lu, and she used to belong to the patriarch's organization." Lin Rui introduced to Pei Na.

Pei Na was suddenly surprised.

Just listen to Lin Rui said: "When I entered the human world with my uncle and the others for the first time, I had an illusion, as if I had been here before and was familiar with it. But I know very well that I grew up in the world of ghost stories, and since I can remember It’s always been there, it’s never been anywhere else. So it’s kind of strange to have that strange familiarity, but at the same time I’m sure it’s not out of thin air.”

"After returning to the building, I couldn't let go of this feeling, so I found a chance to sneak back to the central city through the passage formed by the cursed corpse. After re-entering here, I found a residential area based on my feeling, but I don't know why I will go there. I met Shen Lu there, she was being hunted down, and I got her into the car and rescued her."

At this time, Shen Lu took over the conversation and said: "That residential area used to be a stronghold of the patriarch, and later the administration found that area to be suspicious, so it had been abandoned long ago. For some reason, I also quit the organization, and later When I went back to get my personal things, I was met by people in the organization. They thought I had betrayed the organization and went to steal secrets, so they started chasing me. It happened that Lin Rui, who was outside at the time, saw me, so he rescued me .”

"When I saw Lin Rui, I was stunned by his appearance, and got into the car without the slightest doubt. After we communicated, we found that we did know each other before, but Lin Rui's memory was very vague and confusing. He felt that he knew me , but he doesn't know my name, nor what I do in the organization, he even... doesn't know his identity at all."

Pei Na turned to look at Lin Rui in surprise.

Lin Rui shook his head immediately and said, "I'm not him, I'm Lin Rui, and I've always been called Lin Rui."

"He is Lin Rui. From the moment Wei An woke him up in his 'world', he has always been Lin Rui." Pei Na nodded.

After a pause, Pei Na asked Shen Lu in confusion: "Then who do you think he is?"

Shen Lu's lips moved slightly, and two words popped out after a while: "Zongfu."

"Father?!" Pei Na was stunned.

But when she looked at Lin Rui, she found that Lin Rui's expression was normal, but it was obvious that Lin Rui must have been surprised when he heard Shen Lu say this at first, even more surprised than Pei Na now.

Shen Lu turned her head to look at Lin Rui, her eyes swept across his cheeks, and said, "It's so similar. Lin Rui's appearance is almost exactly the same as that of Zongfu, except that he is very young, at least 30 years younger than Zongfu."

Seeing the doubt in Pei Na's eyes, Shen Lu seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, and shook her head and said, "Lin Rui is not the son of the patriarch, and they are not relatives, but until now I have also suspected that the patriarch and Lin Rui are The same person. It's just that the age difference between the two of them is too great, but Lin Rui seems to have some incomplete and vague memories, but he doesn't know whether those memories were organized or happened to his father."

"Then do you know the specific identity of the patriarch? For example, his real name." Pei Na asked.

Shen Lu shook her head: "Except for a few patriarchs, I am afraid that no one knows his identity in the real world. Maybe he is just an unknown city citizen here, but he is the behind-the-scenes man in charge of a huge organization in the world of ghost stories. I When I left the organization, the level was very low, and there was no channel to know so much information."

After saying that, Shen Lu glanced at Lin Rui unknowingly. It could be seen that although Lin Rui and Zongfu were not the same person at the moment, there were too many similarities between the two, which caused Shen Lu to still subconsciously look at Lin Rui. He thinks he is the patriarch.

And there is another point, Shen Lu's attitude towards Lin Rui is also a bit strange, it should be that she transferred her original respect for her father to Lin Rui, and Lin Rui saved her life again.

From Pei Na's point of view, Shen Lu looked at Lin Rui with something different, which came from a woman's intuition, but the follow-up remains to be seen.

At this time, the three returned to Lin Rui's room in the hotel.

After some in-depth conversations, Pei Na probably knew the result of the discussions between Lin Rui and Shen Lu these days.

According to Shen Lu, the patriarch's strength is very strong, and it is said that the ghost story was not discovered in a relatively short period of time, only a few years, like the investigation by the Administration Bureau, but that the ghost story actually existed a long time ago, but At the beginning, it has been developing silently, and no one has paid attention to it.

But at that time, Zongfu had already started to have in-depth contact with Guai Tan. He had a very high talent, so he grew up very fast.

Then the organization was established and grew stronger and stronger in concealment.

In the organization, the paternal father is ranked first, then the patriarch, then the patriarch, and finally other ordinary members.

Now that Lin Rui appeared from the ghost story, and he looks very similar to the young patriarch, and it can even be said to be exactly the same, so Shen Lu is suspecting that the paternal father may have used some means in the ghost story to make the indigenous humans in the ghost story Some special abilities can be obtained, such as Lin Rui's ability to manifest, but the consequence is that this type of person will look very similar to the "spell caster" Zongfu.

In other words, Lin Rui may be a pawn planted by his grandfather in the ghost story.

This guess Shen Lu has never made it clear. It was not until Pei Na came this time and the three of them got together that Shen Lu proposed this idea.

Then it was Lin Rui who became confused, he couldn't accept what he had always known.

Even combining Lin Rui's experience from childhood to adulthood, Shen Lu also analyzed that Lin Rui's parents and the little girl next door were killed. This may be the father's plan, because this can perfectly stimulate the appearance of his actualization ability, leaving behind Use later.

"Impossible, that's not the case!"

Lin Rui's whole body was trembling, his cheeks were flushed, and his voice had changed.

If this is talking about the world at this moment, there are probably strange events that have manifested along with his excitement and anger.

"Lin Rui, don't get excited, this is just Shen Lu's speculation, not necessarily the truth." Pei Na said: "Let's go back and talk to your uncle, maybe he has other opinions."

Shen Lu didn't realize that Lin Rui would not be able to accept this speculation, so she looked at Lin Rui at a loss.

"Aunt Pei, I'll go back first..."

Before finishing speaking, Lin Rui turned and left the room, not only did not look at Shen Lu, but also did not close the door.

Pei Na immediately chased after her. When she came to the door, she looked back at Shen Lu: "What was your role in the organization at that time?"

"Aunt Pei, I..." Shen Lu was completely frightened by Lin Rui's reaction. Seeing Pei Na ask at this moment, she didn't realize what she should call him, but just followed Lin Rui.

"I was working in the analysis department of the organization at the time. I wasn't a ghost talk participant, intruder, or anything else, but specialized in... plot analysis of ghost stories."

(End of this chapter)

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