this is not a joke

Chapter 536 Returning to Black and White City

Chapter 536 Returning to Black and White City

Because Shen Lu has a good grasp of the paternal father's organization, if Wei An and Pei Na are added to assist, the investigation process will be much easier than her alone.

When he returned to the strange talk in the building, Lin Rui was already waiting for Wei An, and his expression was much more relaxed than before.

"Uncle, I have already found the city you mentioned to me!"

Wei An was taken aback, remembering that Lin Rui had asked Lin Rui to carefully search for the city where the black and white girl was located.

He is currently not satisfied with communicating with this woman in his dream, not to mention that there are too many uncertainties in the contact and communication in the dream, and he can't communicate at any time as he likes, it depends on luck.

So the best way is to find the strange city of black and white women.

But this is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. Even though Lin Rui has been investigating and searching between strange stories and walking through many gaps between strange stories, it took him so long to find the target city.

After communicating with Shen Lu, Wei An has more and more questions about the plot of the ghost story and the rules of the ghost story. This is a good time for him to communicate with the black and white girl.

"Where is that weird talk? Take me there!"

Wei An turned his head and said to Pei Na: "Stay here, if Dad wants to contact me, please help me get back to him. There is also Shen Lu, who may need to observe and help more."

"Be careful." Pei Na nodded.

Lin Rui immediately led the way, left the strange story of the building through the side door of the building, and walked into the thick fog, followed closely by Wei An.

The strange tales of the city where the black and white girl is located are really far away. I don't know how Lin Rui found them, but just looking at the strange tales along the road, Wei An felt that this kid was very difficult, and he really tried his best to help him find it.

To reach the city ghost story of the black and white girl, they traveled all the way through the fog, that is, the gap space of the ghost story. After about two hours in the human world, they entered the first ghost story as a springboard.

The task in this ghost story was not completed, and the identities of the two of them could not be defined by the ghost story, and they left soon.

After coming out, according to Lin Rui's statement, this place is already far away from the ghost story building, and then they entered the second ghost story springboard, which is still D-level.

However, in this strange story, you need to complete the whole task before you can go out. This is the way Lin Rui explored, and the rules of this strange story cannot be distorted, and it must be carried out completely and accurately.

It's just that Lin Rui has already figured out this weird talk, and Wei An doesn't need to use his brain or use force to follow him, and everything goes through smoothly and quickly.

After leaving, he jumped again for a long distance in the strange talk space, but he was getting closer and closer to the black and white girl.

After entering the third ghost talk springboard, Lin Rui told Wei'an that there is nothing to do here, just wait until the real participants come in, push open the door of an abandoned bus according to the plot, and then they will go in.

This must be done when the real plot is here, and it can be opened naturally. If Wei An violently breaks open the abandoned bus gate, he will not be able to reach the city of black and white women.

The two waited patiently. Fortunately, they didn't wait long. Four participants entered this E-level strange talk at the same time, and one of the four participants was an investigator belonging to the Yucheng Administration.

The investigator's level should tend to be second to third level.

With the lead of this investigator, I believe these people should be able to pass the ghost talk, but sometimes it is normal to lose one or two people.

Wei An and Lin Rui didn't delay here, but waited silently for these participants to advance the plot after Lin Rui used his ability to hide the two of them, until they found the abandoned bus, and then took out the keys they had obtained to drive the plot forward. The bus door opened smoothly.

After obtaining an important item in the bus, the participants went on to complete the follow-up task.

Wei An and Lin Rui came out, walked into the open bus, got up from the front, then opened the back door of the bus, and walked down from the other end.

After walking down, the scene in front of them has changed. Obviously, they have left the ghost story at this moment, passed through the gaps between a large number of ghost stories, and directly appeared in a city.

This is an abandoned parking lot outside the city's outskirts, where a large number of scrapped cars are parked, and the place where two of them got off is also an abandoned bus.

Looking up at the city not far away, Wei An knew that he had arrived at his destination.

This is indeed the city where the black and white girl is located, and Lin Rui made no mistake this time.

Because he had been here before, Lin Rui made preparations in advance. A small car that could drive was parked next to the abandoned parking lot. The two got into the car and drove quickly to the city.

After entering the city, Wei An was still a little confused at first, because he had been away from here for too long. Although he himself drove a car through here and visited many streets and areas, it took half an hour to find out where he was. .

"This city...has changed a lot?!" Wei An muttered to himself while driving.

Just like what he saw now, although the streets haven't changed much, many buildings in this city have indeed changed, which shows that this strange city has been developing all the time.

And as the black and white woman said when she met Wei An last time, she was looking for a way to fully control the strange stories in this city, instead of letting the rules of the strange stories expand and run irregularly.

Now it seems that black and white women should have made progress, so the development of the city has become better and more regular.

It's just that I don't know how many ghost stories there are now, and it's not known whether Wei'an still exists in that APP ghost story.

After spending another hour, he finally found the path where the scavenger girl was sitting. After driving in, he stopped in front of a three-story abandoned old building.

It is daytime, and it is still noon, the sun is dazzling, so at this moment, the body of the scavenger girl should be dominated by a white woman, not a black woman who will appear at night.

But his only worry is that the scavenger girl might wander around the city, pick up garbage, and eat other people's leftover food, because this seems to be her interest in understanding and developing the strange stories of this city.

Asking Lin Rui to wait in the car, Wei An came to the third floor, went outside the room where the scavenger girl was, and knocked on the door, but there was no movement after waiting for a while.

He thought to himself that it might be bad luck. Most of the scavengers are picking up garbage somewhere in the city and basking in the sun at this time.

Standing in the corridor on the third floor, looking towards the direction of the parking lot, Wei An was startled suddenly, and saw a ragged woman standing next to the car, looked up at herself, then lowered her head, and looked at the woman sitting in the car. Lin Rui.

Looking back at Lin Rui at this moment, the boy's whole body was already tense, his head didn't move, but his eyeballs turned slightly, and he was peeking at the woman standing outside the car.

This person is the scavenger girl.

It seems that she just came back from the outside, with a soft expression, she should be a white woman, not a black woman.

Wei An hurried downstairs, ran over to the scavenger girl, smiled and said, "Although it took a lot of time, I'm lucky that I found you again!"

The scavenger girl withdrew her gaze from Lin Rui, then looked at Wei An again, with a smile on her face: "Let's go in and say, is he coming?"

After talking, he glanced at Lin Rui in the car. Lin Rui shook his head immediately before Wei An answered.

After the scavenger girl walked forward, Lin Rui rolled down the car window and quietly reminded Wei An: "Uncle, pay attention, this weirdness is very strong, stronger than the weird hair we encountered before...!"

(End of this chapter)

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